"""API for fetching metadata using an API""" from string import Template from pathlib import Path from flask import Blueprint from flask import request from flask import current_app from gn3.db.datasets import (retrieve_metadata, save_dataset_metadata) from gn3.db.rdf import RDF_PREFIXES from gn3.db.rdf import (query_frame_and_compact, query_and_compact, query_and_frame) BASE_CONTEXT = { "data": "@graph", "id": "@id", "type": "@type", "gnc": "http://genenetwork.org/category/", "gnt": "http://genenetwork.org/term/", "rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", "rdf": "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>", } DATASET_CONTEXT = { "accessRights": "dct:accessRights", "accessionId": "dct:identifier", "acknowledgement": "gnt:hasAcknowledgement", "altLabel": "skos:altLabel", "caseInfo": "gnt:hasCaseInfo", "classifiedUnder": "xkos:classifiedUnder", "contributors": "dct:creator", "contactPoint": "dcat:contactPoint", "created": "dct:created", "dcat": "http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#", "dct": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/", "description": "dct:description", "ex": "http://example.org/stuff/1.0/", "experimentDesignInfo": "gnt:hasExperimentDesignInfo", "experimentType": "gnt:hasExperimentType", "foaf": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/", "geoSeriesId": "gnt:hasGeoSeriesId", "gnt": "http://genenetwork.org/term/", "inbredSet": "gnt:belongsToGroup", "label": "rdfs:label", "normalization": "gnt:usesNormalization", "platformInfo": "gnt:hasPlatformInfo", "notes": "gnt:hasNotes", "organization": "foaf:Organization", "prefLabel": "skos:prefLabel", "citation": "dct:isReferencedBy", "GoTree": "gnt:hasGOTreeValue", "platform": "gnt:usesPlatform", "processingInfo": "gnt:hasDataProcessingInfo", "rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", "skos": "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#", "specifics": "gnt:hasContentInfo", "title": "dct:title", "xkos": "http://rdf-vocabulary.ddialliance.org/xkos#", "tissueInfo": "gnt:hasTissueInfo", "tissue": "gnt:hasTissue", "contactWebUrl": "foaf:homepage", "contactName": "foaf:name", } SEARCH_CONTEXT = { "pages": "ex:pages", "hits": "ex:hits", "result": "ex:result", "results": "ex:items", "resultItem": "ex:resultType", "currentPage": "ex:currentPage", } DATASET_SEARCH_CONTEXT = SEARCH_CONTEXT | { "classifiedUnder": "xkos:classifiedUnder", "created": "dct:created", "dct": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/", "ex": "http://example.org/stuff/1.0/", "inbredSet": "ex:belongsToInbredSet", "title": "dct:title", "name": "rdfs:label", "rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", "type": "@type", "xkos": "http://rdf-vocabulary.ddialliance.org/xkos#", } PUBLICATION_CONTEXT = { "dct": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/", "fabio": "http://purl.org/spar/fabio/", "prism": "http://prismstandard.org/namespaces/basic/2.0/", "xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#", "title": "dct:title", "journal": "fabio:Journal", "volume": "prism:volume", "page": "fabio:page", "creator": "dct:creator", "abstract": "dct:abstract", "year": { "@id": "fabio:hasPublicationYear", "@type": "xsd:gYear", }, "month": { "@id": "prism:publicationDate", "@type": "xsd:gMonth" }, } PHENOTYPE_CONTEXT = BASE_CONTEXT | PUBLICATION_CONTEXT | { "skos": "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#", "dcat": "http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#", "prism": "http://prismstandard.org/namespaces/basic/2.0/", "traitName": "skos:altLabel", "trait": "rdfs:label", "altName": "rdfs:altLabel", "description": "dct:description", "abbreviation": "gnt:abbreviation", "labCode": "gnt:labCode", "submitter": "gnt:submitter", "dataset": "dcat:Distribution", "contributor": "dct:contributor", "mean": "gnt:mean", "locus": "gnt:locus", "lodScore": "gnt:lodScore", "references": "dct:isReferencedBy", "additive": "gnt:additive", "sequence": "gnt:sequence", "prefLabel": "skos:prefLabel", "identifier": "dct:identifier", "chromosome": "gnt:chr", "mb": "gnt:mb", "peakLocation": "gnt:locus", "species": "gnt:belongsToSpecies", "group": "gnt:belongsToGroup", } metadata = Blueprint("metadata", __name__) @metadata.route("/datasets/", methods=["GET"]) def datasets(name): """Fetch a dataset's metadata given it's ACCESSION_ID or NAME""" _query = Template(""" $prefix CONSTRUCT { ?dataset ?predicate ?term ; gnt:usesNormalization ?normalization . ?inbredSet rdfs:label ?inbredSetName . ?platform ?platformPred ?platformObject . ?normalization rdfs:label ?normalizationName . ?tissue ?tissuePred ?tissueObj . ?investigator foaf:name ?investigatorName ; foaf:homepage ?homepage . ?type skos:prefLabel ?altName . } WHERE { ?dataset rdf:type dcat:Dataset ; ?predicate ?term ; (rdfs:label|dct:identifier|skos:prefLabel) "$name" . FILTER (!regex(str(?predicate), '(usesNormalization)', 'i')) . OPTIONAL { ?inbredSet ^skos:member gnc:Set ; ^gnt:belongsToGroup ?dataset ; rdfs:label ?inbredSetName . } . OPTIONAL { ?type ^xkos:classifiedUnder ?dataset ; ^skos:member gnc:DatasetType ; skos:prefLabel ?altName . } . OPTIONAL { ?investigator foaf:name ?investigatorName ; foaf:homepage ?homepage ; ^dcat:contactPoint ?dataset . } . OPTIONAL { ?platform ^gnt:usesPlatform ?dataset ; ?platformPred ?platformObject . } . OPTIONAL { ?dataset gnt:usesNormalization ?normalization . ?normalization rdf:type gnc:avgMethod ; rdfs:label ?normalizationName . } . OPTIONAL { ?dataset gnt:hasTissue ?tissue . ?tissue rdfs:label ?tissueName ; ?tissuePred ?tissueObj . } . }""").substitute(prefix=RDF_PREFIXES, name=name) _context = { "@context": BASE_CONTEXT | DATASET_CONTEXT, "type": "dcat:Dataset", } __result = query_frame_and_compact( _query, _context, current_app.config.get("SPARQL_ENDPOINT") ) return __result | retrieve_metadata( (Path( current_app.config.get("DATA_DIR") ) / "gn-docs/general/datasets" / Path(__result.get("id", "")).stem).as_posix() ) @metadata.route("/datasets//list", methods=["GET"]) def list_datasets_by_group(group): """List datasets that belong to a given group""" args = request.args page = args.get("page", 0) page_size = args.get("per-page", 10) _query = Template(""" $prefix CONSTRUCT { ex:result rdf:type ex:resultType ; ex:totalCount ?totalCount ; ex:currentPage $offset ; ex:items [ rdfs:label ?datasetName ; dct:identifier ?accessionId ; dct:created ?createTime ; dct:title ?title ; ] . } WHERE { { SELECT ?datasetName ?accessionId ?createTime ?title WHERE { ?dataset rdf:type dcat:Dataset ; rdfs:label ?datasetName . ?inbredSet ^skos:member gnc:Set ; ^xkos:classifiedUnder ?dataset ; rdfs:label ?inbredSetName ; skos:prefLabel ?group . ?group bif:contains "$group" . OPTIONAL { ?dataset dct:identifier ?accesionId . } . OPTIONAL { ?dataset dct:created ?createTime . } . OPTIONAL { ?dataset dct:title ?title . } . } ORDER BY ?createTime LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset } { SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?dataset)/$limit+1 AS ?totalCount) WHERE { ?dataset rdf:type dcat:Dataset ; rdfs:label ?datasetName . ?inbredSet ^skos:member gnc:Set ; ^xkos:classifiedUnder ?dataset ; rdfs:label ?inbredSetName ; skos:prefLabel ?group . ?group bif:contains "$group" . } } } """).substitute(prefix=RDF_PREFIXES, group=group, limit=page_size, offset=page) _context = { "@context": BASE_CONTEXT | DATASET_SEARCH_CONTEXT, "type": "resultItem", } return query_frame_and_compact( _query, _context, current_app.config.get("SPARQL_ENDPOINT") ) @metadata.route("/datasets/search/", methods=["GET"]) def