from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import """ Results will be returned for each of several trait types: mRNA assays, phenotypes, genotypes, and (maybe later) genes For each trait type, the results for each species should be given; for example, have a "Mouse" tab with the mouse traits in a table inside it This table will then list each trait, its dataset, and several columns determined by its trait type (phenotype, genotype, etc) """ import sys sys.path.append("../../..") import simplejson as json import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy.dialects import mysql from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker, relationship, backref from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base import zach_settings as settings Engine = sa.create_engine(settings.SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI, #encoding='utf-8', #client_encoding='utf-8', #echo="debug", ) Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=Engine)) #, extension=VersionedListener())) Base = declarative_base(bind=Engine) Metadata = sa.MetaData() Metadata.bind = Engine class PublishXRef(Base): __tablename__ = 'PublishXRef' Id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True) InbredSetId = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True) PhenotypeId = sa.Column(sa.Integer) PublicationId = sa.Column(sa.Integer) DataId = sa.Column(sa.Integer) Locus = sa.Column(sa.Text) LRS = sa.Column(sa.Float) additive = sa.Column(sa.Float) Sequence = sa.Column(sa.Integer) comments = sa.Column(sa.Text) @classmethod def run(cls): conn = Engine.connect() counter = 0 for ps in page_query(Session.query(cls)): #all() values = {} values['table_name'] = cls.__tablename__ values['the_key'] = json.dumps([ps.Id, ps.InbredSetId]) values['terms'] = cls.get_unique_terms(ps.Id, ps.InbredSetId) print("terms is:", values['terms']) values['result_fields'] = cls.get_result_fields(ps.Id, ps.InbredSetId) ins = QuickSearch.insert().values(**values) conn.execute(ins) counter += 1 print("Done:", counter) @staticmethod def get_unique_terms(publishxref_id, inbredset_id): results = Session.query( "pre_publication_description", "post_publication_description", "pre_publication_abbreviation", "post_publication_abbreviation", "publication_title" ).from_statement( "SELECT Phenotype.Pre_publication_description as pre_publication_description, " "Phenotype.Post_publication_description as post_publication_description, " "Phenotype.Pre_publication_abbreviation as pre_publication_abbreviation, " "Phenotype.Post_publication_abbreviation as post_publication_abbreviation, " "Publication.Title as publication_title " "FROM Phenotype, Publication, PublishXRef " "WHERE PublishXRef.Id = :publishxref_id and " "PublishXRef.InbredSetId = :inbredset_id and " "PublishXRef.PhenotypeId = Phenotype.Id and " "PublishXRef.PublicationId = Publication.Id ").params(publishxref_id=publishxref_id, inbredset_id=inbredset_id).all() unique = set() for item in results[0]: #print("locals:", locals()) if not item: continue for token in item.split(): if token.startswith(('(','[')): token = token[1:] if token.endswith((')', ']')): token = token[:-1] if token.endswith(';'): token = token[:-1] if len(token) > 2: try: # This hopefully ensures that the token is utf-8 token = token.encode('utf-8') print(" ->", token) except UnicodeDecodeError: print("\n-- UDE \n") # Can't get it into utf-8, we won't use it continue unique.add(token) print("\nUnique terms are: {}\n".format(unique)) return " ".join(unique) @staticmethod def get_result_fields(publishxref_id, inbredset_id): results = Session.query( "phenotype_id", "species", "group_name", "description", "lrs", "publication_id", "year", "authors" ).from_statement( "SELECT PublishXRef.PhenotypeId as phenotype_id, " "Species.Name as species, " "InbredSet.Name as group_name, " "Phenotype.Original_description as description, " "PublishXRef.LRS as lrs, " "PublishXRef.PublicationId as publication_id, " "Publication.Year as year, " "Publication.Authors as authors " "FROM PublishXRef, " "Phenotype, " "Publication, " "InbredSet, " "Species " "WHERE PublishXRef.Id = :publishxref_id and " "PublishXRef.InbredSetId = :inbredset_id and " "PublishXRef.PhenotypeId = Phenotype.Id and " "PublishXRef.PublicationId = Publication.Id and " "InbredSet.Id = :inbredset_id and " "Species.Id = InbredSet.SpeciesId ").params(publishxref_id=publishxref_id, inbredset_id=inbredset_id).all() #"InbredSet.SpeciesId = Species.Id and " #"Geno.SpeciesId = Species.Id and " #"Geno.Name = PublishXRef.Locus ").params(publishxref_id=publishxref_id, # inbredset_id=inbredset_id).all() for result in results: print("****", result) assert len(set(result for result in results)) == 1, "Different results or no results" print("results are:", results) result = results[0] result = row2dict(result) try: json_results = json.dumps(result, sort_keys=True) except UnicodeDecodeError: print("\n\nTrying to massage unicode\n\n") for key, value in result.iteritems(): print("\tkey is:", key) print("\tvalue is:", value) if isinstance(value, basestring): result[key] = value.