""" This module contains functions relating to specific trait dataset manipulation """ import os from typing import Any from flask import current_app as app def retrieve_sample_list(group: str): """ Get the sample list for a group (a category that datasets belong to) Currently it is fetched from the .geno files, since that's the only place the "official" sample list is stored """ samplelist = [] genofile_path = ( f'{app.config.get("GENENETWORK_FILES", "/home/gn2/production/genotype_files/")}' f'/genotype/{group}.geno' ) if os.path.isfile(genofile_path): with open(genofile_path, encoding="utf-8") as genofile: line = "" for line in genofile: line = line.strip() if not line: continue if line.startswith(("#", "@")): continue break headers = line.split("\t") if headers[3] == "Mb": samplelist = headers[4:] else: samplelist = headers[3:] return samplelist def retrieve_mrna_group_name(connection: Any, probeset_id: int, dataset_name: str): """ Given the trait id (ProbeSet.Id in the database), retrieve the name of the group the dataset belongs to. """ query = ( "SELECT iset.Name " "FROM ProbeSet ps LEFT JOIN ProbeSetXRef psx ON psx.ProbeSetId = ps.Id " "LEFT JOIN ProbeSetFreeze psf ON psx.ProbeSetFreezeId = psf.Id " "LEFT JOIN ProbeFreeze pf ON psf.ProbeFreezeId = pf.Id " "LEFT JOIN InbredSet iset ON pf.InbredSetId = iset.Id " "WHERE ps.Id = %(probeset_id)s AND psf.Name=%(dataset_name)s") with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query, {"probeset_id": probeset_id, "dataset_name": dataset_name}) res = cursor.fetchone() if res: return res[0] return None def retrieve_phenotype_group_name(connection: Any, dataset_id: int): """ Given the dataset id (PublishFreeze.Id in the database), retrieve the name of the group the dataset belongs to. """ query = ( "SELECT iset.Name " "FROM InbredSet AS iset " "WHERE iset.Id = %(dataset_id)s") with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query, {"dataset_id": dataset_id}) res = cursor.fetchone() if res: return res[0] return None def retrieve_probeset_trait_dataset_name( threshold: int, name: str, connection: Any): """ Get the ID, DataScale and various name formats for a `ProbeSet` trait. """ query = ( "SELECT Id, Name, FullName, ShortName, DataScale " "FROM ProbeSetFreeze " "WHERE " "public > %(threshold)s " "AND " "(Name = %(name)s OR FullName = %(name)s OR ShortName = %(name)s)") with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( query, { "threshold": threshold, "name": name }) res = cursor.fetchone() if res: return dict(zip( ["dataset_id", "dataset_name", "dataset_fullname", "dataset_shortname", "dataset_datascale"], res)) return {"dataset_id": None, "dataset_name": name, "dataset_fullname": name} def retrieve_publish_trait_dataset_name( threshold: int, name: str, connection: Any): """ Get the ID, DataScale and various name formats for a `Publish` trait. """ query = ( "SELECT Id, Name, FullName, ShortName " "FROM PublishFreeze " "WHERE " "public > %(threshold)s " "AND " "(Name = %(name)s OR FullName = %(name)s OR ShortName = %(name)s)") with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( query, { "threshold": threshold, "name": name }) return dict(zip( ["dataset_id", "dataset_name", "dataset_fullname", "dataset_shortname"], cursor.fetchone())) def retrieve_geno_trait_dataset_name( threshold: int, name: str, connection: Any): """ Get the ID, DataScale and various name formats for a `Geno` trait. """ query = ( "SELECT Id, Name, FullName, ShortName " "FROM GenoFreeze " "WHERE " "public > %(threshold)s " "AND " "(Name = %(name)s OR FullName = %(name)s OR ShortName = %(name)s)") with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( query, { "threshold": threshold, "name": name }) return dict(zip( ["dataset_id", "dataset_name", "dataset_fullname", "dataset_shortname"], cursor.fetchone())) def retrieve_dataset_name( trait_type: str, threshold: int, dataset_name: str, conn: Any): """ Retrieve the name of a trait given the trait's name This is extracted from the `webqtlDataset.retrieveName` function as is implemented at https://github.com/genenetwork/genenetwork1/blob/master/web/webqtl/base/webqtlDataset.py#L140-L169 """ fn_map = { "ProbeSet": retrieve_probeset_trait_dataset_name, "Publish": retrieve_publish_trait_dataset_name, "Geno": retrieve_geno_trait_dataset_name, "Temp": lambda threshold, dataset_name, conn: {}} return fn_map[trait_type](threshold, dataset_name, conn) def retrieve_geno_group_fields(name, conn): """ Retrieve the Group, and GroupID values for various Geno trait types. """ query = ( "SELECT InbredSet.Name, InbredSet.Id " "FROM InbredSet, GenoFreeze " "WHERE GenoFreeze.InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id " "AND