"""Implement case-attribute manipulations.""" import os import csv import json import uuid import requests import tempfile from enum import Enum, auto from pathlib import Path from functools import reduce from datetime import datetime from urllib.parse import urljoin from MySQLdb.cursors import DictCursor from authlib.integrations.flask_oauth2.errors import _HTTPException from flask import jsonify, request, Response, Blueprint, current_app from gn3.commands import run_cmd from gn3.db_utils import Connection, database_connection from gn3.auth.authorisation.users import User from gn3.auth.authorisation.errors import AuthorisationError from gn3.auth.authorisation.oauth2.resource_server import require_oauth from gn3.debug import __pk__ caseattr = Blueprint("case-attribute", __name__) CATTR_DIFFS_DIR = "case-attribute-diffs" class NoDiffError(ValueError): """Raised if there is no difference between the old and new data.""" def __init__(self): """Initialise exception.""" super().__init__( self, "No difference between existing data and sent data.") class EditStatus(Enum): """Enumeration for the status of the edits.""" review = auto() approved = auto() rejected = auto() def __str__(self): """Print out human-readable form.""" return self.name def required_access(inbredset_id: int, access_levels: tuple[str, ...]) -> bool: """Check whether the user has the appropriate access""" def __species_id__(conn): with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT SpeciesId FROM InbredSet WHERE InbredSetId=%s", (inbredset_id,)) return cursor.fetchone()[0] try: with (require_oauth.acquire("profile resource") as the_token, database_connection(current_app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn): result = requests.get( urljoin(current_app.config["AUTH_SERVER_URL"], "auth/resource/inbredset/resource-id" f"/{__species_id__(conn)}/{inbredset_id}")) if result.status_code == 200: resource_id = result.json()["resource-id"] auth = requests.post( urljoin(current_app.config["AUTH_SERVER_URL"], "auth/resource/authorisation"), json={"resource-ids": [resource_id]}, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {the_token.access_token}"}) if auth.status_code == 200: privs = (priv.privilege_id for role in auth.json()[resource_id]["roles"] for priv in role) authorisedp = all(lvl in privs for lvl in access_levels) if authorisedp: return authorisedp except _HTTPException as httpe: raise AuthorisationError("You need to be logged in.") from httpe raise AuthorisationError( f"User does not have the privileges {access_levels}") def __inbredset_group__(conn, inbredset_id): """Return InbredSet group's top-level details.""" with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM InbredSet WHERE InbredSetId=%(inbredset_id)s", {"inbredset_id": inbredset_id}) return dict(cursor.fetchone()) def __inbredset_strains__(conn, inbredset_id): """Return all samples/strains for given InbredSet group.""" with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT s.* FROM StrainXRef AS sxr INNER JOIN Strain AS s " "ON sxr.StrainId=s.Id WHERE sxr.InbredSetId=%(inbredset_id)s " "ORDER BY s.Name ASC", {"inbredset_id": inbredset_id}) return tuple(dict(row) for row in cursor.fetchall()) def __case_attribute_labels_by_inbred_set__(conn, inbredset_id): """Return the case-attribute labels/names for the given InbredSet group.""" with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM CaseAttribute WHERE InbredSetId=%(inbredset_id)s", {"inbredset_id": inbredset_id}) return tuple(dict(row) for row in cursor.fetchall()) @caseattr.route("/", methods=["GET"]) def inbredset_group(inbredset_id: int) -> Response: """Retrieve InbredSet group's details.""" with database_connection(current_app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn: return jsonify(__inbredset_group__(conn, inbredset_id)) @caseattr.route("//strains", methods=["GET"]) def inbredset_strains(inbredset_id: int) -> Response: """Retrieve ALL strains/samples relating to a specific InbredSet group.""" with database_connection(current_app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn: return jsonify(__inbredset_strains__(conn, inbredset_id)) @caseattr.route("//names", methods=["GET"]) def inbredset_case_attribute_names(inbredset_id: int) -> Response: """Retrieve ALL case-attributes for a specific InbredSet group.""" with database_connection(current_app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn: return jsonify( __case_attribute_labels_by_inbred_set__(conn, inbredset_id)) def __by_strain__(accumulator, item): attr = {item["CaseAttributeName"]: item["CaseAttributeValue"]} strain_name = item["StrainName"] if