# Tools/paths finder resolves external paths from settings and/or environment # variables import os import sys from wqflask import app # Use the standard logger here to avoid a circular dependency import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ ) def get_setting(command_id,guess=None): """Resolve a setting from the environment or the global settings in app.config, with valid_path is a function checking whether the path points to an expected directory and returns the full path to the binary command guess = os.environ.get('HOME')+'/pylmm' valid_path(get_setting('PYLMM_PATH',guess)) first tries the environment variable in +id+, next gets the Flask app setting for the same +id+ and finally does an educated +guess+. In all, the environment overrides the others, next is the flask setting, then the guess. A valid path to the binary command is returned. If none is resolved an exception is thrown. Note that we do not use the system path. This is on purpose because it will mess up controlled (reproducible) deployment. The proper way is to either use the GNU Guix defaults as listed in etc/default_settings.py or override them yourself by creating a different settings.py file (or setting the environment). """ def value(command): if command: # sys.stderr.write("Found "+command+"\n") return command else: return None # ---- Check whether environment exists logger.debug("Looking for "+command_id+"\n") command = value(os.environ.get(command_id)) if command == None or command == "": # ---- Check whether setting exists in app command = value(app.config.get(command_id)) if command == None: command = value(guess) if command == None or command == "": raise Exception(command_id+' setting unknown or faulty (update default_settings.py?).') logger.debug("Set "+command_id+"="+str(command)) return command def get_setting_bool(id): v = get_setting(id) if v not in [0,False,'False','FALSE',None]: return True return False def get_setting_int(id): v = get_setting(id) return int(v) def valid_bin(bin): if os.path.islink(bin) or valid_file(bin): return bin return None def valid_file(fn): if os.path.isfile(fn): return fn return None def valid_path(dir): if os.path.isdir(dir): return dir return None def pylmm_command(guess=None): return valid_bin(get_setting("PYLMM_COMMAND",guess)) def gemma_command(guess=None): return valid_bin(get_setting("GEMMA_COMMAND",guess)) def plink_command(guess=None): return valid_bin(get_setting("PLINK_COMMAND",guess)) def flat_files(subdir=None): base = get_setting("GENENETWORK_FILES") if subdir: return assert_dir(base+"/"+subdir) return assert_dir(base) def assert_dir(dir): if not valid_path(dir): raise Exception("ERROR: can not find directory "+dir) return dir def mk_dir(dir): if not valid_path(dir): os.makedirs(dir) return assert_dir(dir) def locate(name, subdir=None): """ Locate a static flat file in the GENENETWORK_FILES environment. This function throws an error when the file is not found. """ base = get_setting("GENENETWORK_FILES") if subdir: base = base+"/"+subdir if valid_path(base): lookfor = base + "/" + name if valid_file(lookfor): logger.info("Found: file "+lookfor+"\n") return lookfor else: raise Exception("Can not locate "+lookfor) if subdir: sys.stderr.write(subdir) raise Exception("Can not locate "+name+" in "+base) def locate_ignore_error(name, subdir=None): """ Locate a static flat file in the GENENETWORK_FILES environment. This function does not throw an error when the file is not found but returns None. """ base = get_setting("GENENETWORK_FILES") if subdir: base = base+"/"+subdir if valid_path(base): lookfor = base + "/" + name if valid_file(lookfor): logger.debug("Found: file "+name+"\n") return lookfor logger.info("WARNING: file "+name+" not found\n") return None def tempdir(): return valid_path(get_setting("TEMPDIR","/tmp")) BLUE = '\033[94m' GREEN = '\033[92m' BOLD = '\033[1m' ENDC = '\033[0m' def show_settings(): from utility.tools import LOG_LEVEL print("Set global log level to "+BLUE+LOG_LEVEL+ENDC) log_level = getattr(logging, LOG_LEVEL.upper()) logging.basicConfig(level=log_level) logger.info(BLUE+"Mr. Mojo Risin 2"+ENDC) print "runserver.py: ****** The webserver has the following configuration ******" keylist = app.config.keys() keylist.sort() for k in keylist: try: print("%s %s%s%s%s" % (k,BLUE,BOLD,get_setting(k),ENDC)) except: print("%s %s%s%s%s" % (k,GREEN,BOLD,app.config[k],ENDC)) # Cached values WEBSERVER_MODE = get_setting('WEBSERVER_MODE') LOG_LEVEL = get_setting('LOG_LEVEL') LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = get_setting_int('LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG') LOG_SQL = get_setting_bool('LOG_SQL') USE_REDIS = get_setting_bool('USE_REDIS') PYLMM_COMMAND = pylmm_command() GEMMA_COMMAND = gemma_command() PLINK_COMMAND = plink_command() FLAT_FILES = flat_files() TEMPDIR = tempdir()