# Copyright (C) University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # This program is available from Source Forge: at GeneNetwork Project # (sourceforge.net/projects/genenetwork/). # # Contact Drs. Robert W. Williams and Xiaodong Zhou (2010) # at rwilliams@uthsc.edu and xzhou15@uthsc.edu # # # # This module is used by GeneNetwork project (www.genenetwork.org) # # Created by GeneNetwork Core Team 2010/08/10 # # Last updated by GeneNetwork Core Team 2010/10/20 from base.templatePage import templatePage import networkGraphUtils from base import webqtlConfig # our output representation is fairly complicated # because we use an iframe to represent the image and the image has # an associated image map, our output is actually three files # 1) a networkGraphPage instance -- the URL we pass to the user # 2) a GraphPage with the image map and the graph -- this page has to be # there to pass the imagemap data to the browser # 3) a PNG graph file itself class networkGraphPageBody(templatePage): """ Using the templatePage class, we build an HTML shell for the graph that displays the parameters used to generate it and allows the user to redraw the graph with different parameters. The way templatePage works, we build the page in pieces in the __init__ method and later on use the inherited write method to render the page. """ def __init__(self, fd, matrix, traits, imageHtmlName, imageName, pdfName, nodes, edges, rawEdges, totalTime, p, graphcode, graphName, optimalNode): templatePage.__init__(self, fd) if p["printIslands"] == 0: island = "Only nodes with edges" else: island = "All nodes" body = """

Network Graph

The %s nodes in the graph below show the selected traits. %s are displayed. The %s edges between the nodes, filtered from the %s total edges and drawn as %s, show %s correlation coefficients greater than %s or less than -%s. The graph\'s canvas is %s by %s cm, and the node labels are drawn with a %s point font, and the edge labels are drawn with a %s point font. Right-click or control-click on the graph to save it to disk for further manipulation. See below for the trait key, and graph options.

""" % (nodes, island, edges, rawEdges, p["splineName"], p["correlationName"], p["kValue"], p["kValue"], p["width"], p["height"], p["nfontsize"], p["cfontsize"]) #Generate a list of symbols for the central node selection drop-down menu symbolList = networkGraphUtils.generateSymbolList(traits) #Some of these hidden variables (CellID, CellID2, ProbesetID2, etc) exist #to be used by the javascript functions called when a user clicks on an edge or node formParams = '''
''' % (webqtlConfig.CGIDIR, webqtlConfig.SCRIPTFILE, p["filename"], graphName, p["riset"], p["session"], p["searchResult"], symbolList, optimalNode) body += formParams #Adds the html generated by graphviz that displays the graph itself body += graphcode #Initializes all form values selected = ["","","",""] selected[p["whichValue"]] = "CHECKED" selected3 = ["",""] if p["splines"] == "yes": selected3[0] = "CHECKED" else: selected3[1] = "CHECKED" selected5 = ["",""] if p["nodeshape"] == "yes": selected5[0] = "CHECKED" else: selected5[1] = "CHECKED" selected7 = ["",""] if p["nodelabel"] == "yes": selected7[0] = "CHECKED" else: selected7[1] = "CHECKED" selected6 = ["",""] if p["dispcorr"] == "yes": selected6[0] = "CHECKED" else: selected6[1] = "CHECKED" selected4 = ["", ""] selected4[p["printIslands"]] = "CHECKED" selectedExportFormat = ["",""] if p["exportFormat"] == "xgmml": selectedExportFormat[0] = "selected='selected'" elif p["exportFormat"] == "plain": selectedExportFormat[1] = "selected='selected'" selectedTraitType = ["",""] if p["traitType"] == "symbol": selectedTraitType[0] = "selected='selected'" elif p["traitType"] == "name": selectedTraitType[1] = "selected='selected'" selectedgType = ["","","","",""] if p["gType"] == "none": selectedgType[0] = "selected='selected'" elif p["gType"] == "neato": selectedgType[1] = "selected='selected'" elif p["gType"] == "fdp": selectedgType[2] = "selected='selected'" elif p["gType"] == "circular": selectedgType[3] = "selected='selected'" elif p["gType"] == "radial": selectedgType[4] = "selected='selected'" selectedLock = ["",""] if p["lock"] == "no": selectedLock[0] = "selected='selected'" elif p["lock"] == "yes": selectedLock[1] = "selected='selected'" # line 1~6 selectedL1style = ["","","","",""] if p["L1style"] == "": selectedL1style[0] = "selected='selected'" elif p["L1style"] == "bold": selectedL1style[1] = "selected='selected'" elif p["L1style"] == "dotted": selectedL1style[2] = "selected='selected'" elif p["L1style"] == "dashed": selectedL1style[3] = "selected='selected'" else: selectedL1style[4] = "selected='selected'" selectedL2style = ["","","","",""] if p["L2style"] == "": selectedL2style[0] = "selected='selected'" elif p["L2style"] == "bold": selectedL2style[1] = "selected='selected'" elif p["L2style"] == "dotted": selectedL2style[2] = "selected='selected'" elif p["L2style"] == "dashed": selectedL2style[3] = "selected='selected'" else: selectedL2style[4] = "selected='selected'" selectedL3style = ["","","","",""] if p["L3style"] == "": selectedL3style[0] = "selected='selected'" elif p["L3style"] == "bold": selectedL3style[1] = "selected='selected'" elif p["L3style"] == "dotted": selectedL3style[2] = "selected='selected'" elif p["L3style"] == "dashed": selectedL3style[3] = "selected='selected'" else: selectedL3style[4] = "selected='selected'" selectedL4style = ["","","","",""] if p["L4style"] == "": selectedL4style[0] = "selected='selected'" elif p["L4style"] == "bold": selectedL4style[1] = "selected='selected'" elif p["L4style"] == "dotted": selectedL4style[2] = "selected='selected'" elif p["L4style"] == "dashed": selectedL4style[3] = "selected='selected'" else: selectedL4style[4] = "selected='selected'" selectedL5style = ["","","","",""] if p["L5style"] == "": selectedL5style[0] = "selected='selected'" elif p["L5style"] == "bold": selectedL5style[1] = "selected='selected'" elif p["L5style"] == "dotted": selectedL5style[2] = "selected='selected'" elif p["L5style"] == "dashed": selectedL5style[3] = "selected='selected'" else: selectedL5style[4] = "selected='selected'" selectedL6style = ["","","","",""] if p["L6style"] == "": selectedL6style[0] = "selected='selected'" elif p["L6style"] == "bold": selectedL6style[1] = "selected='selected'" elif p["L6style"] == "dotted": selectedL6style[2] = "selected='selected'" elif p["L6style"] == "dashed": selectedL6style[3] = "selected='selected'" else: selectedL6style[4] = "selected='selected'" nfontSelected = ["", "", ""] if p["nfont"] == "arial": nfontSelected[0] = "selected='selected'" elif p["nfont"] == "verdana": nfontSelected[1] = "selected='selected'" elif p["nfont"] == "times": nfontSelected[2] = "selected='selected'" cfontSelected = ["", "", ""] if p["cfont"] == "arial": cfontSelected[0] = "selected='selected'" elif p["cfont"] == "verdana": cfontSelected[1] = "selected='selected'" elif p["cfont"] == "times": cfontSelected[2] = "selected='selected'" #Writes the form part of the body body += '''

