# Copyright (C) University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# This program is available from Source Forge: at GeneNetwork Project
# (sourceforge.net/projects/genenetwork/).
# Contact Drs. Robert W. Williams and Xiaodong Zhou (2010)
# at rwilliams@uthsc.edu and xzhou15@uthsc.edu
# This module is used by GeneNetwork project (www.genenetwork.org)
# Created by GeneNetwork Core Team 2010/08/10
# Last updated by GeneNetwork Core Team 2010/10/20

# A class for the information of SNPs ONLY. This is for the 'extra' page when you click on a SNP that doesn't have an RS#
# This is where the information populating
# The table is gathered. This is where you determine what variables you will display in the table

import string
from htmlgen import HTMLgen2 as HT

import snpBrowserUtils
from base.templatePage import templatePage
from snpBrowserPage import snpBrowserPage

class snpDetails(templatePage):

	def __init__(self, fd, snpId):

		templatePage.__init__(self, fd)	
		snpCols = "snpname, chromosome, mb, domain, rs, function, type, majorAllele, majorCount, minorAllele, minorCount, class, flanking5, flanking3, blatScore, sourceId, gene, ncbi".split(", ")
		#get the details from the database if search the SNP variants by the "gene/snp" field
		if snpId:

			mysqlField = ['snpname','rs', 'chromosome', 'mb',  'function', 'type', 'class', 'flanking5', 'flanking3', 'blatscore', 'domain', 'gene', 'ncbi']
			query = """
						%s, c.Name,b.* 
						SnpAll a, SnpPattern b, SnpSource c
						a.Id =%s AND a.Id = b.SnpId AND a.SourceId =c.Id 
				""" % (string.join(mysqlField, ", "), snpId)			
			results = self.cursor.fetchone()
			result =results[:14]
			snpDict = {}

			for i, item in enumerate(result):
				snpDict[mysqlField[i]] = item
			alleleList =results[15:]
			objSnpBrowserPage =snpBrowserPage(fd)
			flag =0
			majAllele,minAllele,majAlleleCount,minAlleleCount= objSnpBrowserPage.getMajMinAlleles(alleleList,flag)
			snpDict['majorAllele'] = majAllele
			snpDict['minorAllele'] = minAllele
			snpDict['majorCount'] = majAlleleCount
			snpDict['minorCount'] = minAlleleCount
	# Creates the table for the SNP data
		snpTable = HT.TableLite(border=0, cellspacing=5, cellpadding=3, Class="collap")
		for item in snpCols:
			thisTR = HT.TR(HT.TD(snpBrowserUtils.columnNames[item], Class="fs14 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", NOWRAP = 1))
			if item in ('flanking5', 'flanking3'):
				seq0 = snpDict[item]
				seq = ""
				i = 0
				if seq0:
				  while i < len(seq0):
					seq += seq0[i:i+5] + " "
					i += 5
				thisTR.append(HT.TD(HT.Span(seq, Class="code", Id="green"), Class='fs13 b1 cbw c222'))
			elif item in snpDict.keys() and snpDict[item]:
				thisTR.append(HT.TD(snpDict[item], Class='fs13 b1 cbw c222'))
				thisTR.append(HT.TD("", Class='fs13 b1 cbw c222'))
		self.dict['body'] = HT.TD(HT.Paragraph("Details for %s" % snpDict['snpname'], Class="title"), HT.Blockquote(snpTable))
		self.dict['title'] = "Details for %s" % snpDict['snpname']