"""Application initialisation module.""" import os import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional, Callable from flask import Flask from flask_cors import CORS from authlib.jose import JsonWebKey from gn_auth.misc_views import misc from gn_auth.auth.views import oauth2 from gn_auth.auth.authentication.oauth2.server import setup_oauth2_server from . import settings from .errors import register_error_handlers class ConfigurationError(Exception): """Raised in case of a configuration error.""" def check_mandatory_settings(app: Flask) -> None: """Verify that mandatory settings are defined in the application""" undefined = tuple( setting for setting in ( "SECRET_KEY", "SQL_URI", "AUTH_DB", "AUTH_MIGRATIONS", "OAUTH2_SCOPE", "SSL_PRIVATE_KEY", "UPLOADS_DIR") if not ((setting in app.config) and bool(app.config[setting]))) if len(undefined) > 0: raise ConfigurationError( "You must provide (valid) values for the following settings: " + "\n\t* " + "\n\t* ".join(undefined)) def override_settings_with_envvars( app: Flask, ignore: tuple[str, ...]=tuple()) -> None: """Override settings in `app` with those in ENVVARS""" for setting in (key for key in app.config if key not in ignore): app.config[setting] = os.environ.get(setting) or app.config[setting] def load_secrets_conf(app: Flask) -> None: """Load the secrets file.""" secretsfile = app.config.get("GN_AUTH_SECRETS") if ((not secretsfile is None) and (bool(secretsfile.strip()))): secretsfile = Path(secretsfile.strip()).absolute() app.config["GN_AUTH_SECRETS"] = secretsfile if not secretsfile.exists(): raise ConfigurationError( f"The file '{secretsfile}' does not exist. " "You must provide a path to an existing secrets file.") app.config.from_pyfile(secretsfile) def parse_ssl_keys(app): """Parse the SSL keys.""" def __parse_key__(keypath: Path) -> JsonWebKey: with open(keypath) as _sslkey:# pylint: disable=[unspecified-encoding] return JsonWebKey.import_key(_sslkey.read()) key_storage_dir = Path(app.config["UPLOADS_DIR"]).joinpath( "clients-ssl-keys") key_storage_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) app.config["CLIENTS_SSL_PUBLIC_KEYS_DIR"] = key_storage_dir app.config["SSL_PUBLIC_KEYS"] = { _key.as_dict()["kid"]: _key for _key in ( __parse_key__(Path(key_storage_dir).joinpath(key)) for key in os.listdir(key_storage_dir))} app.config["SSL_PRIVATE_KEY"] = __parse_key__( Path(app.config["SSL_PRIVATE_KEY"])) def create_app( config: Optional[dict] = None, setup_logging: Callable[[Flask], None] = lambda appl: None ) -> Flask: """Create and return a new flask application.""" app = Flask(__name__) # ====== Setup configuration ====== app.config.from_object(settings) # Default settings # Override defaults with startup settings app.config.update(config or {}) # Override app settings with site-local settings if "GN_AUTH_CONF" in os.environ: app.config.from_envvar("GN_AUTH_CONF") override_settings_with_envvars(app) load_secrets_conf(app) parse_ssl_keys(app) # ====== END: Setup configuration ====== setup_logging(app) check_mandatory_settings(app) setup_oauth2_server(app) CORS( app, origins=app.config["CORS_ORIGINS"], allow_headers=app.config["CORS_HEADERS"], supports_credentials=True, intercept_exceptions=False) ## Blueprints app.register_blueprint(misc, url_prefix="/") app.register_blueprint(oauth2, url_prefix="/auth") register_error_handlers(app) return app