''' % (selectedgType[0], selectedgType[1], selectedgType[2], selectedgType[3], selectedgType[4], selectedLock[0], selectedLock[1], p["cL1Color"], selectedL1style[0], selectedL1style[1], selectedL1style[2], selectedL1style[3], selectedL1style[4], p["cL2Color"], selectedL2style[0], selectedL2style[1], selectedL2style[2], selectedL2style[3], selectedL2style[4], p["cL3Color"], selectedL3style[0], selectedL3style[1], selectedL3style[2], selectedL3style[3], selectedL3style[4], p["cL4Color"], selectedL4style[0], selectedL4style[1], selectedL4style[2], selectedL4style[3], selectedL4style[4], p["cL5Color"], selectedL5style[0], selectedL5style[1], selectedL5style[2], selectedL5style[3], selectedL5style[4], p["cL6Color"], selectedL6style[0], selectedL6style[1], selectedL6style[2], selectedL6style[3], selectedL6style[4], selected[0], selected[1], selected[2], selected[3], p["kValue"], selected4[1], selected4[0], selected5[0], selected5[1], selected7[0], selected7[1], nfontSelected[0], nfontSelected[1], nfontSelected[2], p["nfontsize"], selected3[0], selected3[1], selected6[1], selected6[0], cfontSelected[0], cfontSelected[1], cfontSelected[2], p["cfontsize"], p["cPubName"], p["cMicName"], p["cGenName"], p["cPubColor"], p["cMicColor"], p["cGenColor"], p["cL1Name"], p["cL2Name"], p["cL3Name"], p["cL4Name"], p["cL5Name"], p["cL6Name"], p["cL1Color"], p["cL2Color"], p["cL3Color"], p["cL4Color"], p["cL5Color"], p["cL6Color"], p["cPubColor"], p["cMicColor"], p["cGenColor"]) #updated by NL 09-03-2010 function changeFormat() has been moved to webqtl.js and be changed to changeFormat(graphName) #Javascript that selects the correct graph export file given what the user selects #from the two drop-down menus body += '''


Lock Graph Structure
Locking the graph structure allows the user to hold the position of
all nodes and the length of all edges constant, letting him/her easily
compare between different correlation types. Changing the value to "yes"
requires the line threshold to be set to 0 in order to lock the structure.

Line Type 1: -1 to -0.7
Line Type 2: -0.7 to -0.5
Line Type 3: -0.5 to 0
Line Type 4: 0 to 0.5
Line Type 5: 0.5 to 0.7
Line Type 6: 0.7 to 1
To change colors, select Line Type then select Color below.

Correlation Type:
Pearson Spearman
Literature Tissue
Line Threshold: Absolute values greater than

Draw Nodes : all connected only
Node Shape: rectangle ellipse
Node Label: trait name
gene symbol / marker name
Node Font:
Node Font Size: point

Draw Lines: curved straight
Display Correlations: no yes
Line Font:
Line Font Size: point

Publish Microarray Genotype



Right-click or control-click on the following links to download this graph as a GIF file or a PDF file.

''' % (imageName, pdfName) body += '''

Initial edge lengths were computed by applying an r-to-Z transform to the correlation coefficents and then inverting the results. The graph drawing algorithm found a configuration that minimizes the total stretching of the edges.

''' body += '''

This graph took %s seconds to generate with the GraphViz visualization toolkit from AT&T Research.

''' % (round(totalTime, 2)) #Form to export graph file as either XGMML (standardized graphing format) or a #plain text file with trait names/symbols and correlations body += '''

Export Graph File:


''' % (graphName, selectedExportFormat[0], selectedExportFormat[1], graphName, selectedTraitType[0], selectedTraitType[1]) body += '''
The Web GeneNetwork
''' self.dict["body"] = body def writeToFile(self, filename): """ Output the contents of this HTML page to a file. """ handle = open(filename, "w") handle.write(str(self)) handle.close()