from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

import hmac
import hashlib

from flask import url_for

from wqflask import app

def hmac_creation(stringy):
    """Helper function to create the actual hmac"""

    secret = app.config['SECRET_HMAC_CODE']

    hmaced =, stringy, hashlib.sha1)
    hm = hmaced.hexdigest()
    # ZS: Leaving the below comment here to ask Pjotr about
    # "Conventional wisdom is that you don't lose much in terms of security if you throw away up to half of the output."
    hm = hm[:20]
    return hm

def data_hmac(stringy):
    """Takes arbitray data string and appends :hmac so we know data hasn't been tampered with"""
    return stringy + ":" + hmac_creation(stringy)

def url_for_hmac(endpoint, **values):
    """Like url_for but adds an hmac at the end to insure the url hasn't been tampered with"""

    url = url_for(endpoint, **values)

    hm = hmac_creation(url)
    if '?' in url:
        combiner = "&"
        combiner = "?"
    return url + combiner + "hm=" + hm
