{ "created_at": "2024-04-02T12:10:07.521330Z", "data": { "amplify": false, "answer": "The grand challenges related to aging research in genetics and genomics include:\n\n1. Lack of awareness and interest: Health professionals, governments, and researchers often lack awareness and interest in genetic diseases, which hinders progress.\n\n2. Limited funding and access to technology: Research funding is often limited, and access to high-end technology is not always available, which restricts the scope of research.\n\n3. Economic and health disparities: These disparities can affect the application and benefits of genomic medicine, making it less accessible to those in lower income brackets.\n\n4. Ethical, legal, and social issues: The interpretation, storage, and sharing of genetic data raise ethical and legal concerns, including issues of privacy and consent.\n\n5. Rapid advancements: The fast pace of developments in genetics and genomics can outpace the ability to address emerging ethical, legal, and social questions.\n\n6. Public knowledge and trust: There is a need to increase public knowledge about genomic research and address issues of trust in medicine and scientific research.\n\n7. Integration of genomics into public health: This is a major future challenge for healthcare systems, requiring dialogue with all stakeholders in society.", "context": { "16a19a42-1f27-43e4-a4df-46d5e9c81096": [ { "document_id": "16a19a42-1f27-43e4-a4df-46d5e9c81096", "text": "\n\nThere is a great need for continuing efforts to increase public knowledge about genomic research.As individuals and communities from diverse social backgrounds become more aware of genomic research and the potential role of genetics in contributing to health outcomes, the public will hopefully be more informed about the implications of genomic research for personal medical care, public health and more broadly the public representation of diverse population groups based on genetic findings.This knowledge should reinforce the ability of potential participants to make informed choices about joining a genetic study.There are complicated issues underlying public trust in medicine as well as scientific and genetic research that must be addressed.Innovative strategies for public education and community engagement should take into account cultural settings and historical experiences that have contributed to distrust in the past." } ], "64d87c52-1185-4080-8d06-134c32dae5fd": [ { "document_id": "64d87c52-1185-4080-8d06-134c32dae5fd", "text": "\n\nThe issues discussed in this section refl ect key current concerns, but, given the rapid advances in genetic and genomic research, new issues will continue to confront families in the next few years.For example, major advances in the developing area of neuropsychiatric genetics, studies of the heritable nature of psychiatric and other nervous system disorders, characterized at the molecular, cellular, or behavioral levels, will challenge family members to address the potential role genes play in the development of schizophrenia, bipolar, or affective disorders (Genomics Network, n.d.)." }, { "document_id": "64d87c52-1185-4080-8d06-134c32dae5fd", "text": "Future Implications and Communication Research Directions\n\nGiven ever-expanding research on genetics and genomics, scholars interested in family interaction will be challenged to stay abreast of the implications for family disclosure and discussion of genetic health.We believe that the following issues will emerge as key concerns:" } ], "855e497d-7305-4154-b395-283992ddc4d0": [ { "document_id": "855e497d-7305-4154-b395-283992ddc4d0", "text": "Conclusion\n\nAfter more than four decades of working, genetics and genomic medicine still faces a considerable challenge to be addressed.Lack of awareness of health professionals and government, lack of interest of researcher on genetic diseases, limited research funding, limited access to high technology, low national health budget and low income family are seem to be the main obstacles to be overcome in implementation of genetics and genomic medicine.Despite these conditions, several research centers still managed to do some studies and few numbers of genetic testing.Several collaborations with countries abroad have been done to overcome some obstacles.Yet, Indonesia still has to accelerate this effort to be able to catch up its lag.Mentoring and collaborations are needed to enable Indonesia in doing so." } ], "98ce73c6-a53b-486f-8326-4b0bd47ec22e": [ { "document_id": "98ce73c6-a53b-486f-8326-4b0bd47ec22e", "text": "Opportunities for Population-Based Research on Aging Human Subjects:\n\nPathology and Genetics" } ], "9e513fea-5257-4887-9802-57d416f21dfc": [ { "document_id": "9e513fea-5257-4887-9802-57d416f21dfc", "text": "Concluding remarks\n\nThe next decade will provide a window of opportunity to prepare health professionals, public health practitioners, the public and policy makers for the advent of genomics on health and health care.This will be a doable project but will require regional, national, European and global coordination on both the vertical and horizontal levels.We argue that there is an ethical obligation to prepare society to meet this challenge and to take up the opportunities provided by the science in a medically useful, effective, efficient, socially desirable and ethically justifiable manner.Here, health literacy, health communication and empowerment in managing risks are key for opening the doors to a truly beneficial Public Health Genomics practice.This can be facilitated by implementing ethical benchmarks and legal safeguards 70 such as respect for autonomy and social justice in the context of policy development." }, { "document_id": "9e513fea-5257-4887-9802-57d416f21dfc", "text": "\n\nClarifying the general conditions under which genomic knowledge can be put to best practice in the field of public health, paying particular consideration to the ethical, legal and social implications 12,17,35 is currently the most pressing task in Public Health Genomics.Aiming the application of genetic and molecular science to the promotion of health and disease prevention through the organised efforts of society, integral to its activities is a dialogue with all stakeholders in society, including industry, governments, health professionals and the general public. 18Thus, the integration of genomics into public health research, policy and practice is one of the major future challenges for our health-care systems. 