"""Procedures related rqtl computations""" import os from bisect import bisect from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union import numpy as np from flask import current_app from gn3.commands import compose_rqtl_cmd from gn3.computations.gemma import generate_hash_of_string from gn3.fs_helpers import get_hash_of_files def generate_rqtl_cmd(rqtl_wrapper_cmd: str, rqtl_wrapper_kwargs: Dict, rqtl_wrapper_bool_kwargs: list) -> Dict: """Given the base rqtl_wrapper command and dict of keyword arguments, return the full rqtl_wrapper command and an output filename generated from a hash of the genotype and phenotype files""" # Generate a hash from contents of the genotype and phenotype files _hash = get_hash_of_files( [v for k, v in rqtl_wrapper_kwargs.items() if k in ["g", "p"]]) # Append to hash a hash of keyword arguments _hash += generate_hash_of_string( ",".join([f"{k}:{v}" for k, v in rqtl_wrapper_kwargs.items() if k not in ["g", "p"]])) # Append to hash a hash of boolean keyword arguments _hash += generate_hash_of_string( ",".join(rqtl_wrapper_bool_kwargs)) # Temporarily substitute forward-slashes in hash with underscores _hash = _hash.replace("/", "_") _output_filename = f"{_hash}-output.csv" rqtl_wrapper_kwargs["filename"] = _output_filename return { "output_file": _output_filename, "rqtl_cmd": compose_rqtl_cmd(rqtl_wrapper_cmd=rqtl_wrapper_cmd, rqtl_wrapper_kwargs=rqtl_wrapper_kwargs, rqtl_wrapper_bool_kwargs=rqtl_wrapper_bool_kwargs) } def process_rqtl_mapping(file_name: str) -> List: """Given an output file name, read in R/qtl results and return a List of marker objects""" marker_obs = [] # Later I should probably redo this using csv.read to avoid the # awkwardness with removing quotes with [1:-1] with open(os.path.join(current_app.config.get("TMPDIR", "/tmp"), "output", file_name), "r", encoding="utf-8") as the_file: for line in the_file: line_items = line.split(",") if line_items[1][1:-1] == "chr" or not line_items: # Skip header line continue # Convert chr to int if possible the_chr: Union[int, str] try: the_chr = int(line_items[1][1:-1]) except ValueError: the_chr = line_items[1][1:-1] this_marker = { "name": line_items[0][1:-1], "chr": the_chr, "cM": float(line_items[2]), "Mb": float(line_items[2]), "lod_score": float(line_items[3]) } marker_obs.append(this_marker) return marker_obs def process_rqtl_pairscan(file_name: str, geno_file: str) -> List: """Given an output file name, read in R/qtl pair-scan results and return a list of both the JSON needed for the d3panels figure and a list of results to be used when generating the results table (which will include marker names)""" figure_data = pairscan_for_figure(file_name) table_data = pairscan_for_table(file_name, geno_file) return [figure_data, table_data] def pairscan_for_figure(file_name: str) -> Dict: """Given an output file name, read in R/qtl pair-scan results and return the JSON needed for the d3panels figure""" figure_data = {} # Open the file with the actual results, written as a list of lists with open(os.path.join(current_app.config.get("TMPDIR", "/tmp"), "output", file_name), "r") as the_file: lod_results = [] for i, line in enumerate(the_file): if i == 0: # Skip first line continue line_items = [item.rstrip('\n') for item in line.split(",")] lod_results.append(line_items[1:]) # Append all but first item in line figure_data['lod'] = lod_results # Open the map file with the list of markers/pseudomarkers and their positions with open(os.path.join(current_app.config.get("TMPDIR", "/tmp"), "output", "MAP_" + file_name), "r") as the_file: chr_list = [] pos_list = [] for i, line in enumerate(the_file): if i == 0: # Skip first line continue line_items = [item.rstrip('\n') for item in line.split(",")] chr_list.append(line_items[1][1:-1]) pos_list.append(line_items[2]) figure_data['chr'] = chr_list figure_data['pos'] = pos_list return figure_data def pairscan_for_table(file_name: str, geno_file: