"""The views/routes for the `gn3.auth.authorisation.groups` package.""" import uuid import datetime from functools import partial from flask import request, jsonify, Response, Blueprint, current_app from gn3.auth import db from gn3.auth.dictify import dictify from gn3.auth.db_utils import with_db_connection from .models import ( user_group, all_groups, join_requests, accept_join_request, GroupCreationError, group_users as _group_users, create_group as _create_group) from ..errors import AuthorisationError from ...authentication.users import User from ...authentication.oauth2.resource_server import require_oauth groups = Blueprint("groups", __name__) @groups.route("/list", methods=["GET"]) @require_oauth("profile group") def list_groups(): """Return the list of groups that exist.""" with db.connection(current_app.config["AUTH_DB"]) as conn: the_groups = all_groups(conn) return jsonify(the_groups.maybe( [], lambda grps: [dictify(grp) for grp in grps])) @groups.route("/create", methods=["POST"]) @require_oauth("profile group") def create_group(): """Create a new group.""" with require_oauth.acquire("profile group") as the_token: group_name=request.form.get("group_name", "").strip() if not bool(group_name): raise GroupCreationError("Could not create the group.") db_uri = current_app.config["AUTH_DB"] with db.connection(db_uri) as conn: user = the_token.user new_group = _create_group( conn, group_name, user, request.form.get("group_description")) return jsonify({ **dictify(new_group), "group_leader": dictify(user) }) @groups.route("/members/", methods=["GET"]) @require_oauth("profile group") def group_members(group_id: uuid.UUID) -> Response: """Retrieve all the members of a group.""" with require_oauth.acquire("profile group") as the_token:# pylint: disable=[unused-variable] db_uri = current_app.config["AUTH_DB"] ## Check that user has appropriate privileges and remove the pylint disable above with db.connection(db_uri) as conn: return jsonify(tuple( dictify(user) for user in _group_users(conn, group_id))) @groups.route("/requests/join/", methods=["POST"]) @require_oauth("profile group") def request_to_join(group_id: uuid.UUID) -> Response: """Request to join a group.""" def __request__(conn: db.DbConnection, user: User, group_id: uuid.UUID, message: str): with db.cursor(conn) as cursor: group = user_group(cursor, user).maybe(# type: ignore[misc] False, lambda grp: grp)# type: ignore[arg-type] if group: error = AuthorisationError( "You cannot request to join a new group while being a " "member of an existing group.") error.error_code = 400 raise error request_id = uuid.uuid4() cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO group_join_requests VALUES " "(:request_id, :group_id, :user_id, :ts, :status, :msg)", { "request_id": str(request_id), "group_id": str(group_id), "user_id": str(user.user_id), "ts": datetime.datetime.now().timestamp(), "status": "PENDING", "msg": message }) return { "request_id": request_id, "message": "Successfully sent the join request." } with require_oauth.acquire("profile group") as the_token: form = request.form results = with_db_connection(partial( __request__, user=the_token.user, group_id=group_id, message=form.get( "message", "I hereby request that you add me to your group."))) return jsonify(results) @groups.route("/requests/join/list", methods=["GET"]) @require_oauth("profile group") def list_join_requests() -> Response: """List the pending join requests.""" with require_oauth.acquire("profile group") as the_token: return jsonify(with_db_connection(partial( join_requests, user=the_token.user))) @groups.route("/requests/join/accept", methods=["POST"]) @require_oauth("profile group") def accept_join_requests() -> Response: """Accept a join request.""" with require_oauth.acquire("profile group") as the_token: form = request.form request_id = uuid.UUID(form.get("request_id")) return jsonify(with_db_connection(partial( accept_join_request, request_id=request_id, user=the_token.user)))