# Elasticsearch support # # Some helpful commands to view the database: # # You can test the server being up with # # curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:9200 # # List all indices # # curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v' # # To see the users index 'table' # # curl http://localhost:9200/users # # To list all user ids # # curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:9200/users/local/_search?pretty=true -d ' # { # "query" : { # "match_all" : {} # }, # "stored_fields": [] # }' # # To view a record # # curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:9200/users/local/_search?pretty=true -d ' # { # "query" : { # "match" : { "email_address": "pjotr2017@thebird.nl"} # } # }' # # # To delete the users index and data (dangerous!) # # curl -XDELETE -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'localhost:9200/users' from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, TransportError import logging from utility.logger import getLogger logger = getLogger(__name__) from utility.tools import ELASTICSEARCH_HOST, ELASTICSEARCH_PORT def test_elasticsearch_connection(): es = Elasticsearch(['http://'+ELASTICSEARCH_HOST+":"+str(ELASTICSEARCH_PORT)+'/'], verify_certs=True) if not es.ping(): logger.warning("Elasticsearch is DOWN") def get_elasticsearch_connection(): """Return a connection to ES. Returns None on failure""" logger.info("get_elasticsearch_connection") es = None try: assert(ELASTICSEARCH_HOST) assert(ELASTICSEARCH_PORT) logger.info("ES HOST",ELASTICSEARCH_HOST) es = Elasticsearch([{ "host": ELASTICSEARCH_HOST, "port": ELASTICSEARCH_PORT }]) if (ELASTICSEARCH_HOST and ELASTICSEARCH_PORT) else None setup_users_index(es) es_logger = logging.getLogger("elasticsearch") es_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) es_logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to get elasticsearch connection", e) es = None return es def setup_users_index(es_connection): if es_connection: index_settings = { "properties": { "email_address": { "type": "keyword"}}} es_connection.indices.create(index='users', ignore=400) es_connection.indices.put_mapping(body=index_settings, index="users", doc_type="local") def get_user_by_unique_column(es, column_name, column_value, index="users", doc_type="local"): return get_item_by_unique_column(es, column_name, column_value, index=index, doc_type=doc_type) def save_user(es, user, user_id): es_save_data(es, "users", "local", user, user_id) def get_item_by_unique_column(es, column_name, column_value, index, doc_type): item_details = None try: response = es.search( index = index, doc_type = doc_type, body = { "query": { "match": { column_name: column_value } } }) if len(response["hits"]["hits"]) > 0: item_details = response["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"] except TransportError as te: pass return item_details def es_save_data(es, index, doc_type, data_item, data_id,): from time import sleep es.create(index, doc_type, body=data_item, id=data_id) sleep(1) # Delay 1 second to allow indexing