bool(accumulator.get(strain_name)): return { **accumulator, strain_name: { **accumulator[strain_name], "case-attributes": { **accumulator[strain_name]["case-attributes"], **attr } } } return { strain_name: { **{ key: value for key,value in item.items() if key in ("StrainName", "StrainName2", "Symbol", "Alias") }, "case-attributes": attr } } def __case_attribute_values_by_inbred_set__( conn: Connection, inbredset_id: int) -> tuple[dict, ...]: """ Retrieve Case-Attributes by their InbredSet ID. Do not call this outside this module. """ with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT ca.Name AS CaseAttributeName, " "caxrn.Value AS CaseAttributeValue, s.Name AS StrainName, " "s.Name2 AS StrainName2, s.Symbol, s.Alias " "FROM CaseAttribute AS ca " "INNER JOIN CaseAttributeXRefNew AS caxrn " "ON ca.CaseAttributeId=caxrn.CaseAttributeId " "INNER JOIN Strain AS s " "ON caxrn.StrainId=s.Id " "WHERE ca.InbredSetId=%(inbredset_id)s " "ORDER BY StrainName", {"inbredset_id": inbredset_id}) return tuple( reduce(__by_strain__, cursor.fetchall(), {}).values()) @caseattr.route("//values", methods=["GET"]) def inbredset_case_attribute_values(inbredset_id: int) -> Response: """Retrieve the group's (InbredSet's) case-attribute values.""" with database_connection(current_app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn: return jsonify(__case_attribute_values_by_inbred_set__(conn, inbredset_id)) def __process_orig_data__(fieldnames, cadata, strains) -> tuple[dict, ...]: """Process data from database and return tuple of dicts.""" data = {item["StrainName"]: item for item in cadata} return tuple( { "Strain": strain["Name"], **{ key: data.get( strain["Name"], {}).get("case-attributes", {}).get(key, "") for key in fieldnames[1:] } } for strain in strains) def __process_edit_data__(fieldnames, form_data) -> tuple[dict, ...]: """Process data from form and return tuple of dicts.""" def __process__(acc, strain_cattrs): strain, cattrs = strain_cattrs return acc + ({ "Strain": strain, **{ field: cattrs["case-attributes"].get(field, "") for field in fieldnames[1:] } },) return reduce(__process__, form_data.items(), tuple()) def __write_csv__(fieldnames, data): """Write the given `data` to a csv file and return the path to the file.""" fdesc, filepath = tempfile.mkstemp(".csv") os.close(fdesc) with open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as csvfile: writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames, dialect="unix") writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(data) return filepath def __compute_diff__( fieldnames: tuple[str, ...], original_data: tuple[dict, ...], edit_data: tuple[dict, ...]): """Return the diff of the data.""" basefilename = __write_csv__(fieldnames, original_data) deltafilename = __write_csv__(fieldnames, edit_data) diff_results = run_cmd(json.dumps( ["csvdiff", basefilename, deltafilename, "--format", "json"])) os.unlink(basefilename) os.unlink(deltafilename) if diff_results["code"] == 0: return json.loads(diff_results["output"]) return {} def __queue_diff__(conn: Connection, diff_data, diff_data_dir: Path) -> Path: """ Queue diff for future processing. Returns: `diff` On success, this will return the filename where the diff was saved. On failure, it will raise a MySQL error. """ diff = diff_data["diff"] if bool(diff["Additions"]) or bool(diff["Modifications"]) or bool(diff["Deletions"]): __pk__(diff, "THE DIFF") diff_data_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) created = datetime.now() filepath = Path( diff_data_dir, f"{diff_data['inbredset_id']}:::{diff_data['user_id']}:::" f"{created.isoformat()}.json") with open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf8") as diff_file: # We want this to fail if the metadata items below are not provided. the_diff = {**diff_data, "created": created.isoformat()} insert_id = __save_diff__(conn, the_diff, EditStatus.review) diff_file.write(json.dumps({**the_diff, "db_id": insert_id})) return filepath raise NoDiffError def __save_diff__(conn: Connection, diff_data: dict, status: EditStatus) -> int: """Save to the database.""" with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO " "caseattributes_audit(id, status, editor, json_diff_data) " "VALUES(%(db_id)s, %(status)s, %(editor)s, %(diff)s, %(ts)s) " "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE status=%(status)s", { "db_id": diff_data.get("db_id"), "status": str(status), "editor": str(diff_data["user_id"]), "diff": json.dumps(diff_data), "ts": diff_data["created"].isoformat() }) return diff_data.get("db_id") or cursor.lastrowid def __load_diff__(diff_filename): """Load the