"""module contains code integration correlation implemented in rust here https://github.com/Alexanderlacuna/correlation_rust """ import subprocess import json import os from typing import Optional from gn3.computations.qtlreaper import create_output_directory from gn3.random import random_string from gn3.settings import CORRELATION_COMMAND from gn3.settings import TMPDIR def generate_input_files(dataset: list[str], output_dir: str = TMPDIR) -> tuple[str, str]: """function generates outputfiles and inputfiles""" tmp_dir = f"{output_dir}/correlation" create_output_directory(tmp_dir) tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f"{random_string(10)}.txt") with open(tmp_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file_writer: file_writer.write("\n".join(dataset)) return (tmp_dir, tmp_file) def generate_json_file(tmp_dir, tmp_file, method, delimiter, x_vals) -> tuple[str, str]: """generating json input file required by cargo""" tmp_json_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f"{random_string(10)}.json") output_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f"{random_string(10)}.txt") correlation_args = { "method": method, "file_path": tmp_file, "x_vals": x_vals, "sample_values": "bxd1", "output_file": output_file, "file_delimiter": delimiter } with open(tmp_json_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as outputfile: json.dump(correlation_args, outputfile) return (output_file, tmp_json_file) def run_correlation(dataset, trait_vals: str, method: str, delimiter: str): """entry function to call rust correlation""" (tmp_dir, tmp_file) = generate_input_files(dataset) (output_file, json_file) = generate_json_file(tmp_dir=tmp_dir, tmp_file=tmp_file, method=method, delimiter=delimiter, x_vals=trait_vals) command_list = [CORRELATION_COMMAND, json_file, TMPDIR] subprocess.run(command_list, check=True) results = parse_correlation_output(output_file, 500) return results def parse_correlation_output(result_file: str, top_n: int = 500) -> list[dict]: """parse file output """ corr_results = [] breakpoint() with open(result_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file_reader: lines = [next(file_reader) for x in range(top_n)] for line in lines: (trait_name, corr_coeff, p_val) = line.rstrip().split(",") corr_data = { "num_overlap": 00, # to be later fixed "corr_coefficient": corr_coeff, "p_value": p_val } corr_results.append({trait_name: corr_data}) return corr_results def get_samples(all_samples: dict[str, str], base_samples: list[str], excluded: list[str]): """filter null samples and excluded samples""" data = {} if base_samples: fls = [ sm for sm in base_samples if sm not in excluded] for sample in fls: if sample in all_samples: smp_val = all_samples[sample].strip() if smp_val.lower() != "x": data[sample] = float(smp_val) return data return({key: float(val.strip()) for (key, val) in all_samples.items() if key not in excluded and val.lower().strip() != "x"}) def get_sample_corr_data(sample_type: str, all_samples: dict[str, str], dataset_samples: list[str]) -> dict[str, str]: """dependeing on the sample_type fetch the correct sample data """ if sample_type == "samples_primary": data = get_samples(all_samples=all_samples, base_samples=dataset_samples, excluded=[]) elif sample_type == "samples_other": data = get_samples( all_samples=all_samples, base_samples=[], excluded=dataset_samples) else: data = get_samples( all_samples=all_samples, base_samples=[], excluded=[]) return data def parse_tissue_corr_data(symbol_name: str, symbol_dict: dict[list[str, list[str]]], dataset_symbols: dict[str, str], dataset_vals: dict[str, list[str, str]]): if symbol_name and symbol_name.lower() in symbol_dict: x_vals = ",".join([str(val) for val in symbol_dict[symbol_name.lower()]]) data = [] for (trait, symbol) in dataset_symbols.items(): try: corr_vals = dataset_vals.get(symbol.lower()) corr_vals.insert(0, trait) data.append(",".join([str(val) for val in corr_vals])) except Exception as e: pass return (x_vals, data)