import json import sys import os from r2r import R2R, Document, GenerationConfig, R2RClient def writeDatasetFile(responses, outp_file): print(outp_file) output = json.dumps(responses, indent=2) if os.path.exists(outp_file): with open(outp_file, "a") as the_data: the_data.write('' + output) else: with open(outp_file, "a") as the_data: the_data.write(output) client = R2RClient("http://localhost:8000") health_resp = print("The R2R client's health status is {0}".format(health_resp)) questions = [ "List as many studies as you can that include rapamycin.", "Why is it so difficult to map gene loci that control aging in humans?" ] rag_response = {} ndx = 1 for question in questions: rag_response[str(ndx)] = client.rag(question) ndx = ndx + 1 #print(json.dumps(rag_response, indent=2)) try: read_file = str(sys.argv[1]) out_file = str(sys.argv[2]) except: exit('Example use "python ../data/questions/human/de/aging.json ../data/responses/human/de/aging_resp.json"') writeDatasetFile(rag_response, out_file)