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') json_results = json.dumps(result, sort_keys=True) return json_results class ProbeSetXRef(Base): __tablename__ = 'ProbeSetXRef' ProbeSetFreezeId = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True) ProbeSetId = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True) DataId = sa.Column(sa.Integer, unique=True) Locus_old = sa.Column(sa.Text) LRS_old = sa.Column(sa.Float) pValue_old = sa.Column(sa.Float) mean = sa.Column(sa.Float) se = sa.Column(sa.Float) Locus = sa.Column(sa.Text) LRS = sa.Column(sa.Float) pValue = sa.Column(sa.Float) additive = sa.Column(sa.Float) h2 = sa.Column(sa.Float) @classmethod def run(cls): conn = Engine.connect() counter = 0 for ps in page_query(Session.query(cls)): #all() values = {} values['table_name'] = cls.__tablename__ values['the_key'] = json.dumps([ps.ProbeSetId, ps.ProbeSetFreezeId]) values['terms'] = cls.get_unique_terms(ps.ProbeSetId) print("terms is:", values['terms']) #values['species'] = get_species("ProbeSet", ps.Id) values['result_fields'] = cls.get_result_fields(ps.ProbeSetId, ps.ProbeSetFreezeId) ins = QuickSearch.insert().values(**values) conn.execute(ins) counter += 1 print("Done:", counter) @staticmethod def get_unique_terms(probeset_id): results = Session.query( "name", "symbol", "description", "alias" ).from_statement( "SELECT ProbeSet.Name as name, " "ProbeSet.Symbol as symbol, " "ProbeSet.description as description, " "ProbeSet.alias as alias " "FROM ProbeSet " "WHERE ProbeSet.Id = :probeset_id ").params(probeset_id=probeset_id).all() unique = set() for item in results[0]: #print("locals:", locals()) if not item: continue for token in item.split(): if token.startswith(('(','[')): token = token[1:] if token.endswith((')', ']')): token = token[:-1] if token.endswith(';'): token = token[:-1] if len(token) > 2: try: # This hopefully ensures that the token is utf-8 token = token.encode('utf-8') print(" ->", token) except UnicodeDecodeError: print("\n-- UDE \n") # Can't get it into utf-8, we won't use it continue unique.add(token) print("\nUnique terms are: {}\n".format(unique)) return " ".join(unique) @staticmethod def get_result_fields(probeset_id, dataset_id): results = Session.query( "name", "species", "group", "dataset", "dataset_name", "symbol", "description", "chr", "mb", "lrs", "genbank_id", "gene_id", "chip_id", "chip_name" ).from_statement( "SELECT ProbeSet.Name as name, " "Species.Name as species, " "InbredSet.Name as group, " "ProbeSetFreeze.Name as dataset, " "ProbeSetFreeze.FullName as dataset_name, " "ProbeSet.Symbol as symbol, " "ProbeSet.description as description, " "ProbeSet.Chr as chr, " "ProbeSet.Mb as mb, " "ProbeSetXRef.LRS as lrs, " "ProbeSet.GenbankId as genbank_id, " "ProbeSet.GeneId as gene_id, " "ProbeSet.ChipId as chip_id, " "GeneChip.Name as chip_name " "FROM ProbeSet, " "ProbeSetXRef, " "ProbeSetFreeze, " "ProbeFreeze, " "InbredSet, " "Species, " "GeneChip " "WHERE ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId = :probeset_id and " "ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId = :dataset_id and " "ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId = ProbeSet.Id and " "ProbeSet.ChipId = GeneChip.Id and " "ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId = ProbeSetFreeze.Id and " "ProbeSetFreeze.ProbeFreezeId = ProbeFreeze.Id and " "ProbeFreeze.InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id and " "InbredSet.SpeciesId = Species.Id ").params(probeset_id=probeset_id, dataset_id=dataset_id).all() for result in results: print(result) assert len(set(result for result in results)) == 1, "Different results" print("results are:", results) result = results[0] result = row2dict(result) try: json_results = json.dumps(result, sort_keys=True) except UnicodeDecodeError: print("\n\nTrying to massage unicode\n\n") for key, value in result.iteritems(): print("\tkey is:", key) print("\tvalue is:", value) if isinstance(value, basestring): result[key] = value.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') json_results = json.dumps(result, sort_keys=True) return json_results QuickSearch = sa.Table("QuickSearch", Metadata, sa.Column('table_name', sa.String(15), primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=False), # table that item is inserted from sa.Column('the_key', sa.String(30), primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=False), # key in database table sa.Column('terms', sa.Text), # terms to compare search string with sa.Column('result_fields', sa.Text) # json ) QuickSearch.drop(Engine, checkfirst=True) Metadata.create_all(Engine) def row2dict(row): """""" return dict(zip(row.keys(), row)) def page_query(q): """""" offset = 0 while True: r = False for elem in q.limit(1000).offset(offset): r = True yield elem offset += 1000 if not r: break def main(): if __name__ == "__main__": main()