# genenetwork3
GeneNetwork3 REST API for data science and machine  learning

## Installation

##### Using python-pip

1. Prepare your system. You need to make you have python > 3.8, and
   the ability to install modules.
2. Create and enter your virtualenv:

virtualenv --python python3 venv
. venv/bin/activate
3. Install the required packages

# The --ignore-installed flag forces packages to
# get installed in the venv even if they existed 
# in the global env
pip install -r requirements.txt --ignore-installed

#### Using guix

Simply load up the environment (for development purposes):

guix environment --load=guix.scm

Also, make sure you have the *guix-bioinformatics* channel set up.

#### Running Tests

(assuming you are in a guix container; otherwise use venv!)

To run tests:

python -m unittest discover -v

Running pylint:

pylint *py tests gn3

Running mypy(type-checker):

mypy .

#### Running the flask app

To spin up the server:

env FLASK_DEBUG=1 FLASK_APP="main.py" flask run --port=8080

#### A note on dependencies

Make sure that the dependencies in the `requirements.txt` file match those in
guix. To freeze dependencies:

# Consistent way to ensure you don't capture globally
# installed packages
pip freeze --path venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages > requirements.txt