str) -> List: """Given an output file name, read in R/qtl pair-scan results and return a list of results to be used when generating the results table (which will include marker names)""" table_data = [] # Open the map file with the list of markers/pseudomarkers and create list of marker obs with open(os.path.join(current_app.config.get("TMPDIR", "/tmp"), "output", "MAP_" + file_name), "r") as the_file: marker_list = [] for i, line in enumerate(the_file.readlines()[1:]): line_items = [item.rstrip('\n') for item in line.split(",")] this_marker = { 'name': line_items[0], 'chr': line_items[1][1:-1], # Strip quotes from beginning and end of chr string 'pos': line_items[2] } marker_list.append(this_marker) # Get the list of original markers from the .geno file original_markers = build_marker_pos_dict(geno_file) # Open the file with the actual results and write the results as # they will be displayed in the results table with open(os.path.join(current_app.config.get("TMPDIR", "/tmp"), "output", file_name), "r") as the_file: for i, line in enumerate(the_file.readlines()[1:]): marker_1 = marker_list[i] proximal1, distal1 = find_nearest_marker(marker_1['chr'], marker_1['pos'], original_markers) line_items = [item.rstrip('\n') for item in line.split(",")] for j, item in enumerate(line_items[1:]): marker_2 = marker_list[j] proximal2, distal2 = find_nearest_marker(marker_2['chr'], marker_2['pos'], original_markers) try: lod_score = f"{float(item):.3f}" except: lod_score = f"{item}" this_line = { 'proximal1': proximal1, 'distal1': distal1, 'pos1': f"Chr {marker_1['chr']} @ {float(marker_1['pos']):.1f} cM", 'lod': lod_score, 'proximal2': proximal2, 'distal2': distal2, 'pos2': f"Chr {marker_2['chr']} @ {float(marker_2['pos']):.1f} cM" } table_data.append(this_line) return sorted(table_data, key = lambda i: float(i['lod']), reverse=True)[:500] def build_marker_pos_dict(genotype_file: str) -> Dict: """Gets list of markers and their positions from .geno file Basically a pared-down version of parse_genotype_file for R/qtl pair-scan""" with open(genotype_file, "r") as infile: contents = infile.readlines() # Get all lines after the metadata lines = tuple(line for line in contents if ((not line.strip().startswith("#")) and (not line.strip().startswith("@")) and (not line.strip() == ""))) header_items = lines[0].split("\t") mb_exists = "Mb" in header_items pos_column = header_items.index("Mb") if mb_exists else header_items.index("cM") the_markers = {} for line in lines[1:]: # The lines with markers line_items = line.split("\t") this_chr = line_items[0] if this_chr not in the_markers: the_markers[this_chr] = {} the_markers[this_chr][str(float(line_items[pos_column]))] = line_items[1] return the_markers def find_nearest_marker(the_chr: str, the_pos: str, marker_list: Dict) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Given a chromosome and position of a pseudomarker (from R/qtl pair-scan results), return the nearest real marker""" pos_list = [float(pos) for pos in marker_list[the_chr]] # Get the position of the pseudomarker in the list of markers for the chr the_pos_index = bisect(pos_list, float(the_pos)) proximal_marker = marker_list[the_chr][str(pos_list[the_pos_index-1])] distal_marker = marker_list[the_chr][str(pos_list[the_pos_index])] return proximal_marker, distal_marker def process_perm_output(file_name: str) -> Tuple[List, float, float]: """Given base filename, read in R/qtl permutation output and calculate suggestive and significant thresholds""" perm_results = [] with open(os.path.join(current_app.config.get("TMPDIR", "/tmp"), "output", "PERM_" + file_name), "r", encoding="utf-8") as the_file: for i, line in enumerate(the_file): if i == 0: # Skip header line continue line_items = line.split(",") perm_results.append(float(line_items[1])) suggestive = np.percentile(np.array(perm_results), 67) significant = np.percentile(np.array(perm_results), 95) return perm_results, suggestive, significant