#+TITLE: GeneNetwork Database Schema

This is an attempt to reverse engineer and understand the schema of the
GeneNetwork database. The goal is to prune redundant tables, fields, etc. and
arrive at a simplified schema. This simplified schema will be useful when
migrating the database.

* Species
** Id
   Primary key
** SpeciesId
   Looks like a redundant key referred to as a foreign key from many other
   tables. This field should be replaced by Id.
** SpeciesName
   Common name of the species. This field can be replaced by MenuName.
** Name
   Downcased common name used as key for the species in dictionaries
** MenuName
   Name in the Species dropdown menu. This is the SpeciesName, but sometimes
   with the reference genome identifier mentioned in brackets.
** FullName
   Binomial name of the species
** TaxonomyId
   Foreign keys?
** OrderId
   Foreign keys?

* Strain
** Id
   Primary key
** Name
   Name of the strain
** Name2
   A second name. For most rows, this is the same as Name. Why is this
** SpeciesId
   Foreign key into the Species table
** Symbol
** Alias