"""OAuth2 Token""" import uuid import datetime from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence from pymonad.maybe import Just, Maybe, Nothing from gn3.auth import db from gn3.auth.authentication.users import User, user_by_id from .oauth2client import client, OAuth2Client class OAuth2Token(NamedTuple): """Implement Tokens for OAuth2.""" token_id: uuid.UUID client: OAuth2Client token_type: str access_token: str refresh_token: Optional[str] scope: Sequence[str] revoked: bool issued_at: datetime.datetime expires_in: int user: User @property def expires_at(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Return the time when the token expires.""" return self.issued_at + datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.expires_in) def check_client(self, client: OAuth2Client) -> bool:# pylint: disable=[redefined-outer-name] """Check whether the token is issued to given `client`.""" return client.client_id == self.client.client_id def get_expires_in(self) -> int: """Return the `expires_in` value for the token.""" return self.expires_in def get_scope(self) -> str: """Return the valid scope for the token.""" return " ".join(self.scope) def is_expired(self) -> bool: """Check whether the token is expired.""" return self.expires_at < datetime.datetime.now() def is_revoked(self): """Check whether the token has been revoked.""" return self.revoked def __token_from_resultset__(conn: db.DbConnection, rset) -> Maybe: the_client = client(conn, uuid.UUID(rset["client_id"])) the_user = user_by_id(conn, uuid.UUID(rset["user_id"])) __identity__ = lambda val: val if the_client.is_just() and the_user.is_just(): return Just(OAuth2Token(token_id=uuid.UUID(rset["token_id"]), client=the_client.maybe(None, __identity__), token_type=rset["token_type"], access_token=rset["access_token"], refresh_token=rset["refresh_token"], scope=rset["scope"].split(None), revoked=(rset["revoked"] == 1), issued_at=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( rset["issued_at"]), expires_in=rset["expires_in"], user=the_user.maybe(None, __identity__))) return Nothing def token_by_access_token(conn: db.DbConnection, token_str: str) -> Maybe: """Retrieve token by its token string""" with db.cursor(conn) as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM oauth2_tokens WHERE access_token=?", (token_str,)) res = cursor.fetchone() if res: return __token_from_resultset__(conn, res) return Nothing def token_by_refresh_token(conn: db.DbConnection, token_str: str) -> Maybe: """Retrieve token by its token string""" with db.cursor(conn) as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM oauth2_tokens WHERE refresh_token=?", (token_str,)) res = cursor.fetchone() if res: return __token_from_resultset__(conn, res) return Nothing def revoke_token(token: OAuth2Token) -> OAuth2Token: """ Return a new token derived from `token` with the `revoked` field set to `True`. """ return OAuth2Token( token_id=token.token_id, client=token.client, token_type=token.token_type, access_token=token.access_token, refresh_token=token.refresh_token, scope=token.scope, revoked=True, issued_at=token.issued_at, expires_in=token.expires_in, user=token.user) def save_token(conn: db.DbConnection, token: OAuth2Token) -> None: """Save/Update the token.""" with db.cursor(conn) as cursor: cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO oauth2_tokens VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (str(token.token_id), str(token.client.client_id), token.token_type, token.access_token, token.refresh_token, token.scope, 1 if token.revoked else 0, int(token.issued_at.timestamp()), token.expires_in, str(token.user.user_id))) ## If already exists # cursor.execute( # ("UPDATE oauth2_tokens SET refresh_token=?, revoked=?, " # "expires_in=? WHERE token_id=?"), # (token.refresh_token, token.scope, 1 if token.revoked else 0, # token.expires_in, str(token.token_id)))