#! /usr/bin/env python3 # pylint: disable=invalid-name """This script must be run each time the database is updated. It runs queries against the SQL database, indexes the results and builds a xapian index. This xapian index is later used in providing search through the web interface. """ from collections import deque, namedtuple import contextlib from functools import partial import itertools import json import logging from multiprocessing import Lock, Process import os import pathlib import resource import shutil import tempfile from typing import Callable, Generator, Iterable, List import MySQLdb import click from pymonad.maybe import Just, Maybe, Nothing from pymonad.tools import curry import xapian from gn3.db_utils import database_connection from gn3.monads import query_sql DOCUMENTS_PER_CHUNK = 100000 SQLQuery = namedtuple("SQLQuery", ["fields", "tables", "where", "offset", "limit"], defaults=[Nothing, 0, Nothing]) # FIXME: Some Max LRS values in the DB are wrongly listed as 0.000, # but shouldn't be displayed. Make them NULLs in the database. genes_query = SQLQuery( ["ProbeSet.Name AS name", "ProbeSet.Symbol AS symbol", "ProbeSet.description AS description", "ProbeSet.Chr AS chr", "ProbeSet.Mb as mb", "ProbeSet.alias AS alias", "ProbeSet.GenbankId AS genbankid", "ProbeSet.UniGeneId AS unigeneid", "ProbeSet.Probe_Target_Description AS probe_target_description", "ProbeSetFreeze.Name AS dataset", "ProbeSetFreeze.FullName AS dataset_fullname", "Species.Name AS species", "InbredSet.Name AS `group`", "Tissue.Name AS tissue", "ProbeSetXRef.Mean AS mean", "ProbeSetXRef.LRS AS lrs", "ProbeSetXRef.additive AS additive", "Geno.Chr AS geno_chr", "Geno.Mb as geno_mb"], ["Species", "INNER JOIN InbredSet ON InbredSet.SpeciesId = Species.Id", "INNER JOIN ProbeFreeze ON ProbeFreeze.InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id", "INNER JOIN Tissue ON ProbeFreeze.TissueId = Tissue.Id", "INNER JOIN ProbeSetFreeze ON ProbeSetFreeze.ProbeFreezeId = ProbeFreeze.Id", "INNER JOIN ProbeSetXRef ON ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId = ProbeSetFreeze.Id", "INNER JOIN ProbeSet ON ProbeSet.Id = ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId", """LEFT JOIN Geno ON ProbeSetXRef.Locus = Geno.Name AND Geno.SpeciesId = Species.Id"""], Just("ProbeSetFreeze.confidentiality < 1 AND ProbeSetFreeze.public > 0")) # FIXME: Some years are blank strings or strings that contain text # other than the year. These should be fixed in the database and the # year field must be made an integer. phenotypes_query = SQLQuery( ["Species.Name AS species", "InbredSet.Name AS `group`", "PublishFreeze.Name AS dataset", "PublishFreeze.FullName AS dataset_fullname", "PublishXRef.Id AS name", """COALESCE(Phenotype.Post_publication_abbreviation, Phenotype.Pre_publication_abbreviation) AS abbreviation""", """COALESCE(Phenotype.Post_publication_description, Phenotype.Pre_publication_description) AS description""", "Phenotype.Lab_code", "Publication.Abstract", "Publication.Title", "Publication.Authors AS authors", """IF(CONVERT(Publication.Year, UNSIGNED)=0, NULL, CONVERT(Publication.Year, UNSIGNED)) AS year""", "Publication.PubMed_ID AS pubmed_id", "PublishXRef.LRS as lrs", "PublishXRef.additive", "InbredSet.InbredSetCode AS inbredsetcode", "PublishXRef.mean", "Geno.Chr as geno_chr", "Geno.Mb as geno_mb"], ["Species", "INNER JOIN InbredSet ON InbredSet.SpeciesId = Species.Id", "INNER JOIN PublishFreeze ON PublishFreeze.InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id", "INNER JOIN PublishXRef ON PublishXRef.InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id", "INNER JOIN Phenotype ON PublishXRef.PhenotypeId = Phenotype.Id", "INNER JOIN Publication ON PublishXRef.PublicationId = Publication.Id", "LEFT JOIN Geno ON PublishXRef.Locus = Geno.Name AND Geno.SpeciesId = Species.Id"]) def serialize_sql(query: SQLQuery) -> str: """Serialize SQLQuery object to a string.""" sql = f"SELECT {', '.join(query.fields)} FROM {' '.join(query.tables)}" def append_to_sql(appendee): nonlocal sql sql += appendee query.where.bind(lambda where: append_to_sql(f" WHERE {where}")) query.limit.bind(lambda limit: append_to_sql(f" LIMIT {limit}")) if query.offset != 0: sql += f" OFFSET {query.offset}" return sql @contextlib.contextmanager def locked_xapian_writable_database(path: pathlib.Path) -> xapian.WritableDatabase: """Open xapian database for writing. When a process is writing to a xapian database opened by this function, no other process may do so. This avoids I/O contention between processes. """ # pylint: disable-next=invalid-name if not path.exists(): os.makedirs(path) db = xapian.WritableDatabase(str(path)) db.begin_transaction() try: yield db except Exception as exception: db.cancel_transaction() raise exception else: xapian_lock.acquire() try: db.commit_transaction() finally: xapian_lock.release() finally: db.close() # pylint: disable=invalid-name def write_document(db: xapian.WritableDatabase, identifier: str, doctype: str, doc: xapian.Document) -> None: """Write document into xapian database.""" # We use the XT and Q prefixes to indicate the type and idterm # respectively. idterm = f"Q{doctype}:{identifier.lower()}" doc.add_boolean_term(f"XT{doctype}") doc.add_boolean_term(idterm) db.replace_document(idterm, doc) termgenerator = xapian.TermGenerator() termgenerator.set_stemmer(xapian.Stem("en")) def index_text(text: str) -> None: """Index text and increase term position.""" termgenerator.index_text(text) termgenerator.increase_termpos() # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda index_text_without_positions = lambda text: termgenerator.index_text_without_positions(text) index_authors = lambda authors: termgenerator.index_text(authors, 0, "A") index_species = lambda species: termgenerator.index_text_without_positions(species, 0, "XS") index_group = lambda group: termgenerator.index_text_without_positions(group, 0, "XG") index_tissue = lambda tissue: termgenerator.index_text(tissue, 0, "XI") index_dataset = lambda dataset: termgenerator.index_text(dataset, 0, "XDS") index_symbol = lambda symbol: termgenerator.index_text_without_positions(symbol, 0, "XY") index_chr = lambda chr: termgenerator.index_text_without_positions(chr, 0, "XC") index_peakchr = lambda peakchr: termgenerator.index_text_without_positions(peakchr, 0, "XPC") add_mean = lambda doc, mean: doc.add_value(0, xapian.sortable_serialise(mean)) add_peak = lambda doc, peak: doc.add_value(1, xapian.sortable_serialise(peak)) add_mb = lambda doc, mb: doc.add_value(2, xapian.sortable_serialise(mb)) add_peakmb = lambda doc, peakmb: doc.add_value(3, xapian.sortable_serialise(peakmb)) add_additive = lambda doc, additive: doc.add_value(4, xapian.sortable_serialise(additive)) add_year = lambda doc, year: doc.add_value(5, xapian.sortable_serialise(float(year))) # When a child process is forked, it inherits a copy of the memory of # its parent. We use this to pass data retrieved from SQL from parent # to child. Specifically, we use this global variable. data: Iterable # We use this lock to ensure that only one process writes its Xapian # index to disk at a time. xapian_lock = Lock() def index_genes(xapian_build_directory: pathlib.Path, chunk_index: int) -> None: """Index genes data into a Xapian index.""" with locked_xapian_writable_database(xapian_build_directory / f"genes-{chunk_index:04d}") as db: for trait in data: # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop doc = xapian.Document() termgenerator.set_document(doc) # Add values. trait["mean"].bind(partial(add_mean, doc)) trait["lrs"].bind(partial(add_peak, doc)) trait["mb"].bind(partial(add_mb, doc)) trait["geno_mb"].bind(partial(add_peakmb, doc)) trait["additive"].bind(partial(add_additive, doc)) # Index free text. for key in ["description", "tissue", "dataset_fullname"]: trait[key].bind(index_text) trait.pop("probe_target_description").bind(index_text) for key in ["name", "symbol", "species", "group"]: trait[key].bind(index_text_without_positions) for key in ["alias", "genbankid", "unigeneid"]: trait.pop(key).bind(index_text_without_positions) # Index text with prefixes. trait["species"].bind(index_species) trait["group"].bind(index_group) trait["tissue"].bind(index_tissue) trait["dataset_fullname"].bind(index_dataset) trait["symbol"].bind(index_symbol) trait["chr"].bind(index_chr) trait["geno_chr"].bind(index_peakchr) doc.set_data(json.dumps(trait.data)) (Maybe.apply(curry(2, lambda name, dataset: f"{name}:{dataset}")) .to_arguments(trait["name"], trait["dataset"]) .bind(lambda idterm: write_document(db, idterm, "gene", doc))) def index_phenotypes(xapian_build_directory: pathlib.Path, chunk_index: int) -> None: """Index phenotypes data into a Xapian index.""" with locked_xapian_writable_database( xapian_build_directory / f"phenotypes-{chunk_index:04d}") as db: for trait in data: # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop doc = xapian.Document() termgenerator.set_document(doc) # Add values. trait["mean"].bind(partial(add_mean, doc)) trait["lrs"].bind(partial(add_peak, doc)) trait["geno_mb"].bind(partial(add_peakmb, doc)) trait["additive"].bind(partial(add_additive, doc)) trait["year"].bind(partial(add_year, doc)) # Index free text. for key in ["description", "authors", "dataset_fullname"]: trait[key].bind(index_text) for