# Copyright (C) University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # This program is available from Source Forge: at GeneNetwork Project # (sourceforge.net/projects/genenetwork/). # # Contact Drs. Robert W. Williams and Xiaodong Zhou (2010) # at rwilliams@uthsc.edu and xzhou15@uthsc.edu # # # # This module is used by GeneNetwork project (www.genenetwork.org) # # Created by GeneNetwork Core Team 2010/08/10 # # Last updated by GeneNetwork Core Team 2010/10/20 from __future__ import print_function from pprint import pformat as pf import string import os import reaper import webqtlConfig from webqtlCaseData import webqtlCaseData from utility import webqtlUtil class webqtlFormData(object): 'Represents data from a WebQTL form page, needed to generate the next page' attrs = ('formID','group','genotype','samplelist','allsamplelist', 'display_variance' 'suggestive','significance','submitID','identification', 'enablevariance', 'nperm','nboot','email','incparentsf1','genotype_1','genotype_2','traitInfo') #XZ: Attention! All attribute values must be picklable! def __init__(self, start_vars = None, req = None): # Todo: rework this whole thing for item in webqtlFormData.attrs: self.__dict__[item] = None for item in start_vars: self.__dict__[item] = start_vars[item] #Todo: This can't be good below...rework try: self.remote_ip = req.connection.remote_ip except: self.remote_ip = '' self.ppolar = None self.mpolar = None if self.group: _f1, _f12, self.mpolar, self.ppolar = webqtlUtil.ParInfo[self.group] def set_number(stringy): return int(stringy) if stringy else 2000 # Rob asked to change the default value to 2000 self.nperm = set_number(self.nperm) self.nboot = set_number(self.nboot) if self.allsamplelist: self.allsamplelist = self.allsamplelist.split() if self.group == 'BXD300': self.group = 'BXD' def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__dict__[key] def get(self, key, default=None): if key in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[key] else: return default def __str__(self): rstr = '' for item in self.attrs: if item != 'genotype': rstr += '%s:%s\n' % (item,str(getattr(self,item))) return rstr def readGenotype(self): '''read genotype from .geno file''' if self.group == 'BXD300': self.group = 'BXD' assert self.group, "self.group needs to be set" #genotype_1 is Dataset Object without parents and f1 #genotype_2 is Dataset Object with parents and f1 (not for intercross) self.genotype_1 = reaper.Dataset() full_filename = locate(self.group + '.geno','genotype') # reaper barfs on unicode filenames, so here we ensure it's a string full_filename = str(full_filename) self.genotype_1.read(full_filename) print("Got to after read") try: # NL, 07/27/2010. ParInfo has been moved from webqtlForm.py to webqtlUtil.py; _f1, _f12, _mat, _pat = webqtlUtil.ParInfo[self.group] except KeyError: _f1 = _f12 = _mat = _pat = None self.genotype_2 = self.genotype_1 if self.genotype_1.type == "group" and _mat and _pat: self.genotype_2 = self.genotype_1.add(Mat=_mat, Pat=_pat) #, F1=_f1) #determine default genotype object if self.incparentsf1 and self.genotype_1.type != "intercross": self.genotype = self.genotype_2 else: self.incparentsf1 = 0 self.genotype = self.genotype_1 self.samplelist = list(self.genotype.prgy) self.f1list = [] self.parlist = [] if _f1 and _f12: self.f1list = [_f1, _f12] if _mat and _pat: self.parlist = [_mat, _pat] def readData(self, samplelist, incf1=None): '''read user input data or from trait data and analysis form''' if incf1 == None: incf1 = [] if not self.genotype: self.readGenotype() if not samplelist: if incf1: samplelist = self.f1list + self.samplelist else: samplelist = self.samplelist traitfiledata = getattr(self, "traitfile", None) traitpastedata = getattr(self, "traitpaste", None) variancefiledata = getattr(self, "variancefile", None) variancepastedata = getattr(self, "variancepaste", None) Nfiledata = getattr(self, "Nfile", None) #### Todo: Rewrite below when we get to someone submitting their own trait ##### def to_float(item): try: return float(item) except ValueError: return None print("bottle samplelist is:", samplelist) if traitfiledata: tt = traitfiledata.split() values = map(webqtlUtil.StringAsFloat, tt) elif traitpastedata: tt = traitpastedata.split() values = map(webqtlUtil.StringAsFloat, tt) else: print("mapping formdataasfloat") #values = map(self.FormDataAsFloat, samplelist) values = [to_float(getattr(self, key)) for key in samplelist] if len(values) < len(samplelist): values += [None] * (len(samplelist) - len(values)) elif len(values) > len(samplelist): values = values[:len(samplelist)] if variancefiledata: tt = variancefiledata.split() variances = map(webqtlUtil.StringAsFloat, tt) elif variancepastedata: tt = variancepastedata.split() variances = map(webqtlUtil.StringAsFloat, tt) else: variances = map(self.FormVarianceAsFloat, samplelist) if len(variances) < len(samplelist): variances += [None]*(len(samplelist) - len(variances)) elif len(variances) > len(samplelist): variances = variances[:len(samplelist)] if Nfiledata: tt = string.split(Nfiledata) nsamples = map(webqtlUtil.IntAsFloat, tt) if len(nsamples) < len(samplelist): nsamples += [None]*(len(samplelist) - len(nsamples)) else: nsamples = map(self.FormNAsFloat, samplelist) ##values, variances, nsamples is obsolete self.allTraitData = {} for i, _sample in enumerate(samplelist): if values[i] != None: self.allTraitData[_sample] = webqtlCaseData( _sample, values[i], variances[i], nsamples[i]) def informativeStrains(self, samplelist=None, include_variances = None): '''if readData was called, use this to output informative samples (sample with values)''' if not samplelist: samplelist = self.samplelist samples = [] values = [] variances = [] for sample in samplelist: if sample in self.allTraitData: _val, _var = self.allTraitData[sample].value, self.allTraitData[sample].variance if _val != None: if include_variances: if _var != None: samples.append(sample) values.append(_val) variances.append(_var) else: samples.append(sample) values.append(_val) variances.append(None) return samples, values, variances, len(samples) def FormVarianceAsFloat(self, key): try: return float(self.formdata.getfirst('V' + key)) except: return None def FormNAsFloat(self, key): try: return int(self.formdata.getfirst('N' + key)) except: return None