#!/usr/bin/env guile \
-e main -s
;; Minimal web server can be started from command line. Current example routes:
;; localhost:8080/
(ice-9 match)
(ice-9 format)
(ice-9 iconv)
(ice-9 receive)
(srfi srfi-1)
(srfi srfi-26)
(web http)
(web client)
(web request)
(web response)
(web uri)
(fibers web server))
(define get-version
(define (base-url)
(define (prefix)
"Build the API URL including version"
(string-append (base-url) "/api/" get-version))
(define (mk-url postfix)
"Add the path to the API URL"
(string-append (prefix) "/" postfix))
(define (mk-doc postfix)
"Create a pointer to HTML documentation"
(string-append (base-url) "/" postfix ".html"))
(define (meta url)
"Adds /meta to the URL"
(string-append url "/meta"))
(define info `(
("name" . "GeneNetwork REST API")
("version" . ,get-version)
("comment" . "This is the official REST API for the GeneNetwork service hosted at https://genenetwork.org/")
("license" . (("source code" . "AGPL")))
("note" . "work in progress (WIP)")
("see also". ,(meta (prefix)))))
(define info-meta `(
("doc" . ,(mk-doc "info"))
("API" .
((,(mk-url "species")."Get a list of all species")
(,(mk-url "mouse")."Get information on mouse")
(,(mk-url "datasets")."Get a list of datasets")))))
(define (sparql-exec query)
"Execute raw SPARQL query returning a json object"
(bytevector->string (receive (response-status response-body)
(http-request (string-append "https://sparql.genenetwork.org/sparql?default-graph-uri=&query=" (uri-encode query) "&format=application%2Fsparql-results%2Bjson"))
response-body) "UTF-8"))
(define (sparql-names response)
(cdr (assoc "vars" (cdr (assoc "head" response)))))
(define (sparql-results response) (cdr (assoc "bindings" (cdr (assoc "results" response
(define (sparql-scm query)
"Return dual S-exp of varnames and results"
(let ((response (json-string->scm (sparql-exec query))))
(values (sparql-names response) (sparql-results response))))
(define (sparql-species)
(sparql-scm "
?species rdf:type gn:species .
(define (get-species-uris)
(map (lambda (m) (cdr (assoc "value"(cdr (car m))))) (array->list (sparql-species))))
(define (sparql-species-meta)
(sparql-scm "
SELECT ?species ?p ?o WHERE {
MINUS { ?species rdf:type ?o . }
SELECT DISTINCT ?species ?p ?o WHERE {
?species rdf:type gn:species .
?species ?p ?o .
;; (define (get-species)
;; (receive (names results) (sparql-species-meta)
;; results))
;; (define (get-values name resultlist)
;; (map (lambda (m) (cdr (assoc "value" (cdr (assoc name m))))) resultlist))
;; (define (filter-results)
;; (get-values "o" (array->list (get-species))))
;; (define (triples)
;; (array->list (get-species-all)))
(define get-matrix #f)
;; from the triples first harvest the species URIs, followed by creating records of information
(define (get-species-api-str)
(scm->json-string #("https://genenetwork.org/api/v2/mouse/"
;; ---- REST API web server handler
(define (not-found2 request)
(values (build-response #:code 404)
(string-append "Resource X not found: "
(uri->string (request-uri request)))))
(define (not-found uri)
(list (build-response #:code 404)
(string-append "Resource not found: " (uri->string uri))))
(define (render-json json)
(list '((content-type . (application/json)))
(lambda (port)
(scm->json json port))))
(define (controller request body)
(render-json info))
(('GET "meta")
(render-json info-meta))
(('GET "version")
(render-json get-version))
(('GET "species")
(render-json (get-species)))
(('GET "species-all")
(render-json (triples)))
(_ (not-found (request-uri request)))
(define (request-path-components request)
(split-and-decode-uri-path (uri-path (request-uri request))))
(define (handler request body)
(format #t "~a ~a\n"
(request-method request)
(uri-path (request-uri request)))
(apply values
((controller request body)
(cons (request-method request)
(request-path-components request)))))
(define (start-web-server address port)
(format (current-error-port)
"GN REST API web server listening on http://~a:~a/~%"
address port)
;; Wrap handler in another function to support live hacking via the
;; REPL. If handler is passed as is and is then redefined via the
;; REPL, the web server will still be using the old handler. The
;; only way to update the handler reference held by the web server
;; would be to restart the web server.
(run-server (cut handler <> <>)
#:addr (inet-pton AF_INET address)
#:port port))
(define (main args)
(write (string-append "Starting Guile REST API " get-version " server!"))
(write args)
(let ((listen (inexact->exact (string->number (car (cdr args))))))
(display `("listening on" ,listen))
;; (write listen)
;; (run-server hello-world-handler 'http `(#:port ,listen))))
(start-web-server "" listen)))