GenoFreeze.Name = %(name)s") with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query, {"name": name}) return dict(zip(["group", "groupid"], cursor.fetchone())) return {} def retrieve_publish_group_fields(name, conn): """ Retrieve the Group, and GroupID values for various Publish trait types. """ query = ( "SELECT InbredSet.Name, InbredSet.Id " "FROM InbredSet, PublishFreeze " "WHERE PublishFreeze.InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id " "AND PublishFreeze.Name = %(name)s") with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query, {"name": name}) return dict(zip(["group", "groupid"], cursor.fetchone())) return {} def retrieve_probeset_group_fields(name, conn): """ Retrieve the Group, and GroupID values for various ProbeSet trait types. """ query = ( "SELECT InbredSet.Name, InbredSet.Id " "FROM InbredSet, ProbeSetFreeze, ProbeFreeze " "WHERE ProbeFreeze.InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id " "AND ProbeFreeze.Id = ProbeSetFreeze.ProbeFreezeId " "AND ProbeSetFreeze.Name = %(name)s") with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query, {"name": name}) return dict(zip(["group", "groupid"], cursor.fetchone())) return {} def retrieve_temp_group_fields(name, conn): """ Retrieve the Group, and GroupID values for `Temp` trait types. """ query = ( "SELECT InbredSet.Name, InbredSet.Id " "FROM InbredSet, Temp " "WHERE Temp.InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id " "AND Temp.Name = %(name)s") with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query, {"name": name}) return dict(zip(["group", "groupid"], cursor.fetchone())) return {} def retrieve_group_fields(trait_type, trait_name, dataset_info, conn): """ Retrieve the Group, and GroupID values for various trait types. """ group_fns_map = { "Geno": retrieve_geno_group_fields, "Publish": retrieve_publish_group_fields, "ProbeSet": retrieve_probeset_group_fields } if trait_type == "Temp": group_info = retrieve_temp_group_fields(trait_name, conn) else: group_info = group_fns_map[trait_type](dataset_info["dataset_name"], conn) return { **dataset_info, **group_info, "group": ( "BXD" if group_info.get("group") == "BXD300" else group_info.get("group", "")) } def retrieve_temp_trait_dataset(): """ Retrieve the dataset that relates to `Temp` traits """ return { "searchfield": ["name", "description"], "disfield": ["name", "description"], "type": "Temp", "dataset_id": 1, "fullname": "Temporary Storage", "shortname": "Temp" } def retrieve_geno_trait_dataset(): """ Retrieve the dataset that relates to `Geno` traits """ return { "searchfield": ["name", "chr"], "disfield": ["name", "chr", "mb", "source2", "sequence"], "type": "Geno" } def retrieve_publish_trait_dataset(): """ Retrieve the dataset that relates to `Publish` traits """ return { "searchfield": [ "name", "post_publication_description", "abstract", "title", "authors"], "disfield": [ "name", "pubmed_id", "pre_publication_description", "post_publication_description", "original_description", "pre_publication_abbreviation", "post_publication_abbreviation", "lab_code", "submitter", "owner", "authorized_users", "authors", "title", "abstract", "journal", "volume", "pages", "month", "year", "sequence", "units", "comments"], "type": "Publish" } def retrieve_probeset_trait_dataset(): """ Retrieve the dataset that relates to `ProbeSet` traits """ return { "searchfield": [ "name", "description", "probe_target_description", "symbol", "alias", "genbankid", "unigeneid", "omim", "refseq_transcriptid", "probe_set_specificity", "probe_set_blat_score"], "disfield": [ "name", "symbol", "description", "probe_target_description", "chr", "mb", "alias", "geneid", "genbankid", "unigeneid", "omim", "refseq_transcriptid", "blatseq", "targetseq", "chipid", "comments", "strand_probe", "strand_gene", "probe_set_target_region", "proteinid", "probe_set_specificity", "probe_set_blat_score", "probe_set_blat_mb_start", "probe_set_blat_mb_end", "probe_set_strand", "probe_set_note_by_rw", "flag"], "type": "ProbeSet" } def retrieve_trait_dataset(trait_type, trait, threshold, conn): """ Retrieve the dataset that relates to a specific trait. """ dataset_fns = { "Temp": retrieve_temp_trait_dataset, "Geno": retrieve_geno_trait_dataset, "Publish": retrieve_publish_trait_dataset, "ProbeSet": retrieve_probeset_trait_dataset } dataset_name_info = { "dataset_id": None, "dataset_name": trait["db"]["dataset_name"], **retrieve_dataset_name( trait_type, threshold, trait["db"]["dataset_name"], conn) } group = retrieve_group_fields( trait_type, trait["trait_name"], dataset_name_info, conn) return { "display_name": dataset_name_info["dataset_name"], **dataset_name_info, **dataset_fns[trait_type](), **group }