"""Implement case-attribute manipulations.""" import os import csv import tempfile from functools import reduce from MySQLdb.cursors import DictCursor from flask import jsonify, Response, Blueprint, current_app from gn3.commands import run_cmd from gn3.db_utils import Connection, database_connection from gn3.auth.authentication.users import User from gn3.auth.authentication.oauth2.resource_server import require_oauth from gn3.auth.authorisation.errors import AuthorisationError caseattr = Blueprint("case-attribute", __name__) def __case_attribute_labels_by_inbred_set__(conn, inbredset_id): """Return the case-attribute labels/names for the given InbredSet group.""" with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM CaseAttribute WHERE InbredSetId=%(inbredset_id)s", {"inbredset_id": inbredset_id}) return tuple(dict(row) for row in cursor.fetchall()) @caseattr.route("//names", methods=["GET"]) def inbredset_case_attribute_names(inbredset_id: int) -> Response: """Retrieve ALL case-attributes for a specific InbredSet group.""" with database_connection(current_app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn: return jsonify( __case_attribute_labels_by_inbred_set__(conn, inbredset_id)) def __by_strain__(accumulator, item): attr = {item["CaseAttributeName"]: item["CaseAttributeValue"]} strain_name = item["StrainName"] if bool(accumulator.get(strain_name)): return { **accumulator, strain_name: { **accumulator[strain_name], "case-attributes": { **accumulator[strain_name]["case-attributes"], **attr } } } return { strain_name: { **{ key: value for key,value in item.items() if key in ("StrainName", "StrainName2", "Symbol", "Alias") }, "case-attributes": attr } } def __case_attribute_values_by_inbred_set__( conn: Connection, inbredset_id: int) -> tuple[dict, ...]: """ Retrieve Case-Attributes by their InbredSet ID. Do not call this outside this module. """ with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT ca.Name AS CaseAttributeName, " "caxrn.Value AS CaseAttributeValue, s.Name AS StrainName, " "s.Name2 AS StrainName2, s.Symbol, s.Alias " "FROM CaseAttribute AS ca " "INNER JOIN CaseAttributeXRefNew AS caxrn " "ON ca.CaseAttributeId=caxrn.CaseAttributeId " "INNER JOIN Strain AS s " "ON caxrn.StrainId=s.Id " "WHERE ca.InbredSetId=%(inbredset_id)s " "ORDER BY StrainName", {"inbredset_id": inbredset_id}) return tuple( reduce(__by_strain__, cursor.fetchall(), {}).values()) @caseattr.route("//values", methods=["GET"]) def inbredset_case_attribute_values(inbredset_id: int) -> Response: """Retrieve the group's (InbredSet's) case-attribute values.""" with database_connection(current_app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn: return jsonify(__case_attribute_values_by_inbred_set__(conn, inbredset_id)) def __process_orig_data__(data) -> tuple[dict, ...]: """Process data from database and return tuple of dicts.""" return tuple( { "Strain": row["StrainName"], **{ key: row["case-attributes"][key] for key in sorted(row["case-attributes"].keys()) } } for row in data) def __process_edit_data__(form_data) -> tuple[dict, ...]: """Process data from form and return tuple of dicts.""" raise NotImplementedError def __write_csv__(fieldnames, data): """Write the given `data` to a csv file and return the path to the file.""" fd, filepath = tempfile.mkstemp(".csv") os.close(fd) with open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as csvfile: writer = csv.DictWriter(filename, fieldnames=fieldnames, dialect="unix") writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(data) return filepath def __compute_diff__(calabels: tuple[str, ...], original_data: tuple[dict, ...], edit_data: tuple[dict, ...]): """Return the diff of the data.""" fieldnames = ["Strain"] + sorted(calabels) # Make first column the strain. basefilename = __write_csv__(fieldnames, original_data) deltafilename = __write_csv__(fieldnames, edit_data) diff_results = run_cmd(json.dumps( ["csvdiff", basefilename, deltafilename, "--format", "json"])) os.unlink(basefilename) os.unlink(deltafilename) if diff_results["code"] == 0: return json.loads(diff_results["output"]) return {} def __queue_diff__(conn: Connection, user: User, diff) -> str: """ Queue diff for future processing. Returns: `diff` On success, this will return the filename where the diff was saved. On failure, it will raise a MySQL error. """ # TODO: Check user has "edit case attribute privileges" raise NotImplementedError def __apply_diff__(conn: Connection, user: User, diff_filename) -> None: """ Apply the changes in the diff at `diff_filename` to the data in the database if the user has appropriate privileges. """ # TODO: Check user has "approve/reject case attribute diff privileges" def __save_diff__(conn: Connection, diff_filename): """Save to the database.""" raise NotImplementedError raise NotImplementedError def __reject_diff__(conn: Connection, user: User, diff_filename) -> None: """ Reject the changes in the diff at `diff_filename` to the data in the database if the user has appropriate privileges. """ # TODO: Check user has "approve/reject case attribute diff privileges" raise NotImplementedError @caseattr.route("//add", methods=["POST"]) def add_case_attributes(inbredset_id: int) -> Response: """Add a new case attribute for `InbredSetId`.""" with (require_oauth.acquire("profile resource") as the_token, database_connection(current_app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn): # TODO: Check user has "add/delete case attribute privileges." raise NotImplementedError @caseattr.route("//delete", methods=["POST"]) def delete_case_attributes(inbredset_id: int) -> Response: """Delete a case attribute from `InbredSetId`.""" with (require_oauth.acquire("profile resource") as the_token, database_connection(current_app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn): # TODO: Check user has "add/delete case attribute privileges." raise NotImplementedError @caseattr.route("//edit", methods=["POST"]) def edit_case_attributes(inbredset_id: int) -> Response: """Edit the case attributes for `InbredSetId` based on data received.""" with (require_oauth.acquire("profile resource") as the_token, database_connection(current_app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn): # TODO: Check user has "edit case attribute privileges" user = the_token.user diff_filename = __queue_diff__(conn, user, __compute_diff__( (["Strain"] + sorted( attr["Name"] for attr in __case_attribute_labels_by_inbred_set__(conn, inbredset_id))), __process_orig_data__( __case_attribute_values_by_inbred_set__(conn, inbredset_id)), __process_edit_data__(request.form))) try: __apply_diff__(conn, user, diff_filename) return jsonify({ "diff-status": "applied", "message": ("The changes to the case-attributes have been " "applied successfully.") }) except AuthorisationError as _auth_err: return jsonify({ "diff-status": "queued", "message": ("The changes to the case-attributes have been " "queued for approval."), "diff-filename": diff_filename }) @caseattr.route("/approve/", methods=["POST"]) def approve_case_attributes_diff(inbredset_id: int) -> Response: """Approve the changes to the case attributes in the diff.""" # TODO: Check user has "approve/reject case attribute diff privileges" with (require_oauth.acquire("profile resource") as the_token, database_connection(current_app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn): __apply_diff__(conn, the_token.user, diff_filename) raise NotImplementedError @caseattr.route("/reject/", methods=["POST"]) def reject_case_attributes_diff(inbredset_id: int) -> Response: """Reject the changes to the case attributes in the diff.""" # TODO: Check user has "approve/reject case attribute diff privileges" with (require_oauth.acquire("profile resource") as the_token, database_connection(current_app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn): __reject_diff__(conn, the_token.user, diff_filename) raise NotImplementedError