from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from utility.logger import getLogger from flask import Flask, g, request, url_for, redirect, make_response, render_template from pprint import pformat as pf from MySQLdb import escape_string as escape import simplejson as json from wqflask import app import os import string import resource import codecs import requests import random import urllib from base import webqtlConfig from base.webqtlCaseData import webqtlCaseData from base.data_set import create_dataset from db import webqtlDatabaseFunction from utility import webqtlUtil from utility import hmac from utility.authentication_tools import check_resource_availability from import GN2_BASE_URL, GN_VERSION from utility.redis_tools import get_redis_conn from utility.redis_tools import get_resource_id from utility.redis_tools import get_resource_info Redis = get_redis_conn() logger = getLogger(__name__) def create_trait(**kw): assert bool(kw.get('dataset')) != bool( kw.get('dataset_name')), "Needs dataset ob. or name" permitted = True if kw.get('name'): if kw.get('dataset_name'): if kw.get('dataset_name') != "Temp": dataset = create_dataset(kw.get('dataset_name')) else: dataset = kw.get('dataset') if kw.get('dataset_name') != "Temp": if dataset.type == 'Publish': permissions = check_resource_availability( dataset, kw.get('name')) else: permissions = check_resource_availability(dataset) if "view" in permissions['data']: the_trait = GeneralTrait(**kw) if the_trait.dataset.type != "Temp": the_trait = retrieve_trait_info( the_trait, the_trait.dataset, get_qtl_info=kw.get('get_qtl_info')) return the_trait else: return None class GeneralTrait(object): """ Trait class defines a trait in webqtl, can be either Microarray, Published phenotype, genotype, or user input trait """ def __init__(self, get_qtl_info=False, get_sample_info=True, **kw): # xor assertion assert bool(kw.get('dataset')) != bool( kw.get('dataset_name')), "Needs dataset ob. or name" # Trait ID, ProbeSet ID, Published ID, etc. = kw.get('name') if kw.get('dataset_name'): if kw.get('dataset_name') == "Temp": temp_group ="_")[2] self.dataset = create_dataset( dataset_name="Temp", dataset_type="Temp", group_name=temp_group) else: self.dataset = create_dataset(kw.get('dataset_name')) else: self.dataset = kw.get('dataset') self.cellid = kw.get('cellid') self.identification = kw.get('identification', 'un-named trait') self.haveinfo = kw.get('haveinfo', False) # Blat sequence, available for ProbeSet self.sequence = kw.get('sequence') = kw.get('data', {}) self.view = True # Sets defaults = None self.lrs = None self.pvalue = None self.mean = None self.additive = None self.num_overlap = None self.strand_probe = None self.symbol = None self.display_name = self.LRS_score_repr = "N/A" self.LRS_location_repr = "N/A" if kw.get('fullname'): name2 = value.split("::") if len(name2) == 2: self.dataset, = name2 # self.cellid is set to None above elif len(name2) == 3: self.dataset,, self.cellid = name2 # Todo: These two lines are necessary most of the time, but perhaps not all of the time # So we could add a simple if statement to short-circuit this if necessary if get_sample_info != False: self = retrieve_sample_data(self, self.dataset) def export_informative(self, include_variance=0): """ export informative sample mostly used in qtl regression """ samples = [] vals = [] the_vars = [] sample_aliases = [] for sample_name, sample_data in if sample_data.value != None: if not include_variance or sample_data.variance != None: samples.append(sample_name) vals.append(sample_data.value) the_vars.append(sample_data.variance) sample_aliases.append(sample_data.name2) return samples, vals, the_vars, sample_aliases @property def description_fmt(self): """Return a text formated description""" if self.dataset.type == 'ProbeSet': if self.description: formatted = self.description if self.probe_target_description: formatted += "; " + self.probe_target_description else: formatted = "Not available" elif self.dataset.type == 'Publish': if self.confidential: formatted = self.pre_publication_description else: formatted = self.post_publication_description else: formatted = "Not available" return formatted @property def alias_fmt(self): """Return a text formatted alias""" alias = 'Not available' if getattr(self, "alias", None): alias = string.replace(self.alias, ";", " ") alias = string.join(string.split(alias), ", ") return alias @property def