"""JWT as Authorisation Grant""" import uuid import time from typing import Optional from flask import current_app as app from authlib.jose import jwt from authlib.common.encoding import to_native from authlib.common.security import generate_token from authlib.oauth2.rfc7523.jwt_bearer import JWTBearerGrant as _JWTBearerGrant from authlib.oauth2.rfc7523.token import ( JWTBearerTokenGenerator as _JWTBearerTokenGenerator) from gn_auth.debug import __pk__ from gn_auth.auth.db.sqlite3 import with_db_connection from gn_auth.auth.authentication.users import User, user_by_id from gn_auth.auth.authentication.oauth2.models.oauth2client import OAuth2Client class JWTBearerTokenGenerator(_JWTBearerTokenGenerator): """ A JSON Web Token formatted bearer token generator for jwt-bearer grant type. """ DEFAULT_EXPIRES_IN = 300 def get_token_data(#pylint: disable=[too-many-arguments, too-many-positional-arguments] self, grant_type, client, expires_in=None, user=None, scope=None ): """Post process data to prevent JSON serialization problems.""" issued_at = int(time.time()) tokendata = { "scope": self.get_allowed_scope(client, scope), "grant_type": grant_type, "iat": issued_at, "client_id": client.get_client_id() } if isinstance(expires_in, int) and expires_in > 0: tokendata["exp"] = issued_at + expires_in if self.issuer: tokendata["iss"] = self.issuer if user: tokendata["sub"] = self.get_sub_value(user) return { **{ key: str(value) if key.endswith("_id") else value for key, value in tokendata.items() }, "sub": str(tokendata["sub"]), "jti": str(uuid.uuid4()), "oauth2_client_id": str(client.client_id) } def generate(# pylint: disable=[too-many-arguments, too-many-positional-arguments] self, grant_type: str, client: OAuth2Client, user: Optional[User] = None, scope: Optional[str] = None, expires_in: Optional[int] = None ) -> dict: """Generate a bearer token for OAuth 2.0 authorization token endpoint. :param client: the client that making the request. :param grant_type: current requested grant_type. :param user: current authorized user. :param expires_in: if provided, use this value as expires_in. :param scope: current requested scope. :return: Token dict """ token_data = self.get_token_data(grant_type, client, expires_in, user, scope) access_token = jwt.encode({"alg": self.alg}, token_data, key=self.secret_key, check=False) token = { "token_type": "Bearer", "access_token": to_native(access_token) } if expires_in: token["expires_in"] = expires_in if scope: token["scope"] = scope return token def __call__(# pylint: disable=[too-many-arguments, too-many-positional-arguments] self, grant_type, client, user=None, scope=None, expires_in=None, include_refresh_token=True ): # there is absolutely no refresh token in JWT format """ The default generator does not provide refresh tokens with JWT. It goes so far as to state "there is absolutely no refresh token in JWT format". This shim allows us to have a refresh token. We should probably look for a supported way of using JWTs with refresh capability. """ token = self.generate(grant_type, client, user, scope, expires_in) if include_refresh_token: return { **token, "refresh_token": generate_token(length=42) } return token class JWTBearerGrant(_JWTBearerGrant): """Implement JWT as Authorisation Grant.""" TOKEN_ENDPOINT_AUTH_METHODS = ["client_secret_post", "client_secret_jwt"] CLAIMS_OPTIONS = { **_JWTBearerGrant.CLAIMS_OPTIONS, "jti": {"essential": True} } def resolve_issuer_client(self, issuer): """Fetch client via "iss" in assertion claims.""" return with_db_connection( lambda conn: self.server.query_client(issuer)) def resolve_client_key(self, client, headers, payload): """Resolve client key to decode assertion data.""" keyset = client.jwks() __pk__("THE KEYSET =======>", keyset.keys) return keyset.find_by_kid(headers["kid"]) def authenticate_user(self, subject): """Authenticate user with the given assertion claims.""" return with_db_connection(lambda conn: user_by_id(conn, subject)) def has_granted_permission(self, client, user): """ Check if the client has permission to access the given user's resource. """ return True # TODO: Check this!!! def create_token_response(self): """If valid and authorized, the authorization server issues an access token. """ token = self.generate_token( scope=self.request.scope, user=self.request.user, include_refresh_token=self.request.client.check_grant_type( "refresh_token") ) app.logger.debug('Issue token %r to %r', token, self.request.client) self.save_token(token) return 200, token, self.TOKEN_RESPONSE_HEADER