# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ flask.ext.security.changeable ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flask-Security recoverable module :copyright: (c) 2012 by Matt Wright. :author: Eskil Heyn Olsen :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details. """ from flask import current_app as app, request from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy from .signals import password_changed from .utils import send_mail, encrypt_password, url_for_security, \ config_value # Convenient references _security = LocalProxy(lambda: app.extensions['security']) _datastore = LocalProxy(lambda: _security.datastore) def send_password_changed_notice(user): """Sends the password changed notice email for the specified user. :param user: The user to send the notice to """ send_mail(config_value('EMAIL_SUBJECT_PASSWORD_CHANGE_NOTICE'), user.email, 'change_notice', user=user) def change_user_password(user, password): """Change the specified user's password :param user: The user to change_password :param password: The unencrypted new password """ user.password = encrypt_password(password) _datastore.put(user) send_password_changed_notice(user) password_changed.send(user, app=app._get_current_object())