key in ["Abstract", "Title"]: trait.pop(key).bind(index_text) for key in ["species", "group", "inbredsetcode"]: trait[key].bind(index_text_without_positions) for key in ["abbreviation", "Lab_code"]: trait.pop(key).bind(index_text_without_positions) # Index text with prefixes. trait["species"].bind(index_species) trait["group"].bind(index_group) trait["authors"].bind(index_authors) trait["geno_chr"].bind(index_peakchr) trait["dataset_fullname"].bind(index_dataset) # Convert name from integer to string. trait["name"] = trait["name"].map(str) # Split comma-separated authors into a list. trait["authors"] = trait["authors"].map( lambda s: [author.strip() for author in s.split(",")]) doc.set_data(json.dumps(trait.data)) (Maybe.apply(curry(2, lambda name, dataset: f"{name}:{dataset}")) .to_arguments(trait["name"], trait["dataset"]) .bind(lambda idterm: write_document(db, idterm, "phenotype", doc))) def group(generator: Iterable, chunk_size: int) -> Iterable: """Group elements of generator into chunks.""" return iter(lambda: tuple(itertools.islice(generator, chunk_size)), ()) @contextlib.contextmanager def worker_queue(number_of_workers: int = os.cpu_count() or 1) -> Generator: """Manage a pool of worker processes returning a function to spawn them.""" processes: deque = deque() def spawn(target, args): if len(processes) == number_of_workers: processes.popleft().join() process = Process(target=target, args=args) process.start() processes.append(process) yield spawn for process in processes: process.join() def index_query(index_function: Callable, query: SQLQuery, xapian_build_directory: pathlib.Path, sql_uri: str, start: int = 0) -> None: """Run SQL query, and index its results for Xapian.""" i = start try: with worker_queue() as spawn_worker: with database_connection(sql_uri) as conn: for chunk in group(query_sql(conn, serialize_sql( # KLUDGE: MariaDB does not allow an offset # without a limit. So, set limit to a "high" # value. query._replace(limit=Just(2**64 - 1), offset=start*DOCUMENTS_PER_CHUNK)), server_side=True), DOCUMENTS_PER_CHUNK): # pylint: disable=global-statement global data data = chunk spawn_worker(index_function, (xapian_build_directory, i)) logging.debug("Spawned worker process on chunk %s", i) i += 1 # In the event of an operational error, open a new connection and # resume indexing. # pylint: disable=protected-access except MySQLdb._exceptions.OperationalError: logging.warning("Reopening connection to recovering from SQL operational error", exc_info=True) index_query(index_function, query, xapian_build_directory, sql_uri, i) @contextlib.contextmanager def temporary_directory(prefix: str, parent_directory: str) -> Generator: """Create temporary directory returning it as a PosixPath.""" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix=prefix, dir=parent_directory) as tmpdirname: yield pathlib.Path(tmpdirname) def xapian_compact(combined_index: pathlib.Path, indices: List[pathlib.Path]) -> None: """Compact and combine several Xapian indices.""" # xapian-compact opens all indices simultaneously. So, raise the limit on # the number of open files. soft, hard = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE) resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (max(soft, min(10*len(indices), hard)), hard)) db = xapian.Database() try: for index in indices: db.add_database(xapian.Database(str(index))) db.compact(str(combined_index), xapian.DBCOMPACT_MULTIPASS | xapian.Compactor.FULLER) finally: db.close() @click.command(help="Index GeneNetwork data and build Xapian search index in XAPIAN_DIRECTORY.") @click.argument("xapian_directory") @click.argument("sql_uri") # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring def main(xapian_directory: str, sql_uri: str) -> None: logging.basicConfig(level=os.environ.get("LOGLEVEL", "DEBUG"), format='%(relativeCreated)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s') pathlib.Path(xapian_directory).mkdir(exist_ok=True) with temporary_directory("combined", xapian_directory) as combined_index: with temporary_directory("build", xapian_directory) as xapian_build_directory: logging.info("Indexing genes") index_query(index_genes, genes_query, xapian_build_directory, sql_uri) logging.info("Indexing phenotypes") index_query(index_phenotypes, phenotypes_query, xapian_build_directory, sql_uri) logging.info("Combining and compacting indices") xapian_compact(combined_index, list(xapian_build_directory.iterdir())) for child in combined_index.iterdir(): shutil.move(child, xapian_directory) logging.info("Index built") if __name__ == "__main__": # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter main()