search_datasets(term): """Search datasets""" args = request.args page = args.get("page", 0) page_size = args.get("per-page", 10) _query = Template(""" $prefix CONSTRUCT { ex:result rdf:type ex:resultType ; ex:pages ?pages ; ex:hits ?hits ; ex:currentPage $offset ; ex:items [ rdfs:label ?label ; dct:title ?title ; ex:belongsToInbredSet ?inbredSetName ; xkos:classifiedUnder ?datasetType ; ] } WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?dataset ?label ?inbredSetName ?datasetType ?title WHERE { ?dataset rdf:type dcat:Dataset ; rdfs:label ?label ; ?datasetPredicate ?datasetObject ; xkos:classifiedUnder ?inbredSet . ?inbredSet ^skos:member gnc:Set ; rdfs:label ?inbredSetName . ?datasetObject bif:contains "'$term'" . OPTIONAL { ?dataset dct:title ?title . } . OPTIONAL { ?classification ^xkos:classifiedUnder ?dataset ; ^skos:member gnc:DatasetType ; ?typePredicate ?typeName ; skos:prefLabel ?datasetType . } } ORDER BY ?dataset LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset } { SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?dataset)/$limit+1 AS ?pages) (COUNT(DISTINCT ?dataset) AS ?hits) WHERE { ?dataset rdf:type dcat:Dataset ; ?p ?o . ?o bif:contains "'$term'" . } } } """).substitute(prefix=RDF_PREFIXES, term=term, limit=page_size, offset=page) _context = { "@context": BASE_CONTEXT | DATASET_SEARCH_CONTEXT, "type": "resultItem", } return query_frame_and_compact( _query, _context, current_app.config.get("SPARQL_ENDPOINT") ) @metadata.route("/publications/", methods=["GET"]) def publications(name): """Fetch a publication's metadata given it's NAME""" if "unpublished" in name: name = f"gn:unpublished{name}" else: name = f"pubmed:{name}" _query = Template(""" $prefix CONSTRUCT { $name ?predicate ?object . } WHERE { $name rdf:type fabio:ResearchPaper ; ?predicate ?object . FILTER (!regex(str(?predicate), '(hasPubMedId)', 'i')) . } """).substitute(name=name, prefix=RDF_PREFIXES) return query_and_compact( _query, {"@context": BASE_CONTEXT | PUBLICATION_CONTEXT}, current_app.config.get("SPARQL_ENDPOINT") ) @metadata.route("/publications/search/", methods=["GET"]) def search_publications(term): """Search publications""" args = request.args page = args.get("page", 0) page_size = args.get("per-page", 10) _query = Template(""" $prefix CONSTRUCT { ex:result rdf:type ex:resultType ; ex:totalCount ?totalCount ; ex:currentPage $offset ; ex:items [ rdfs:label ?publication ; dct:title ?title ; ] } WHERE { { SELECT ?publication ?title ?pmid WHERE { ?pub rdf:type fabio:ResearchPaper ; ?predicate ?object ; dct:title ?title . ?object bif:contains "'$term'" . BIND( STR(?pub) AS ?publication ) . } ORDER BY ?title LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset } { SELECT (COUNT(*)/$limit+1 AS ?totalCount) WHERE { ?publication rdf:type fabio:ResearchPaper ; ?predicate ?object . ?object bif:contains "'$term'" . } } } """).substitute(prefix=RDF_PREFIXES, term=term, limit=page_size, offset=page) _context = { "@context": BASE_CONTEXT | SEARCH_CONTEXT | { "dct": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/", "ex": "http://example.org/stuff/1.0/", "rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", "fabio": "http://purl.org/spar/fabio/", "title": "dct:title", "pubmed": "fabio:hasPubMedId", "currentPage": "ex:currentPage", "url": "rdfs:label", }, "type": "resultItem", "paper": { "@type": "fabio:ResearchPaper", "@container": "@index" } } return query_and_frame( _query, _context, current_app.config.get("SPARQL_ENDPOINT") ) @metadata.route("/phenotypes/", methods=["GET"]) @metadata.route("/phenotypes//", methods=["GET"]) def phenotypes(name, group=None): """Fetch a phenotype's metadata given it's name""" if group: name = f"{group}_{name}" _query = Template(""" $prefix