36,37Expertise is already feasible and can be clustered and evaluated for a socially accountable use." }, { "document_id": "9e513fea-5257-4887-9802-57d416f21dfc", "text": "\n\nPublic health needs to prepare itself for the upcoming challenges, which derive from genomics.In this sense, it needs to strengthen the communication efforts among all sciences involved.Public health can serve as the umbrella, that spans the disciplines such as genetics, ethics, law and all other stakeholders." } ], "9f21007a-1487-46d8-8e9e-cde8df4af6d5": [ { "document_id": "9f21007a-1487-46d8-8e9e-cde8df4af6d5", "text": "\n\nEconomic and health disparities related to genetics and genomics." }, { "document_id": "9f21007a-1487-46d8-8e9e-cde8df4af6d5", "text": "\n\nCapabilities and limitations of current genetic/genomic technologies." }, { "document_id": "9f21007a-1487-46d8-8e9e-cde8df4af6d5", "text": "\n\nIdentify ethical, legal, and social issues associated with genetic/genomic information." }, { "document_id": "9f21007a-1487-46d8-8e9e-cde8df4af6d5", "text": "\n\nOngoing research contributing to improved understanding of the genetic/genomic influences on health." }, { "document_id": "9f21007a-1487-46d8-8e9e-cde8df4af6d5", "text": "Economic and health disparities related to genetics and genomics. Integrate knowledge from psychology, history, politics, sociology and culture when delivering genetic and genomic care." }, { "document_id": "9f21007a-1487-46d8-8e9e-cde8df4af6d5", "text": "\n\nEthical and legal issues surrounding genetic and genomic information and services." } ], "a4e27158-1e54-4ee2-9cc1-049489a628bc": [ { "document_id": "a4e27158-1e54-4ee2-9cc1-049489a628bc", "text": "\n\nDevelopments in genetics and genomics occur very rapidly and bring with them new ethical, legal and social questions that need swift, sensible and responsible responses (Pepper, 2011).Examples include next-generation sequencing, genetic cohort studies and biobanks, which have raised questions about data management, including quality of interpretation of data, data storage, data sharing, consent for re-use of data, as well as concerns about identifiability and privacy interests of those who provide samples (Kaye, 2012;Wolf, 2013;Pinxten and Howard, 2014).However, the rapidity of advancement poses difficulties for those who must determine the responses to these questions.They are often slow or even overtaken by further advancements.Ethical, legal and social-related challenges should be prioritised for policymakers, researchers, clinicians and public health practitioners to maximise the benefits of genomic and genetic applications while minimising the risk of harm to people (Geller et al., 2014).Any education strategy developed should therefore be dynamic." } ], "af3d7cd3-40ec-4a86-a473-89f83da250e4": [ { "document_id": "af3d7cd3-40ec-4a86-a473-89f83da250e4", "text": "Query 2. Perceptions of Genetics and Genomics\n\nAwareness of Genetic and Genomic Advancements." } ], "be3e9fcb-5469-48eb-bc1b-118e58f82cc5": [ { "document_id": "be3e9fcb-5469-48eb-bc1b-118e58f82cc5", "text": "\n\nIn addition, 4 scholarly commentaries in this issue provide insights into several current practical issues and developments in genetics and genomics.Feero and colleagues 11 describe advances in genomics science and explore many of the issues surrounding translation of these advances to routine \"personalized\" patient care.Offit 12 discusses the increasing availability of direct-to-consumer marketing of genomic and genetic testing and sounds an appropriately cautionary note about the need for standards, quality control, and appropriate regulation.Uhlmann and Guttmacher 13 present a useful collection of practical Internet genetics resources for clinicians and patients, including genetics information on specific diseases; guidelines for genetic testing; and educational resources to help clinicians integrate genetics into patient care.Ginsberg and colleagues 14 discuss the importance of centralized biorepositories for genetics and genomics research and empha-size the need to develop and implement standards for informed consent, informatics, and governance." } ], "cb76344a-9307-4a44-b6b2-455b728bb249": [ { "document_id": "cb76344a-9307-4a44-b6b2-455b728bb249", "text": "\n\nKey Themes Relevant To Genomic Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3" } ], "e8be2280-10e9-4b62-af14-0772947d2d7e": [ { "document_id": "e8be2280-10e9-4b62-af14-0772947d2d7e", "text": "\n\nA first step is to define the challenges that stand in the way of realizing the promise of genomic medicine.These include addressing gaps in the oversight of genetic testing (including regulation of companies providing test interpretation services), ensuring that realistic claims are made in promotional materials for genetic testing, determining the appropriate role of new genomic technologies in patient care, ensuring the privacy of patients' genomic data, and improving insurance coverage and reimbursement for genetic services.The Secretary's Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health, and Society (SACGHS), on which two of us serve, advises the secretary of health and human services and reports on these issues." }, { "document_id": "e8be2280-10e9-4b62-af14-0772947d2d7e", "text": "\n\nHow can we maximize the benefits of these new developments and minimize the harms?How can we encourage patients' involvement and autonomy yet establish appropriate safeguards while avoiding inappropriate paternalism?How do we promote Preparing for a Consumer-Driven Genomic Age the understanding that interpretations of genomic information may evolve as research unravels the meaning of gene-gene and gene-environment interactions and the roles of noncoding DNA sequences, copy-number variants, epigenetic mechanisms, and behavioral factors in health and disease?" } ] }, "data_source": [], "document_id": "8FE04B7D11697E4EF20F0147B082EC5B", "engine": "gpt-4", "first_load": false, "focus": "api", "keywords": [ "genetics&genomics", "public&health", "ethical&issues", "legal&issues", "genetic&testing", "data&management", "privacy", "health&disparities", "genomic&medicine", "patient&care" ], "metadata": [], "question": "List and describe the grand challenges related to aging research in genetics and genomics.", "subquestions": null, "task_id": "8FE04B7D11697E4EF20F0147B082EC5B", "usage": { "chatgpt": 3769, "gpt-4": 2657, "gpt-4-turbo-preview": 1711 }, "user_id": 2 }, "document_id": "8FE04B7D11697E4EF20F0147B082EC5B", "task_id": "8FE04B7D11697E4EF20F0147B082EC5B" }