import collections from utility import Bunch class MrnaAssayTissueData: def __init__(self, conn, gene_symbols=None): self.gene_symbols = gene_symbols self.conn = conn if self.gene_symbols is None: self.gene_symbols = [] = collections.defaultdict(Bunch) results = () # Note that inner join is necessary in this query to get # distinct record in one symbol group with highest mean value # Due to the limit size of TissueProbeSetFreezeId table in DB, # performance of inner join is # acceptable.MrnaAssayTissueData(gene_symbols=symbol_list) with conn.cursor() as cursor: if len(self.gene_symbols) == 0: cursor.execute( "SELECT t.Symbol, t.GeneId, t.DataId, " "t.Chr, t.Mb, t.description, " "t.Probe_Target_Description FROM (SELECT Symbol, " "max(Mean) AS maxmean " "FROM TissueProbeSetXRef WHERE " "TissueProbeSetFreezeId=1 AND " "Symbol != '' AND Symbol IS NOT " "Null GROUP BY Symbol) " "AS x INNER JOIN " "TissueProbeSetXRef AS t ON " "t.Symbol = x.Symbol " "AND t.Mean = x.maxmean") else: cursor.execute( "SELECT t.Symbol, t.GeneId, t.DataId, " "t.Chr, t.Mb, t.description, " "t.Probe_Target_Description FROM (SELECT Symbol, " "max(Mean) AS maxmean " "FROM TissueProbeSetXRef WHERE " "TissueProbeSetFreezeId=1 AND " "Symbol IN " f"({', '.join(['%s'] * len(self.gene_symbols))}) " "GROUP BY Symbol) AS x INNER JOIN " "TissueProbeSetXRef AS t ON t.Symbol = x.Symbol " "AND t.Mean = x.maxmean", tuple(self.gene_symbols)) results = list(cursor.fetchall()) lower_symbols = {} for gene_symbol in self.gene_symbols: if gene_symbol is not None: lower_symbols[gene_symbol.lower()] = True for result in results: (symbol, gene_id, data_id, _chr, _mb, descr, probeset_target_descr) = result if symbol is not None and lower_symbols.get(symbol.lower()): symbol = symbol.lower()[symbol].gene_id = gene_id[symbol].data_id = data_id[symbol].chr = _chr[symbol].mb = _mb[symbol].description = descr ([symbol] .probe_target_description) = probeset_target_descr def get_symbol_values_pairs(self): """Get one dictionary whose key is gene symbol and value is tissue expression data (list type). All keys are lower case. The output is a symbolValuepairDict (dictionary): one dictionary of Symbol and Value Pair; key is symbol, value is one list of expression values of one probeSet; """ id_list = [[symbol].data_id for symbol in] symbol_values_dict = {} if len(id_list) > 0: results = [] with self.conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT TissueProbeSetXRef.Symbol, TissueProbeSetData.value " "FROM TissueProbeSetXRef, TissueProbeSetData" f" WHERE TissueProbeSetData.Id IN ({', '.join(['%s'] * len(id_list))})" " AND TissueProbeSetXRef.DataId = TissueProbeSetData.Id" ,tuple(id_list)) results = cursor.fetchall() for result in results: (symbol, value) = result if symbol.lower() not in symbol_values_dict: symbol_values_dict[symbol.lower()] = [value] else: symbol_values_dict[symbol.lower()].append( value) return symbol_values_dict