CONSTRUCT { ?phenotype ?predicate ?object ; gnt:belongsToSpecies ?speciesName ; dcat:Distribution ?dataset ; gnt:belongsToGroup ?inbredSetName ; gnt:locus ?geno . ?dataset skos:prefLabel ?datasetName ; dct:identifier ?datasetLabel ; rdf:type dcat:Dataset . ?publication ?pubPredicate ?pubObject . ?geno rdfs:label ?locus ; gnt:chr ?chr ; gnt:mb ?mb . } WHERE { ?phenotype skos:altLabel "$name" ; gnt:belongsToGroup ?inbredSet ; ?predicate ?object . ?inbredSet rdfs:label ?inbredSetName ; xkos:generalizes ?species . ?species skos:prefLabel ?speciesName . OPTIONAL { ?publication ^dct:isReferencedBy ?phenotype ; rdf:type fabio:ResearchPaper ; ?pubPredicate ?pubObject . FILTER (!regex(str(?pubPredicate), '(hasPubMedId|type)', 'i')) . } . OPTIONAL { ?geno ^gnt:locus ?phenotype ; rdf:type gnc:Genotype ; rdfs:label ?locus ; gnt:chr ?chr ; gnt:mb ?mb . } . OPTIONAL { ?dataset rdf:type dcat:Dataset ; gnt:belongsToGroup ?inbredSet ; xkos:classifiedUnder gnc:Phenotype ; rdfs:label ?datasetLabel ; skos:prefLabel ?datasetName . ?type ^skos:member gnc:DatasetType . FILTER(?type = gnc:Phenotype) . } } """).substitute(prefix=RDF_PREFIXES, name=name) _context = { "@context": PHENOTYPE_CONTEXT, "dataset": { "type": "dcat:Dataset", }, "type": "gnc:Phenotype", } return query_frame_and_compact( _query, _context, current_app.config.get("SPARQL_ENDPOINT") ) @metadata.route("/genotypes/", methods=["GET"]) @metadata.route("/genotypes//", methods=["GET"]) def genotypes(name, dataset=""): """Fetch a genotype's metadata given it's name""" _query = Template(""" $prefix CONSTRUCT { ?genotype ?predicate ?object . ?genotype dcat:dataset ?dataset . ?species gnt:shortName ?speciesShortName . ?dataset rdfs:label ?datasetName ; skos:prefLabel ?datasetFullName ; gnt:belongsToGroup ?groupName . } WHERE { ?genotype rdf:type gnc:Genotype ; rdfs:label "$name" ; ?predicate ?object . OPTIONAL { ?species ^gnt:belongsToSpecies ?genotype ; gnt:shortName ?speciesShortName . } . OPTIONAL { ?dataset rdf:type dcat:Dataset ; (rdfs:label|dct:identifier|skos:prefLabel) "$dataset" ; rdfs:label ?datasetName ; skos:prefLabel ?datasetFullName ; gnt:belongsToGroup ?inbredSet . ?inbredSet rdfs:label ?groupName . } . } """).substitute(prefix=RDF_PREFIXES, name=name, dataset=dataset) _context = { "@context": BASE_CONTEXT | { "rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", "gnt": "http://genenetwork.org/term/", "xkos": "http://rdf-vocabulary.ddialliance.org/xkos#", "gnc": "http://genenetwork.org/category/", "xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#", "name": "rdfs:label", "chr": "gnt:chr", "skos": "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#", "prefLabel": "skos:prefLabel", "dcat": "http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#", "dataset": "dcat:dataset", "mb": "gnt:mb", "mbMm8": "gnt:mbMm8", "mb2016": "gnt:mb2016", "sequence": "gnt:hasSequence", "source": "gnt:hasSource", "species": "gnt:belongsToSpecies", "speciesName": "gnt:shortName", "alternateSource": "gnt:hasAltSourceName", "comments": "rdfs:comments", "group": "gnt:belongsToGroup", "chrNum": { "@id": "gnt:chrNum", "@type": "xsd:int", } }, "type": "gnc:Genotype", } return query_frame_and_compact( _query, _context, current_app.config.get("SPARQL_ENDPOINT") ) @metadata.route("/genewikis/gn/", methods=["GET"]) def get_gn_genewiki_entries(symbol): """Fetch the GN and NCBI GeneRIF entries""" args = request.args page = args.get("page", 0) page_size = args.get("per-page", 10) _query = Template(""" $prefix CONSTRUCT { ?symbol ex:entries [ rdfs:comment ?comment ; ex:species ?species_ ; dct:created ?createTime ; dct:references ?pmids ; dct:creator ?creator ; gnt:belongsToCategory ?categories ; ] . ?symbol rdf:type gnc:GNWikiEntry ; ex:totalCount ?totalCount ; ex:currentPage $offset . } WHERE { { SELECT ?symbol ?comment (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?speciesName; SEPARATOR='; ') AS ?species_) ?createTime ?creator (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?pubmed; SEPARATOR='; ') AS ?pmids) (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?category; SEPARATOR='; ') AS ?categories) WHERE { ?symbol rdfs:label ?label ; rdfs:comment _:entry . ?label bif:contains "'$symbol'" . _:entry rdf:type gnc:GNWikiEntry ; rdfs:comment ?comment . OPTIONAL { ?species ^xkos:classifiedUnder _:entry ; ^skos:member gnc:Species ; skos:prefLabel ?speciesName . } . OPTIONAL { _:entry dct:created ?createTime . } . OPTIONAL { _:entry dct:references ?pubmed . } . OPTIONAL { ?investigator foaf:name ?creator ; ^dct:creator _:entry . } . OPTIONAL { _:entry gnt:belongsToCategory ?category . } . } GROUP BY ?comment ?symbol ?createTime ?creator ORDER BY ?createTime LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset } { SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?comment)/$limit+1 AS ?totalCount) WHERE { ?symbol rdfs:comment _:entry ; rdfs:label ?label . _:entry rdfs:comment ?comment ; rdf:type gnc:GNWikiEntry . ?label bif:contains "'$symbol'" . } } } """).substitute(prefix=RDF_PREFIXES, symbol=symbol, limit=page_size, offset=page) _context = { "@context": BASE_CONTEXT | { "ex": "http://example.org/stuff/1.0/", "rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", "gnt": "http://genenetwork.org/term/", "gnc": "http://genenetwork.org/category/", "dct": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/", "xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#", "entries": "ex:entries", "comment": "rdfs:comment", "species": "ex:species", "category": 'gnt:belongsToCategory', "author": "dct:creator", "pubmed": "dct:references", "currentPage": "ex:currentPage", "pages": "ex:totalCount", "created": { "@id": "dct:created", "@type": "xsd:datetime" }, }, "type": "gnc:GNWikiEntry" } return query_frame_and_compact( _query, _context, current_app.config.get("SPARQL_ENDPOINT") ) @metadata.route("/genewikis/ncbi/", methods=["GET"]) def get_ncbi_genewiki_entries(symbol): """Fetch the NCBI GeneRIF entries""" args = request.args page, page_size = args.get("page", 0), args.get("per-page", 10) _query = Template(""" $prefix CONSTRUCT { ?symbol ex:entries [ rdfs:comment ?comment ; gnt:hasGeneId ?geneId ; ex:species ?species_ ; dct:created ?createTime ; dct:references ?pmids ; dct:creator ?creator ; ] . ?symbol rdf:type gnc:GNWikiEntry ; ex:totalCount ?totalCount ; ex:currentPage $offset . } WHERE { { SELECT ?symbol ?comment ?geneId (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?speciesName; SEPARATOR='; ') AS ?species_) ?createTime ?creator (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?pubmed; SEPARATOR='; ') AS ?pmids) WHERE { ?symbol rdfs:label ?label ; rdfs:comment _:entry . ?label bif:contains "'$symbol'" . _:entry rdf:type gnc:NCBIWikiEntry ; rdfs:comment ?comment . OPTIONAL { ?species ^xkos:classifiedUnder _:entry ; ^skos:member gnc:Species ; skos:prefLabel ?speciesName . } . OPTIONAL { _:entry gnt:hasGeneId ?geneId . } . OPTIONAL { _:entry dct:created ?createTime . } . OPTIONAL { _:entry dct:references ?pubmed . } . OPTIONAL { ?investigator foaf:name ?creator ; ^dct:creator _:entry . } . } GROUP BY ?comment ?symbol ?createTime ?creator ?geneId ORDER BY ?createTime LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset } { SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?comment)/$limit+1 AS ?totalCount) WHERE { ?symbol rdfs:comment _:entry ; rdfs:label ?label . _:entry rdfs:comment ?comment ; rdf:type gnc:NCBIWikiEntry . ?label bif:contains "'$symbol'" . } } } """).substitute(prefix=RDF_PREFIXES, symbol=symbol, limit=page_size, offset=page) _context = { "@context": BASE_CONTEXT | { "ex": "http://example.org/stuff/1.0/", "rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", "gnt": "http://genenetwork.org/term/", "gnc": "http://genenetwork.org/category/", "dct": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/", "xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#", "entries": "ex:entries", "comment": "rdfs:comment", "category": 'gnt:belongsToCategory', "author": "dct:creator", "species": "ex:species", "geneId": "gnt:hasGeneId", "pubmed": "dct:references", "currentPage": "ex:currentPage", "pages": "ex:totalCount", "created": { "@id": "dct:created", "@type": "xsd:datetime" }, }, "type": "gnc:GNWikiEntry" } return query_frame_and_compact( _query, _context, current_app.config.get("SPARQL_ENDPOINT") ) @metadata.route("/species", methods=["GET"]) def list_species(): """List all species""" _query = Template(""" $prefix CONSTRUCT { ?species ?predicate ?object . } WHERE { ?species ^skos:member gnc:Species ; ?predicate ?object . VALUES ?predicate { rdfs:label skos:prefLabel skos:altLabel gnt:shortName gnt:family skos:notation } } """).substitute(prefix=RDF_PREFIXES) _context = { "@context": BASE_CONTEXT | { "skos": "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#", "gnt": "http://genenetwork.org/term/", "rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", "name": "rdfs:label", "family": "gnt:family", "shortName": "gnt:shortName", "alternateName": "skos:altLabel", "taxonomicId": "skos:notation", "fullName": "skos:prefLabel", }, } return query_and_compact( _query, _context, current_app.config.get("SPARQL_ENDPOINT") ) @metadata.route("/species/", methods=["GET"]) def fetch_species(name): """Fetch a Single species information""" _query = Template(""" $prefix CONSTRUCT { ?species ?predicate ?object . } WHERE { ?species ^skos:member gnc:Species ; gnt:shortName "$name" ; ?predicate ?object . VALUES ?predicate { rdfs:label skos:prefLabel skos:altLabel gnt:shortName gnt:family skos:notation } } """).substitute(prefix=RDF_PREFIXES, name=name) _context = { "@context": BASE_CONTEXT | { "skos": "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#", "gnt": "http://genenetwork.org/term/", "rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", "name": "rdfs:label", "family": "gnt:family", "shortName": "gnt:shortName", "alternateName": "skos:altLabel", "taxonomicId": "skos:notation", "fullName": "skos:prefLabel", }, } return query_and_compact( _query, _context, current_app.config.get("SPARQL_ENDPOINT") ) @metadata.route("/groups", methods=["GET"]) def groups(): """Fetch the list of groups""" _query = Template(""" $prefix CONSTRUCT { ?group ?predicate ?object . } WHERE { ?group ^skos:member gnc:Set ; ?predicate ?object . VALUES ?predicate { rdfs:label skos:prefLabel gnt:geneticType gnt:mappingMethod gnt:code gnt:family } } """).substitute(prefix=RDF_PREFIXES) _context = { "@context": BASE_CONTEXT | { "skos": "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#", "gnt": "http://genenetwork.org/term/", "rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", "name": "rdfs:label", "family": "gnt:family", "shortName": "gnt:shortName", "code": "gnt:code", "mappingMethod": "gnt:mappingMethod", "geneticType": "gnt:geneticType", "fullName": "skos:prefLabel", }, } return query_and_compact( _query, _context, current_app.config.get("SPARQL_ENDPOINT") ) @metadata.route("/groups/", methods=["GET"]) def fetch_group_by_species(name): """Fetch the list of groups (I.e. Inbredsets)""" _query = Template(""" $prefix CONSTRUCT { ?group ?predicate ?object . } WHERE { ?species gnt:shortName "$name" ; ^skos:member gnc:Species . ?group ^skos:member gnc:Set ; xkos:generalizes ?species ; ?predicate ?object . VALUES ?predicate { rdfs:label