wikidata_alias_fmt(self): """Return a text formatted alias""" alias = 'Not available' if self.symbol: human_response = requests.get( GN2_BASE_URL + "gn3/gene/aliases/" + self.symbol.upper()) mouse_response = requests.get( GN2_BASE_URL + "gn3/gene/aliases/" + self.symbol.capitalize()) other_response = requests.get( GN2_BASE_URL + "gn3/gene/aliases/" + self.symbol.lower()) if human_response and mouse_response and other_response: alias_list = json.loads(human_response.content) + json.loads( mouse_response.content) + json.loads(other_response.content) filtered_aliases = [] seen = set() for item in alias_list: if item in seen: continue else: filtered_aliases.append(item) seen.add(item) alias = "; ".join(filtered_aliases) return alias @property def location_fmt(self): """Return a text formatted location While we're at it we set self.location in case we need it later (do we?) """ if self.chr and self.mb: self.location = 'Chr %s @ %s Mb' % (self.chr, self.mb) elif self.chr: self.location = 'Chr %s @ Unknown position' % (self.chr) else: self.location = 'Not available' fmt = self.location # XZ: deal with direction if self.strand_probe == '+': fmt += (' on the plus strand ') elif self.strand_probe == '-': fmt += (' on the minus strand ') return fmt def retrieve_sample_data(trait, dataset, samplelist=None): if samplelist == None: samplelist = [] if dataset.type == "Temp": results = Redis.get( else: results = dataset.retrieve_sample_data( # Todo: is this necessary? If not remove if results: if dataset.type == "Temp": all_samples_ordered = for i, item in enumerate(results): try:[all_samples_ordered[i]] = webqtlCaseData( all_samples_ordered[i], float(item)) except: pass else: for item in results: name, value, variance, num_cases, name2 = item if not samplelist or (samplelist and name in samplelist): # name, value, variance, num_cases)[name] = webqtlCaseData(*item) return trait @app.route("/trait/get_sample_data") def get_sample_data(): params = request.args trait = params['trait'] dataset = params['dataset'] trait_ob = create_trait(name=trait, dataset_name=dataset) if trait_ob: trait_dict = {} trait_dict['name'] = trait trait_dict['db'] = dataset trait_dict['type'] = trait_ob.dataset.type trait_dict['group'] = trait_dict['tissue'] = trait_ob.dataset.tissue trait_dict['species'] = trait_dict['url'] = url_for( 'show_trait_page', trait_id=trait, dataset=dataset) trait_dict['description'] = trait_ob.description_display if trait_ob.dataset.type == "ProbeSet": trait_dict['symbol'] = trait_ob.symbol trait_dict['location'] = trait_ob.location_repr elif trait_ob.dataset.type == "Publish": if trait_ob.pubmed_id: trait_dict['pubmed_link'] = trait_ob.pubmed_link trait_dict['pubmed_text'] = trait_ob.pubmed_text return json.dumps([trait_dict, {key: value.value for key, value in}]) else: return None def jsonable(trait): """Return a dict suitable for using as json Actual turning into json doesn't happen here though""" dataset = create_dataset(, dataset_type=trait.dataset.type, if dataset.type == "ProbeSet": return dict(, symbol=trait.symbol,, dataset_name=dataset.shortname, description=trait.description_display, mean=trait.mean, location=trait.location_repr, lrs_score=trait.LRS_score_repr, lrs_location=trait.LRS_location_repr, additive=trait.additive ) elif dataset.type == "Publish": if trait.pubmed_id: return dict(,, dataset_name=dataset.shortname, description=trait.description_display, abbreviation=trait.abbreviation, authors=trait.authors, pubmed_text=trait.pubmed_text, pubmed_link=trait.pubmed_link, lrs_score=trait.LRS_score_repr, lrs_location=trait.LRS_location_repr, additive=trait.additive ) else: return dict(,, dataset_name=dataset.shortname, description=trait.description_display, abbreviation=trait.abbreviation, authors=trait.authors, pubmed_text=trait.pubmed_text, lrs_score=trait.LRS_score_repr, lrs_location=trait.LRS_location_repr, additive=trait.additive ) elif dataset.type == "Geno": return dict(,, dataset_name=dataset.shortname, location=trait.location_repr ) else: return dict() def jsonable_table_row(trait, dataset_name, index): """Return a list suitable for json and intended to be displayed in a table Actual turning into json doesn't happen here though""" dataset = create_dataset(dataset_name) if dataset.type == "ProbeSet": if trait.mean == "": mean = "N/A" else: mean = "%.3f" % round(float(trait.mean), 2) if trait.additive == "": additive = "N/A" else: additive = "%.3f" % round(float(trait.additive), 2) return ['', index, ''+str('', trait.symbol, trait.description_display, trait.location_repr, mean, trait.LRS_score_repr, trait.LRS_location_repr, additive] elif dataset.type == "Publish": if trait.additive == "": additive = "N/A" else: additive = "%.2f" % round(float(trait.additive), 2) if trait.pubmed_id: return ['', index, ''+str('', trait.description_display, trait.authors, '' + trait.pubmed_text + '', trait.LRS_score_repr, trait.LRS_location_repr, additive] else: return ['', index, ''+str('', trait.description_display, trait.authors, trait.pubmed_text, trait.LRS_score_repr, trait.LRS_location_repr, additive] elif dataset.type == "Geno": return ['', index, ''+str('', trait.location_repr] else: return dict() def retrieve_trait_info(trait, dataset, get_qtl_info=False): assert dataset, "Dataset doesn't exist" resource_id = get_resource_id(dataset, if dataset.type == 'Publish': the_url = "http://localhost:8080/run-action?resource={}&user={}&branch=data&action=view".format( resource_id, g.user_session.user_id) else: the_url = "http://localhost:8080/run-action?resource={}&user={}&branch=data&action=view&trait={}".format( resource_id, g.user_session.user_id, try: response = requests.get(the_url).content trait_info = json.loads(response) except: # ZS: I'm assuming the trait is viewable if the try fails for some reason; it should never reach this point unless the user has privileges, since that's dealt with in create_trait if dataset.type == 'Publish': query = """ SELECT PublishXRef.Id, InbredSet.InbredSetCode, Publication.PubMed_ID, CAST(Phenotype.Pre_publication_description AS BINARY), CAST(Phenotype.Post_publication_description AS BINARY), CAST(Phenotype.Original_description AS BINARY), CAST(Phenotype.Pre_publication_abbreviation AS BINARY), CAST(Phenotype.Post_publication_abbreviation AS BINARY), PublishXRef.mean, Phenotype.Lab_code, Phenotype.Submitter, Phenotype.Owner, Phenotype.Authorized_Users, CAST(Publication.Authors AS BINARY), CAST(Publication.Title AS BINARY), CAST(Publication.Abstract AS BINARY), CAST(Publication.Journal AS BINARY), Publication.Volume, Publication.Pages, Publication.Month, Publication.Year, PublishXRef.Sequence, Phenotype.Units, PublishXRef.comments FROM PublishXRef, Publication, Phenotype, PublishFreeze, InbredSet WHERE PublishXRef.Id = %s AND Phenotype.Id = PublishXRef.PhenotypeId AND Publication.Id = PublishXRef.PublicationId AND PublishXRef.InbredSetId = PublishFreeze.InbredSetId AND PublishXRef.InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id AND PublishFreeze.Id = %s """ % (, logger.sql(query) trait_info = g.db.execute(query).fetchone() # XZ, 05/08/2009: Xiaodong add this block to use ProbeSet.Id to find the probeset instead of just using ProbeSet.Name # XZ, 05/08/2009: to avoid the problem of same probeset name from different platforms. elif dataset.type == 'ProbeSet': display_fields_string = ', ProbeSet.'.join(dataset.display_fields) display_fields_string = 'ProbeSet.' + display_fields_string query = """ SELECT %s FROM ProbeSet, ProbeSetFreeze, ProbeSetXRef WHERE ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId = ProbeSetFreeze.Id AND ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId = ProbeSet.Id AND ProbeSetFreeze.Name = '%s' AND ProbeSet.Name = '%s' """ % (escape(display_fields_string), escape(, escape(str( logger.sql(query) trait_info = g.db.execute(query).fetchone() # XZ, 05/08/2009: We also should use Geno.Id to find marker instead of just using Geno.Name # to avoid the problem of same marker name from different species. elif dataset.type == 'Geno': display_fields_string = string.join( dataset.display_fields, ',Geno.') display_fields_string = 'Geno.' + display_fields_string query = """ SELECT %s FROM Geno, GenoFreeze, GenoXRef WHERE GenoXRef.GenoFreezeId = GenoFreeze.Id AND GenoXRef.GenoId = Geno.Id AND GenoFreeze.Name = '%s' AND Geno.Name = '%s' """ % (escape(display_fields_string), escape(, escape( logger.sql(query) trait_info = g.db.execute(query).fetchone() else: # Temp type query = """SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE Name = %s""" logger.sql(query) trait_info = g.db.execute(query, (string.join(dataset.display_fields, ','), dataset.type, if trait_info: trait.haveinfo = True for i, field in enumerate(dataset.display_fields): holder = trait_info[i] setattr(trait, field, holder) if dataset.type == 'Publish': if trait.group_code: trait.display_name = trait.group_code + "_" + str( trait.confidential = 0 if trait.pre_publication_description and not trait.pubmed_id: trait.confidential = 1 description = trait.post_publication_description # If the dataset is confidential and the user has access to confidential # phenotype traits, then display the pre-publication description instead # of the post-publication description if trait.confidential: trait.abbreviation = trait.pre_publication_abbreviation trait.description_display = trait.pre_publication_description else: trait.abbreviation = trait.post_publication_abbreviation if description: trait.description_display = description.strip() else: trait.description_display = "" trait.abbreviation = unicode(str(trait.abbreviation).strip( codecs.BOM_UTF8), 'utf-8', errors="replace") trait.description_display = unicode(str(trait.description_display).strip( codecs.BOM_UTF8), 'utf-8', errors="replace") trait.authors = unicode(str(trait.authors).strip( codecs.BOM_UTF8), 'utf-8', errors="replace") if not trait.year.isdigit(): trait.pubmed_text = "N/A" else: trait.pubmed_text = trait.year if trait.pubmed_id: trait.pubmed_link = webqtlConfig.PUBMEDLINK_URL % trait.pubmed_id if dataset.type == 'ProbeSet' and description_string = unicode( str(trait.description).strip(codecs.BOM_UTF8), 'utf-8') target_string = unicode( str(trait.probe_target_description).strip(codecs.BOM_UTF8), 'utf-8') if str(description_string or "") != "" and description_string != 'None': description_display = description_string else: description_display = trait.symbol if (str(description_display or "") != "" and description_display != 'N/A' and str(target_string or "") != "" and target_string != 'None'): description_display = description_display + '; ' + target_string.strip() # Save it for the jinja2 template trait.description_display = description_display trait.location_repr = 'N/A' if trait.chr and trait.mb: trait.location_repr = 'Chr%s: %.6f' % ( trait.chr, float(trait.mb)) elif dataset.type == "Geno": trait.location_repr = 'N/A' if trait.chr and trait.mb: trait.location_repr = 'Chr%s: %.6f' % ( trait.chr, float(trait.mb)) if get_qtl_info: # LRS and its location trait.LRS_score_repr = "N/A" trait.LRS_location_repr = "N/A" = trait.locus_chr = trait.locus_mb = trait.lrs = trait.pvalue = trait.additive = "" if dataset.type == 'ProbeSet' and not trait.cellid: trait.mean = "" query = """ SELECT ProbeSetXRef.Locus, ProbeSetXRef.LRS, ProbeSetXRef.pValue, ProbeSetXRef.mean, ProbeSetXRef.additive FROM ProbeSetXRef, ProbeSet WHERE ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId = ProbeSet.Id AND ProbeSet.Name = "{}" AND ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId ={} """.format(, logger.sql(query) trait_qtl = g.db.execute(query).fetchone() if trait_qtl:, trait.lrs, trait.pvalue, trait.mean, trait.additive = trait_qtl if query = """ select Geno.Chr, Geno.Mb from Geno, Species where Species.Name = '{}' and Geno.Name = '{}' and Geno.SpeciesId = Species.Id """.format(, logger.sql(query) result = g.db.execute(query).fetchone() if result: trait.locus_chr = result[0] trait.locus_mb = result[1] else: = trait.locus_chr = trait.locus_mb = trait.additive = "" else: = trait.locus_chr = trait.locus_mb = trait.additive = "" if dataset.type == 'Publish': query = """ SELECT PublishXRef.Locus, PublishXRef.LRS, PublishXRef.additive FROM PublishXRef, PublishFreeze WHERE PublishXRef.Id = %s AND PublishXRef.InbredSetId = PublishFreeze.InbredSetId AND PublishFreeze.Id =%s """ % (, logger.sql(query) trait_qtl = g.db.execute(query).fetchone() if trait_qtl:, trait.lrs, trait.additive = trait_qtl if query = """ select Geno.Chr, Geno.Mb from Geno, Species where Species.Name = '{}' and Geno.Name = '{}' and Geno.SpeciesId = Species.Id """.format(, logger.sql(query) result = g.db.execute(query).fetchone() if result: trait.locus_chr = result[0] trait.locus_mb = result[1] else: = trait.locus_chr = trait.locus_mb = trait.additive = "" else: = trait.locus_chr = trait.locus_mb = trait.additive = "" else: = trait.lrs = trait.additive = "" if (dataset.type == 'Publish' or dataset.type == "ProbeSet") and str(trait.locus_chr or "") != "" and str(trait.locus_mb or "") != "": trait.LRS_location_repr = LRS_location_repr = 'Chr%s: %.6f' % ( trait.locus_chr, float(trait.locus_mb)) if str(trait.lrs or "") != "": trait.LRS_score_repr = LRS_score_repr = '%3.1f' % trait.lrs else: raise KeyError, ``+ ' information is not found in the database.' return trait