"""Implement model for JWTBearerToken""" import uuid import time from typing import Optional from authlib.oauth2.rfc7523 import JWTBearerToken as _JWTBearerToken from gn_auth.auth.db.sqlite3 import with_db_connection from gn_auth.auth.authentication.users import user_by_id from gn_auth.auth.authentication.oauth2.models.oauth2client import ( client as fetch_client) class JWTBearerToken(_JWTBearerToken): """Overrides default JWTBearerToken class.""" def __init__(self, payload, header, options=None, params=None): """Initialise the bearer token.""" # TOD0: Maybe remove this init and make this a dataclass like the way # OAuth2Client is a dataclass super().__init__(payload, header, options, params) self.user = with_db_connection( lambda conn:user_by_id(conn, uuid.UUID(payload["sub"]))) self.client = with_db_connection( lambda conn: fetch_client( conn, uuid.UUID(payload["oauth2_client_id"]) ) ).maybe(None, lambda _client: _client) def check_client(self, client): """Check that the client is right.""" return self.client.get_client_id() == client.get_client_id() def get_expires_in(self) -> Optional[int]: """Return the number of seconds the token is valid for since issue. If `None`, the token never expires.""" if "exp" in self: return self['exp'] - self['iat'] return None def is_expired(self): """Check whether the token is expired. If there is no 'exp' member, assume this token will never expire.""" if "exp" in self: return self["exp"] < time.time() return False