"""Procedures related gemma computations"""
import os

from base64 import b64encode
from hashlib import md5
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import ValuesView
from gn3.commands import compose_gemma_cmd
from gn3.fs_helpers import get_hash_of_files

def generate_hash_of_string(unhashed_str: str) -> str:
    """Given an UNHASHED_STRING, generate it's md5 hash while removing the '==' at
the end"""
    hashed_str = md5(unhashed_str.encode("utf-8")).digest()
    return b64encode(hashed_str).decode("utf-8").replace("==", "")

def generate_pheno_txt_file(trait_filename: str,
                            values: List,
                            tmpdir: str = "/tmp") -> str:
    """Given VALUES, and TMPDIR, generate a valid traits file"""
    if not os.path.isdir(f"{tmpdir}/gn2/"):
    ext = trait_filename.partition(".")[-1]
    if ext:
        trait_filename = trait_filename.replace(f".{ext}", "")
        ext = f".{ext}"
    trait_filename += f"_{generate_hash_of_string(''.join(values))}{ext}"
    # Early return if this already exists!
    if os.path.isfile(f"{tmpdir}/gn2/{trait_filename}"):
        return f"{tmpdir}/gn2/{trait_filename}"
    with open(f"{tmpdir}/gn2/{trait_filename}", "w", encoding="utf-8") as _file:
        for value in values:
            if value == "x":
    return f"{tmpdir}/gn2/{trait_filename}"

def do_paths_exist(paths: ValuesView) -> bool:
    """Given a list of PATHS, return False if any of them do not exist."""
    for path in paths:
        if not os.path.isfile(path):
            return False
    return True

# pylint: disable=R0913
def generate_gemma_cmd(gemma_cmd: str,
                       output_dir: str,
                       token: str,
                       gemma_kwargs: Dict,
                       gemma_wrapper_kwargs: Dict = None,
                       chromosomes: str = None) -> Dict:
    """Compute k values"""
    _hash = get_hash_of_files(
        [v for k, v in gemma_kwargs.items() if k in ["g", "p", "a", "c"]])
    if chromosomes:  # Only reached when calculating k-values
        gemma_wrapper_kwargs = {"loco": f"{chromosomes}"}
        _hash += f"-{generate_hash_of_string(chromosomes)[:6]}"
    _output_filename = f"{_hash}-output.json"
    return {
                              "-gk", ">",