skos:prefLabel gnt:geneticType gnt:mappingMethod gnt:code gnt:family } } """).substitute(prefix=RDF_PREFIXES, name=name) _context = { "@context": BASE_CONTEXT | { "skos": "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#", "gnt": "http://genenetwork.org/term/", "rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", "name": "rdfs:label", "family": "gnt:family", "shortName": "gnt:shortName", "code": "gnt:code", "mappingMethod": "gnt:mappingMethod", "geneticType": "gnt:geneticType", "fullName": "skos:prefLabel", }, } return query_and_compact( _query, _context, current_app.config.get("SPARQL_ENDPOINT") ) @metadata.route("/probesets/", methods=["GET"]) @metadata.route("/probesets//", methods=["GET"]) def probesets(name, dataset=""): """Fetch a probeset's metadata given it's name""" _query = Template(""" $prefix CONSTRUCT { ?probeset ?predicate ?object ; dct:references ?probesetResource ; dct:references ?resource ; gnt:belongsToSpecies ?speciesShortName ; gnt:belongsToGroup ?groupName ; gnt:hasTissue ?tissueName ; gnt:belongsToDataset ?datasetFullName . ?resource rdfs:label ?resourceLabel ; rdfs:comments ?resourceComments . ?probesetResource rdfs:label ?probesetResourceLabel ; rdfs:comments ?probesetResourceComments . ?chip rdfs:label ?chipName . } WHERE { ?probeset rdf:type gnc:Probeset ; rdfs:label "$name" ; ?predicate ?object . FILTER (!regex(str(?genePred), '(geneSymbol)', 'i')) . OPTIONAL { ?probeset gnt:geneSymbol ?symbolName . ?gene gnt:geneSymbol ?symbolName ; rdf:type gnc:Gene . ?resource ^dct:references ?gene ; a ?resourceLink . ?resourceLink rdfs:Class gnc:ResourceLink ; rdfs:label ?resourceLabel ; rdfs:comments ?resourceComments . } . OPTIONAL { ?probeset gnt:hasChip ?chip . ?chip rdfs:label ?chipName . } . OPTIONAL { ?probesetResource ^dct:references ?probeset ; a ?probesetResourceLink . ?probesetResourceLink rdfs:label ?probesetResourceLabel ; rdfs:comments ?probesetResourceComments . } . OPTIONAL { ?dataset rdf:type dcat:Dataset ; (rdfs:label|dct:identifier|skos:prefLabel) "$dataset" ; (skos:altLabel|skos:prefLabel) ?datasetFullName . } . OPTIONAL { ?dataset gnt:hasTissue ?tissue . ?tissue rdfs:label ?tissueName . } . OPTIONAL { ?inbredSet ^skos:member gnc:Set ; ^gnt:belongsToGroup ?dataset ; rdfs:label ?groupName ; xkos:generalizes ?species . ?species gnt:shortName ?speciesShortName . } . } """).substitute(prefix=RDF_PREFIXES, name=name, dataset=dataset) _context = { "@context": BASE_CONTEXT | { "alias": "skos:altLabel", "alignID": "gnt:hasAlignID", "blatMbEnd": "gnt:hasBlatMbEnd", "blatMbStart": "gnt:hasBlatMbStart", "blatScore": "gnt:hasBlatScore", "blatSeq": "gnt:hasBlatSeq", "chip": "gnt:hasChip", "chr": "gnt:chr", "chromosome": "gnt:chromosome", "comments": "rdfs:comments", "dct": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/", "description": "dct:description", "geneID": "gnt:hasGeneId", "group": "gnt:belongsToGroup", "dataset": "gnt:belongsToDataset", "tissue": "gnt:hasTissue", "kgID": "gnt:hasKgID", "location": "gnt:location", "mb": "gnt:mb", "name": "rdfs:label", "proteinID": "gnt:hasProteinID", "references": "dct:references", "rgdID": "gnt:hasRgdID", "skos": "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#", "species": "gnt:belongsToSpecies", "specificity": "gnt:hasSpecificity", "strand": "gnt:Strand", "strandProbe": "gnt:strandProbe", "symbol": "gnt:geneSymbol", "targetID": "gnt:hasTargetId", "targetRegion": "gnt:targetsRegion", "targetSequence": "gnt:hasTargetSeq", "transcript": "gnt:transcript", "txEnd": "gnt:TxEnd", "txStart": "gnt:TxStart", "unigenID": "gnt:hasUnigenID", "uniprot": "gnt:uniprot", }, "probeset": { "type": "gnc:Probeset", }, "type": "gnc:Probeset", } return query_frame_and_compact( _query, _context, current_app.config.get("SPARQL_ENDPOINT") )