## GEMMA Version = 0.94
## Command Line Input = -bfile /home/zas1024/gene/web/gemma/HLC -k ../web/gemma/output_HLC.cXX.txt -lmm 1 -o HLC_output 
## Summary Statistics:
## number of total individuals = 427
## number of analyzed individuals = 427
## number of covariates = 1
## number of phenotypes = 1
## number of total SNPs = 358499
## number of analyzed SNPs = 273349
## REMLE log-likelihood in the null model = -3650.56
## MLE log-likelihood in the null model = -3657.67
## pve estimate in the null model = 0.840196
## se(pve) in the null model = 0.106606
## vg estimate in the null model = 4.2245e+06
## ve estimate in the null model = 265756
## beta estimate in the null model =   1202.14
## se(beta) =   24.9475
## Computation Time:
## total computation time = 2.68417 min 
## computation time break down: 
##      time on eigen-decomposition = 0.00166667 min 
##      time on calculating UtX = 0.417 min 
##      time on optimization = 2.11733 min 