# Copyright (C) University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # This program is available from Source Forge: at GeneNetwork Project # (sourceforge.net/projects/genenetwork/). # # Contact Drs. Robert W. Williams and Xiaodong Zhou (2010) # at rwilliams@uthsc.edu and xzhou15@uthsc.edu # # # # This module is used by GeneNetwork project (www.genenetwork.org) # # Created by GeneNetwork Core Team 2010/08/10 # # Last updated by GeneNetwork Core Team 2010/10/20 #from mod_python import Cookie from __future__ import print_function from pprint import pformat as pf import string import os import reaper import webqtlConfig import cookieData import sessionData from cgiData import cgiData from webqtlCaseData import webqtlCaseData from utility import webqtlUtil class webqtlFormData: 'Represents data from a WebQTL form page, needed to generate the next page' attrs = ('formID','RISet','genotype','strainlist','allstrainlist', 'suggestive','significance','submitID','identification', 'enablevariance', 'nperm','nboot','email','incparentsf1','genotype_1','genotype_2','traitInfo') #XZ: Attention! All attribute values must be picklable! def __init__(self, start_vars = None, req = None, mod_python_session=None, FieldStorage_formdata=None): # Todo: rework this whole thing print("in webqtlFormData start_vars are:", pf(start_vars)) for item in webqtlFormData.attrs: self.__dict__[item] = None for item in start_vars: self.__dict__[item] = start_vars[item] print(" Now self.dict is:", pf(self.__dict__)) #Todo: This can't be good below...rework try: self.remote_ip = req.connection.remote_ip except: self.remote_ip = '' if req and req.headers_in.has_key('referer'): self.refURL = req.headers_in['referer'] else: self.refURL = None # For now let's just comment all this out - Sam #self.cookies = cookieData.cookieData(Cookie.get_cookies(req)) #XZ: dictionary type. To hold values transfered from mod_python Cookie. # ##XZ: dictionary type. To hold values transfered from mod_python Session object. We assume that it is always picklable. #self.input_session_data = sessionData.sessionData( mod_python_session ) # ##XZ: FieldStorage_formdata may contain item that can't be pickled. Must convert to picklable data. #self.formdata = cgiData( FieldStorage_formdata ) # ##get Form ID #self.formID = self.formdata.getfirst('FormID') # ##get rest of the attributes #if self.formID: # for item in self.attrs: # value = self.formdata.getfirst(item) # if value != None: # setattr(self,item,string.strip(value)) self.ppolar = None self.mpolar = None print("[yellow] self.RISet is:", self.RISet) if self.RISet: #try: # # NL, 07/27/2010. ParInfo has been moved from webqtlForm.py to webqtlUtil.py; _f1, _f12, self.mpolar, self.ppolar = webqtlUtil.ParInfo[self.RISet] #except: # f1 = f12 = self.mpolar = self.ppolar = None def set_number(stringy): return int(stringy) if stringy else 2000 # Rob asked to change the default value to 2000 self.nperm = set_number(self.nperm) self.nboot = set_number(self.nboot) #if self.allstrainlist: # self.allstrainlist = map(string.strip, string.split(self.allstrainlist)) print("self.allstrainlist is:", self.allstrainlist) if self.allstrainlist: self.allstrainlist = self.allstrainlist.split() print("now self.allstrainlist is:", self.allstrainlist) #self.readGenotype() #self.readData() if self.RISet == 'BXD300': self.RISet = 'BXD' def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__dict__[key] def get(self, key, default=None): if key in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[key] else: return default def __str__(self): rstr = '' for item in self.attrs: if item != 'genotype': rstr += '%s:%s\n' % (item,str(getattr(self,item))) return rstr def readGenotype(self): '''read genotype from .geno file''' if self.RISet == 'BXD300': self.RISet = 'BXD' assert self.RISet, "self.RISet needs to be set" #genotype_1 is Dataset Object without parents and f1 #genotype_2 is Dataset Object with parents and f1 (not for intercross) self.genotype_1 = reaper.Dataset() full_filename = os.path.join(webqtlConfig.GENODIR, self.RISet + '.geno') # reaper barfs on unicode filenames, so here we ensure it's a string full_filename = str(full_filename) self.genotype_1.read(full_filename) print("Got to after read") try: # NL, 07/27/2010. ParInfo has been moved from webqtlForm.py to webqtlUtil.py; _f1, _f12, _mat, _pat = webqtlUtil.ParInfo[self.RISet] except KeyError: _f1 = _f12 = _mat = _pat = None self.genotype_2 = self.genotype_1 if self.genotype_1.type == "riset" and _mat and _pat: self.genotype_2 = self.genotype_1.add(Mat=_mat, Pat=_pat) #, F1=_f1) #determine default genotype object if self.incparentsf1 and self.genotype_1.type != "intercross": self.genotype = self.genotype_2 else: self.incparentsf1 = 0 self.genotype = self.genotype_1 self.strainlist = list(self.genotype.prgy) self.f1list = [] self.parlist = [] if _f1 and _f12: self.f1list = [_f1, _f12] if _mat and _pat: self.parlist = [_mat, _pat] def readData(self, strainlist, incf1=None): '''read user input data or from trait data and analysis form''' if incf1 == None: incf1 = [] if not self.genotype: self.readGenotype() if not strainlist: if incf1: strainlist = self.f1list + self.strainlist else: strainlist = self.strainlist #print("before traitfiledata self.traitfile is:", pf(self.traitfile)) traitfiledata = getattr(self, "traitfile", None) traitpastedata = getattr(self, "traitpaste", None) variancefiledata = getattr(self, "variancefile", None) variancepastedata = getattr(self, "variancepaste", None) Nfiledata = getattr(self, "Nfile", None) #### Todo: Rewrite below when we get to someone submitting their own trait ##### def to_float(item): try: return float(item) except ValueError: return None print("bottle strainlist is:", strainlist) if traitfiledata: tt = traitfiledata.split() values = map(webqtlUtil.StringAsFloat, tt) elif traitpastedata: tt = traitpastedata.split() values = map(webqtlUtil.StringAsFloat, tt) else: print("mapping formdataasfloat") #values = map(self.FormDataAsFloat, strainlist) values = [to_float(getattr(self, key)) for key in strainlist] print("rocket values is:", values) if len(values) < len(strainlist): values += [None] * (len(strainlist) - len(values)) elif len(values) > len(strainlist): values = values[:len(strainlist)] print("now values is:", values) if variancefiledata: tt = variancefiledata.split() variances = map(webqtlUtil.StringAsFloat, tt) elif variancepastedata: tt = variancepastedata.split() variances = map(webqtlUtil.StringAsFloat, tt) else: variances = map(self.FormVarianceAsFloat, strainlist) if len(variances) < len(strainlist): variances += [None]*(len(strainlist) - len(variances)) elif len(variances) > len(strainlist): variances = variances[:len(strainlist)] if Nfiledata: tt = string.split(Nfiledata) nstrains = map(webqtlUtil.IntAsFloat, tt) if len(nstrains) < len(strainlist): nstrains += [None]*(len(strainlist) - len(nstrains)) else: nstrains = map(self.FormNAsFloat, strainlist) ##values, variances, nstrains is obsolete self.allTraitData = {} for i, _strain in enumerate(strainlist): if values[i] != None: self.allTraitData[_strain] = webqtlCaseData( _strain, values[i], variances[i], nstrains[i]) print("allTraitData is:", pf(self.allTraitData)) def informativeStrains(self, strainlist=None, include_variances = None): '''if readData was called, use this to output informative strains (strain with values)''' if not strainlist: strainlist = self.strainlist strains = [] values = [] variances = [] #print("self.allTraitData is:", pf(self.allTraitData)) for strain in strainlist: if strain in self.allTraitData: _val, _var = self.allTraitData[strain].value, self.allTraitData[strain].variance if _val != None: if include_variances: if _var != None: strains.append(strain) values.append(_val) variances.append(_var) else: strains.append(strain) values.append(_val) variances.append(None) return strains, values, variances, len(strains) #def FormDataAsFloat(self, key): # # #try: # # return float(self.key) # #except: # # return None def FormVarianceAsFloat(self, key): try: return float(self.formdata.getfirst('V' + key)) except: return None def FormNAsFloat(self, key): try: return int(self.formdata.getfirst('N' + key)) except: return None def Sample(self): 'Create some dummy data for testing' self.RISet = 'BXD' self.incparentsf1 = 'on' #self.display = 9.2 #self.significance = 16.1 self.readGenotype() self.identification = 'BXD : Coat color example by Lu Lu, et al' #self.readGenotype() #self.genotype.ReadMM('AXBXAforQTL') #self.strainlist = map((lambda x, y='': '%s%s' % (y,x)), self.genotype.prgy) #self.strainlist.sort() self.allTraitData = {'BXD29': webqtlCaseData(3), 'BXD28': webqtlCaseData(2), 'BXD25': webqtlCaseData(2), 'BXD24': webqtlCaseData(2), 'BXD27': webqtlCaseData(2), 'BXD21': webqtlCaseData(1), 'BXD20': webqtlCaseData(4), 'BXD23': webqtlCaseData(4), 'BXD22': webqtlCaseData(3), 'BXD14': webqtlCaseData(4), 'BXD15': webqtlCaseData(2), 'BXD16': webqtlCaseData(3), 'BXD11': webqtlCaseData(4), 'BXD12': webqtlCaseData(3), 'BXD13': webqtlCaseData(2), 'BXD18': webqtlCaseData(3), 'BXD19': webqtlCaseData(3), 'BXD38': webqtlCaseData(3), 'BXD39': webqtlCaseData(3), 'BXD36': webqtlCaseData(2), 'BXD34': webqtlCaseData(4), 'BXD35': webqtlCaseData(4), 'BXD32': webqtlCaseData(4), 'BXD33': webqtlCaseData(3), 'BXD30': webqtlCaseData(1), 'BXD31': webqtlCaseData(4), 'DBA/2J': webqtlCaseData(1), 'BXD8': webqtlCaseData(3), 'BXD9': webqtlCaseData(1), 'BXD6': webqtlCaseData(3), 'BXD5': webqtlCaseData(3), 'BXD2': webqtlCaseData(4), 'BXD1': webqtlCaseData(1), 'C57BL/6J': webqtlCaseData(4), 'B6D2F1': webqtlCaseData(4), 'BXD42': webqtlCaseData(4), 'BXD40': webqtlCaseData(3)}