"""Views for InbredSet resources.""" from pymonad.either import Left, Right, Either from flask import jsonify, Response, Blueprint, current_app as app from gn_auth.auth.db import sqlite3 as db from gn_auth.auth.requests import request_json from gn_auth.auth.db.sqlite3 import with_db_connection from gn_auth.auth.authentication.oauth2.resource_server import require_oauth from gn_auth.auth.authorisation.resources.groups.models import user_group, admin_group from .models import (create_resource, link_data_to_resource, assign_inbredset_group_owner_role) popbp = Blueprint("populations", __name__) @popbp.route("/populations/resource-id//", methods=["GET"]) def resource_id_by_inbredset_id(speciesid: int, inbredsetid: int) -> Response: """Retrieve the resource ID for resource attached to the inbredset.""" def __res_by_iset_id__(conn): with db.cursor(conn) as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT r.resource_id FROM linked_inbredset_groups AS lisg " "INNER JOIN inbredset_group_resources AS isgr " "ON lisg.data_link_id=isgr.data_link_id " "INNER JOIN resources AS r ON isgr.resource_id=r.resource_id " "WHERE lisg.SpeciesId=? AND lisg.InbredSetId=?", (speciesid, inbredsetid)) return cursor.fetchone() res = with_db_connection(__res_by_iset_id__) if res: resp = jsonify({"status": "success", "resource-id": res["resource_id"]}) else: resp = jsonify({ "status": "not-found", "error_description": ( "Could not find resource handling InbredSet group with ID " f"'{inbredsetid}' that belongs to Species with ID " f"'{speciesid}'") }) resp.status_code = 404 return resp @popbp.route("/populations/create", methods=["POST"]) @require_oauth("profile group resource") def create_population_resource(): """Create a resource of type 'inbredset-group'.""" with (require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource") as _token, db.connection(app.config["AUTH_DB"]) as conn, db.cursor(conn) as cursor): def __check_form__(form, usergroup) -> Either: """Check form for errors.""" errors: tuple[str, ...] = tuple() species_id = form.get("species_id") if not bool(species_id): errors = errors + ("Missing `species_id` value.",) population_id = form.get("population_id") if not bool(population_id): errors = errors + ("Missing `population_id` value.",) population_name = form.get("population_name") if not bool(population_name): errors = errors + ("Missing `population_name` value.",) population_fullname = form.get("population_fullname") if not bool(population_fullname): errors = errors + ("Missing `population_fullname` value.",) if bool(errors): error_messages = "\n\t - ".join(errors) return Left({ "error": "Invalid Request Data!", "error_description": error_messages }) return Right({"formdata": form, "group": usergroup}) def __default_group_if_none__(group) -> Either: if group.is_nothing(): return admin_group(conn) return Right(group.value) return __default_group_if_none__( user_group(conn, _token.user) ).then( lambda group: __check_form__(request_json(), group) ).then( lambda formdata: { **formdata, "resource": create_resource( cursor, f"Population — {formdata['formdata']['population_name']}", _token.user, formdata["group"], formdata["formdata"].get("public", "on") == "on")} ).then( lambda resource: { **resource, "resource": assign_inbredset_group_owner_role( cursor, resource["resource"], _token.user)} ).then( lambda resource: link_data_to_resource( cursor, resource["resource"].resource_id, resource["formdata"]["species_id"], resource["formdata"]["population_id"], resource["formdata"]["population_name"], resource["formdata"]["population_fullname"]) ).either( lambda error: (jsonify(error), 400), jsonify)