#!/usr/bin/python """ Convert .geno files to json This file goes through all of the genofiles in the genofile directory (.geno) and converts them to json files that are used when running the marker regression code """ import sys sys.path.append("..") import os import glob import traceback import gzip #import numpy as np #from pyLMM import lmm import simplejson as json from pprint import pformat as pf #from utility.tools import flat_files class EmptyConfigurations(Exception): pass class Marker(object): def __init__(self): self.name = None self.chr = None self.cM = None self.Mb = None self.genotypes = [] class ConvertGenoFile(object): def __init__(self, input_file, output_file): self.input_file = input_file self.output_file = output_file self.mb_exists = False self.cm_exists = False self.markers = [] self.latest_row_pos = None self.latest_col_pos = None self.latest_row_value = None self.latest_col_value = None def convert(self): self.haplotype_notation = { '@mat': "1", '@pat': "0", '@het': "0.5", '@unk': "NA" } self.configurations = {} #self.skipped_cols = 3 #if self.input_file.endswith(".geno.gz"): # print("self.input_file: ", self.input_file) # self.input_fh = gzip.open(self.input_file) #else: self.input_fh = open(self.input_file) with open(self.output_file, "w") as self.output_fh: #if self.file_type == "geno": self.process_csv() #elif self.file_type == "snps": # self.process_snps_file() def process_csv(self): for row_count, row in enumerate(self.process_rows()): row_items = row.split("\t") this_marker = Marker() this_marker.name = row_items[1] this_marker.chr = row_items[0] if self.cm_exists and self.mb_exists: this_marker.cM = row_items[2] this_marker.Mb = row_items[3] genotypes = row_items[4:] elif self.cm_exists: this_marker.cM = row_items[2] genotypes = row_items[3:] elif self.mb_exists: this_marker.Mb = row_items[2] genotypes = row_items[3:] else: genotypes = row_items[2:] for item_count, genotype in enumerate(genotypes): if genotype.upper() in self.configurations: this_marker.genotypes.append(self.configurations[genotype.upper()]) else: this_marker.genotypes.append("NA") #print("this_marker is:", pf(this_marker.__dict__)) #if this_marker.chr == "14": self.markers.append(this_marker.__dict__) with open(self.output_file, 'w') as fh: json.dump(self.markers, fh, indent=" ", sort_keys=True) # print('configurations:', str(configurations)) #self.latest_col_pos = item_count + self.skipped_cols #self.latest_col_value = item #if item_count != 0: # self.output_fh.write(" ") #self.output_fh.write(self.configurations[item.upper()]) #self.output_fh.write("\n") def process_rows(self): for self.latest_row_pos, row in enumerate(self.input_fh): #if self.input_file.endswith(".geno.gz"): # print("row: ", row) self.latest_row_value = row # Take care of headers if not row.strip(): continue if row.startswith('#'): continue if row.startswith('Chr'): if 'Mb' in row.split(): self.mb_exists = True if 'cM' in row.split(): self.cm_exists = True continue if row.startswith('@'): key, _separater, value = row.partition(':') key = key.strip() value = value.strip() if key in self.haplotype_notation: self.configurations[value] = self.haplotype_notation[key] continue if not len(self.configurations): raise EmptyConfigurations yield row @classmethod def process_all(cls, old_directory, new_directory): os.chdir(old_directory) for input_file in glob.glob("*"): if not input_file.endswith(('geno', '.geno.gz')): continue group_name = ".".join(input_file.split('.')[:-1]) output_file = os.path.join(new_directory, group_name + ".json") print("%s -> %s" % ( os.path.join(old_directory, input_file), output_file)) convertob = ConvertGenoFile(input_file, output_file) try: convertob.convert() except EmptyConfigurations as why: print(" No config info? Continuing...") #excepted = True continue except Exception as why: print(" Exception:", why) print(traceback.print_exc()) print(" Found in row %s at tabular column %s" % (convertob.latest_row_pos, convertob.latest_col_pos)) print(" Column is:", convertob.latest_col_value) print(" Row is:", convertob.latest_row_value) break #def process_snps_file(cls, snps_file, new_directory): # output_file = os.path.join(new_directory, "mouse_families.json") # print("%s -> %s" % (snps_file, output_file)) # convertob = ConvertGenoFile(input_file, output_file) if __name__=="__main__": Old_Geno_Directory = """/export/local/home/zas1024/gn2-zach/genotype_files/genotype""" New_Geno_Directory = """/export/local/home/zas1024/gn2-zach/genotype_files/genotype/json""" #Input_File = """/home/zas1024/gene/genotype_files/genotypes/BXD.geno""" #Output_File = """/home/zas1024/gene/wqflask/wqflask/pylmm/data/bxd.snps""" #convertob = ConvertGenoFile("/home/zas1024/gene/genotype_files/genotypes/SRxSHRSPF2.geno", "/home/zas1024/gene/genotype_files/new_genotypes/SRxSHRSPF2.json") #convertob.convert() ConvertGenoFile.process_all(Old_Geno_Directory, New_Geno_Directory) #ConvertGenoFiles(Geno_Directory) #process_csv(Input_File, Output_File)