""" Test if JS is working on the show trait page >>> test.get("alexandria.uthsc.edu:89") title: GeneNetwork Choose the species >>> test.click_option('''//*[@id="species"]''', 'Human') Choose the group >>> test.click_option('''//*[@id="cross"]''', 'Human Brain Transcriptome (Yale/Kavli)') Choose the type >>> test.click_option('''//*[@id="tissue"]''', 'Orbital Prefrontal Cortex mRNA') Enter the Get Any >>> test.enter_text('''//*[@id="tfor"]''', 'shh') text: shh Search >>> test.click('//*[@id="btsearch"]') clicked: Search Choose the first result >>> test.click('''//*[@id="KIN_YSM_OFC_0711::3081205"]/td[2]/a''') clicked: 3081205 A new window is created, so we switch to it >>> test.switch_window() title: KIN/YSM Human OFC Affy Hu-Exon 1.0 ST (Jul11) Quantile : 3081205: Display Trait Check that the Calculate Correlations tab is closed (if javascript isn't working, it will be open) >>> test.get_element_style('''//*[@id="sectionbody3"]''') style: display: none; """ from browser_run import * testmod()