"""Functions to check for authorisation.""" from functools import wraps from typing import Callable from flask import request, current_app as app from gn3.auth import db from gn3.auth.authorisation.oauth2.resource_server import require_oauth from . import privileges as auth_privs from .errors import InvalidData, AuthorisationError def __system_privileges_in_roles__(conn, user): """ This really is a hack since groups are not treated as resources at the moment of writing this. We need a way of allowing the user to have the system:group:* privileges. """ query = ( "SELECT DISTINCT p.* FROM users AS u " "INNER JOIN group_user_roles_on_resources AS guror " "ON u.user_id=guror.user_id " "INNER JOIN roles AS r ON guror.role_id=r.role_id " "INNER JOIN role_privileges AS rp ON r.role_id=rp.role_id " "INNER JOIN privileges AS p ON rp.privilege_id=p.privilege_id " "WHERE u.user_id=? AND p.privilege_id LIKE 'system:%'") with db.cursor(conn) as cursor: cursor.execute(query, (str(user.user_id),)) return (row["privilege_id"] for row in cursor.fetchall()) def authorised_p( privileges: tuple[str, ...], error_description: str = ( "You lack authorisation to perform requested action"), oauth2_scope = "profile"): """Authorisation decorator.""" assert len(privileges) > 0, "You must provide at least one privilege" def __build_authoriser__(func: Callable): @wraps(func) def __authoriser__(*args, **kwargs): # the_user = user or (hasattr(g, "user") and g.user) with require_oauth.acquire(oauth2_scope) as the_token: the_user = the_token.user if the_user: with db.connection(app.config["AUTH_DB"]) as conn: user_privileges = tuple( priv.privilege_id for priv in auth_privs.user_privileges(conn, the_user)) + tuple( priv_id for priv_id in __system_privileges_in_roles__(conn, the_user)) not_assigned = [ priv for priv in privileges if priv not in user_privileges] if len(not_assigned) == 0: return func(*args, **kwargs) raise AuthorisationError(error_description) return __authoriser__ return __build_authoriser__ def require_json(func): """Ensure the request has JSON data.""" @wraps(func) def __req_json__(*args, **kwargs): if bool(request.json): return func(*args, **kwargs) raise InvalidData("Expected JSON data in the request.") return __req_json__