diff.""" { "inbredset_id": inbredset_id, "user_id": str(user.user_id), "fieldnames": fieldnames, "diff": __compute_diff__( fieldnames, __process_orig_data__( fieldnames, __case_attribute_values_by_inbred_set__(conn, inbredset_id), __inbredset_strains__(conn, inbredset_id)), __process_edit_data__(fieldnames, request.json["edit-data"])) } with open(diff_filename, encoding="utf8") as diff_file: the_diff = json.loads(diff_file.read()) return { **the_diff, "db_id": int(the_diff["db_id"]), "inbredset_id": int(the_diff["inbredset_id"]), "user_id": uuid.UUID(the_diff["user_id"]) } def __apply_diff__( conn: Connection, inbredset_id: int, user: User, diff_filename) -> None: """ Apply the changes in the diff at `diff_filename` to the data in the database if the user has appropriate privileges. """ required_access( inbredset_id, ("system:inbredset:edit-case-attribute", "system:inbredset:apply-case-attribute-edit")) raise NotImplementedError def __reject_diff__(conn: Connection, inbredset_id: int, user: User, diff_filename: Path) -> Path: """ Reject the changes in the diff at `diff_filename` to the data in the database if the user has appropriate privileges. """ required_access( inbredset_id, ("system:inbredset:edit-case-attribute", "system:inbredset:apply-case-attribute-edit")) the_diff == __load_diff__(diff_filename) __save_diff__(conn, the_diff, EditStatus.rejected) os.remove(diff_filename) return diff_filename @caseattr.route("//add", methods=["POST"]) def add_case_attributes(inbredset_id: int) -> Response: """Add a new case attribute for `InbredSetId`.""" required_access(inbredset_id, ("system:inbredset:create-case-attribute",)) with (require_oauth.acquire("profile resource") as the_token, database_connection(current_app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn): raise NotImplementedError @caseattr.route("//delete", methods=["POST"]) def delete_case_attributes(inbredset_id: int) -> Response: """Delete a case attribute from `InbredSetId`.""" required_access(inbredset_id, ("system:inbredset:delete-case-attribute",)) with (require_oauth.acquire("profile resource") as the_token, database_connection(current_app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn): raise NotImplementedError @caseattr.route("//edit", methods=["POST"]) def edit_case_attributes(inbredset_id: int) -> Response: """Edit the case attributes for `InbredSetId` based on data received.""" with (require_oauth.acquire("profile resource") as the_token, database_connection(current_app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn): required_access(inbredset_id, ("system:inbredset:edit-case-attribute",)) user = the_token.user from gn3.auth.authorisation.users import DUMMY_USER; user=DUMMY_USER fieldnames = (["Strain"] + sorted( attr["Name"] for attr in __case_attribute_labels_by_inbred_set__(conn, inbredset_id))) try: diff_filename = __queue_diff__( conn, { "inbredset_id": inbredset_id, "user_id": str(user.user_id), "fieldnames": fieldnames, "diff": __compute_diff__( fieldnames, __process_orig_data__( fieldnames, __case_attribute_values_by_inbred_set__(conn, inbredset_id), __inbredset_strains__(conn, inbredset_id)), __process_edit_data__(fieldnames, request.json["edit-data"])) }, Path(current_app.config.get("TMPDIR"), CATTR_DIFFS_DIR)) except NoDiffError as _nde: msg = "There were no changes to make from submitted data." response = jsonify({ "diff-status": "error", "error_description": msg }) response.status_code = 400 return response try: __apply_diff__(conn, user, diff_filename) return jsonify({ "diff-status": "applied", "message": ("The changes to the case-attributes have been " "applied successfully.") }) except AuthorisationError as _auth_err: return jsonify({ "diff-status": "queued", "message": ("The changes to the case-attributes have been " "queued for approval."), "diff-filename": diff_filename }) @caseattr.route("/approve/", methods=["POST"]) def approve_case_attributes_diff(inbredset_id: int) -> Response: """Approve the changes to the case attributes in the diff.""" with (require_oauth.acquire("profile resource") as the_token, database_connection(current_app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn): __apply_diff__(conn, inbredset_id, the_token.user, diff_filename) raise NotImplementedError @caseattr.route("/reject/", methods=["POST"]) def reject_case_attributes_diff(inbredset_id: int) -> Response: """Reject the changes to the case attributes in the diff.""" with (require_oauth.acquire("profile resource") as the_token, database_connection(current_app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn): __reject_diff__(conn, inbredset_id, the_token.user, diff_filename) raise NotImplementedError