""" Refresh tokens for JWTs Refresh tokens are not supported directly by JWTs. This therefore provides a form of extension to JWTs. """ import uuid import datetime from typing import Optional from dataclasses import dataclass from authlib.oauth2.rfc6749 import TokenMixin, InvalidGrantError from pymonad.either import Left, Right from pymonad.maybe import Just, Maybe, Nothing from pymonad.tools import monad_from_none_or_value from gn_auth.auth.db import sqlite3 as db from gn_auth.auth.authentication.users import User, user_by_id from gn_auth.auth.authentication.oauth2.models.oauth2client import ( OAuth2Client, client as fetch_client) @dataclass(frozen=True) class JWTRefreshToken(TokenMixin):# pylint: disable=[too-many-instance-attributes] """Class representing a JWT refresh token.""" token: str client: OAuth2Client user: User issued_with: uuid.UUID issued_at: datetime.datetime expires: datetime.datetime scope: str revoked: bool parent_of: Optional[str] = None def is_expired(self): """Check whether refresh token has expired.""" return self.expires <= datetime.datetime.now() def get_scope(self): return self.scope def get_expires_in(self): return (self.expires - self.issued_at).total_seconds() def is_revoked(self): """Check whether refresh token is revoked""" return self.revoked def check_client(self, client: OAuth2Client) -> bool: """Check whether the token is issued to given `client`.""" return client.client_id == self.client.client_id def revoke_refresh_token(conn: db.DbConnection, token: JWTRefreshToken) -> None: """Revoke a refresh token.""" # TODO: this token has been used before - revoke tree. # TODO: Fetch all the children tokens # HINT: # SELECT t1.token, t1.parent_of FROM jwt_refresh_tokens AS t1 # LEFT JOIN jwt_refresh_tokens AS t2 ON t1.parent_of=t2.token # TODO: Revoke all children tokens including the treeroot token raise NotImplementedError() def save_refresh_token(conn: db.DbConnection, token: JWTRefreshToken) -> None: """Save the Refresh tokens into the database.""" with db.cursor(conn) as cursor: cursor.execute( ("INSERT INTO jwt_refresh_tokens" "(token, client_id, user_id, issued_with, issued_at, expires, " "scope, revoked, parent_of) " "VALUES" "(:token, :client_id, :user_id, :issued_with, :issued_at, " ":expires, :scope, :revoked, :parent_of) " "ON CONFLICT (token) DO UPDATE SET parent_of=:parent_of"), { "token": token.token, "client_id": str(token.client.client_id), "user_id": str(token.user.user_id), "issued_with": str(token.issued_with), "issued_at": token.issued_at.timestamp(), "expires": token.expires.timestamp(), "scope": token.get_scope(), "revoked": token.revoked, "parent_of": token.parent_of }) def load_refresh_token(conn: db.DbConnection, token: str) -> Maybe: """Load a refresh_token by its token string.""" def __process_results__(results): _user = user_by_id(conn, uuid.UUID(results["user_id"])) _now = datetime.datetime.now() return JWTRefreshToken( token=results["token"], client=fetch_client( conn, uuid.UUID(results["client_id"]), user=_user).maybe( OAuth2Client(uuid.uuid4(), "secret", _now, _now, {}, _user), lambda _client: _client), user=_user, issued_with=uuid.UUID(results["issued_with"]), issued_at=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(results["issued_at"]), expires=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(results["expires"]), scope=results["scope"], revoked=bool(int(results["revoked"])), parent_of=results["parent_of"] ) with db.cursor(conn) as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM jwt_refresh_tokens WHERE token=:token", {"token": token}) return monad_from_none_or_value(Nothing, Just, cursor.fetchone()).then( __process_results__) def link_child_token(conn: db.DbConnection, parenttoken: str, childtoken: str): """Link child token.""" def __link_to_child__(parent): with db.cursor(conn) as cursor: cursor.execute( ("UPDATE jwt_refresh_tokens SET parent_of=:childtoken " "WHERE token=:parenttoken"), {"parenttoken": parent.token, "childtoken": childtoken}) def __raise_error__(_error_msg_): raise InvalidGrantError(_error_msg_) load_refresh_token(conn, parenttoken).maybe( Left("Token not found"), Right).either( __raise_error__, __link_to_child__) def is_refresh_token_valid(token: JWTRefreshToken, client: OAuth2Client) -> bool: """Check whether a token is valid.""" return ( (token.client.client_id == client.client_id) and (not token.is_expired()) and (not token.revoked) )