# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ flask.ext.security.decorators ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flask-Security decorators module :copyright: (c) 2012 by Matt Wright. :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details. """ from functools import wraps from flask import current_app, Response, request, redirect, _request_ctx_stack from flask.ext.login import current_user, login_required from flask.ext.principal import RoleNeed, Permission, Identity, identity_changed from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy from . import utils # Convenient references _security = LocalProxy(lambda: current_app.extensions['security']) _default_unauthorized_html = """


The server could not verify that you are authorized to access the URL requested. You either supplied the wrong credentials (e.g. a bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required.

""" def _get_unauthorized_response(text=None, headers=None): text = text or _default_unauthorized_html headers = headers or {} return Response(text, 401, headers) def _get_unauthorized_view(): cv = utils.get_url(utils.config_value('UNAUTHORIZED_VIEW')) utils.do_flash(*utils.get_message('UNAUTHORIZED')) return redirect(cv or request.referrer or '/') def _check_token(): header_key = _security.token_authentication_header args_key = _security.token_authentication_key header_token = request.headers.get(header_key, None) token = request.args.get(args_key, header_token) if request.json: token = request.json.get(args_key, token) serializer = _security.remember_token_serializer try: data = serializer.loads(token) except: return False user = _security.datastore.find_user(id=data[0]) if utils.md5(user.password) == data[1]: app = current_app._get_current_object() _request_ctx_stack.top.user = user identity_changed.send(app, identity=Identity(user.id)) return True def _check_http_auth(): auth = request.authorization or dict(username=None, password=None) user = _security.datastore.find_user(email=auth.username) if user and utils.verify_and_update_password(auth.password, user): _security.datastore.commit() app = current_app._get_current_object() _request_ctx_stack.top.user = user identity_changed.send(app, identity=Identity(user.id)) return True return False def http_auth_required(realm): """Decorator that protects endpoints using Basic HTTP authentication. The username should be set to the user's email address. :param realm: optional realm name""" def decorator(fn): @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if _check_http_auth(): return fn(*args, **kwargs) r = _security.default_http_auth_realm if callable(realm) else realm h = {'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="%s"' % r} return _get_unauthorized_response(headers=h) return wrapper if callable(realm): return decorator(realm) return decorator def auth_token_required(fn): """Decorator that protects endpoints using token authentication. The token should be added to the request by the client by using a query string variable with a name equal to the configuration value of `SECURITY_TOKEN_AUTHENTICATION_KEY` or in a request header named that of the configuration value of `SECURITY_TOKEN_AUTHENTICATION_HEADER` """ @wraps(fn) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): if _check_token(): return fn(*args, **kwargs) return _get_unauthorized_response() return decorated def auth_required(*auth_methods): """ Decorator that protects enpoints through multiple mechanisms Example:: @app.route('/dashboard') @auth_required('token', 'session') def dashboard(): return 'Dashboard' :param auth_methods: Specified mechanisms. """ login_mechanisms = { 'token': lambda: _check_token(), 'basic': lambda: _check_http_auth(), 'session': lambda: current_user.is_authenticated() } def wrapper(fn): @wraps(fn) def decorated_view(*args, **kwargs): mechanisms = [login_mechanisms.get(method) for method in auth_methods] for mechanism in mechanisms: if mechanism and mechanism(): return fn(*args, **kwargs) return _get_unauthorized_response() return decorated_view return wrapper def roles_required(*roles): """Decorator which specifies that a user must have all the specified roles. Example:: @app.route('/dashboard') @roles_required('admin', 'editor') def dashboard(): return 'Dashboard' The current user must have both the `admin` role and `editor` role in order to view the page. :param args: The required roles. """ def wrapper(fn): @wraps(fn) def decorated_view(*args, **kwargs): perms = [Permission(RoleNeed(role)) for role in roles] for perm in perms: if not perm.can(): return _get_unauthorized_view() return fn(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_view return wrapper def roles_accepted(*roles): """Decorator which specifies that a user must have at least one of the specified roles. Example:: @app.route('/create_post') @roles_accepted('editor', 'author') def create_post(): return 'Create Post' The current user must have either the `editor` role or `author` role in order to view the page. :param args: The possible roles. """ def wrapper(fn): @wraps(fn) def decorated_view(*args, **kwargs): perm = Permission(*[RoleNeed(role) for role in roles]) if perm.can(): return fn(*args, **kwargs) return _get_unauthorized_view() return decorated_view return wrapper def anonymous_user_required(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if current_user.is_authenticated(): return redirect(utils.get_url(_security.post_login_view)) return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper