# Copyright (C) University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # This program is available from Source Forge: at GeneNetwork Project # (sourceforge.net/projects/genenetwork/). # # Contact Drs. Robert W. Williams and Xiaodong Zhou (2010) # at rwilliams@uthsc.edu and xzhou15@uthsc.edu # # # # This module is used by GeneNetwork project (www.genenetwork.org) # # Created by GeneNetwork Core Team 2010/08/10 # # Last updated by NL 2010/02/11 #!/usr/bin/python # networkGraph.py # Author: Stephen Pitts # 6/2/2004 # # a script to take a matrix of data from a WebQTL job and generate a # graph using the neato package from GraphViz # # See graphviz for documentation of the parameters # #from mod_python import apache, util, Cookie #import cgi import tempfile import os import time import sys import cgitb import string from htmlgen import HTMLgen2 as HT from base.templatePage import templatePage import networkGraphUtils from base import webqtlConfig from utility import webqtlUtil from base.webqtlTrait import webqtlTrait import compareCorrelates.trait as smpTrait from GraphPage import GraphPage from networkGraphPageBody import networkGraphPageBody from correlationMatrix.tissueCorrelationMatrix import tissueCorrelationMatrix cgitb.enable() class networkGraphPage(templatePage): def __init__(self,fd,InputData=None): templatePage.__init__(self, fd) if not self.openMysql(): return if not fd.genotype: fd.readGenotype() self.searchResult = fd.formdata.getvalue('searchResult') self.tissueProbeSetFeezeId = "1" #XZ, Jan 03, 2010: currently, this dataset is "UTHSC Illumina V6.2 RankInv B6 D2 average CNS GI average (May 08)" TissueCorrMatrixObject = tissueCorrelationMatrix(tissueProbeSetFreezeId=self.tissueProbeSetFeezeId) if type("1") == type(self.searchResult): self.searchResult = string.split(self.searchResult, '\t') if (not self.searchResult or (len(self.searchResult) < 2)): heading = 'Network Graph' detail = ['You need to select at least two traits in order to generate Network Graph.'] self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail) print 'Content-type: text/html\n' self.write() return if self.searchResult: if len(self.searchResult) > webqtlConfig.MAXCORR: heading = 'Network Graph' detail = ['In order to display Network Graph properly, Do not select more than %d traits for Network Graph.' % webqtlConfig.MAXCORR] self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail) print 'Content-type: text/html\n' self.write() return else: pass traitList = [] traitDataList = [] for item in self.searchResult: thisTrait = webqtlTrait(fullname=item, cursor=self.cursor) thisTrait.retrieveInfo() thisTrait.retrieveData(fd.strainlist) traitList.append(thisTrait) traitDataList.append(thisTrait.exportData(fd.strainlist)) else: heading = 'Network Graph' detail = [HT.Font('Error : ',color='red'),HT.Font('Error occurs while retrieving data from database.',color='black')] self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail) print 'Content-type: text/html\n' self.write() return NNN = len(traitList) if NNN < 2: templatePage.__init__(self, fd) heading = 'Network Graph' detail = ['You need to select at least two traits in order to generate a Network Graph'] print 'Content-type: text/html\n' self.write() return else: pearsonArray = [([0] * (NNN))[:] for i in range(NNN)] spearmanArray = [([0] * (NNN))[:] for i in range(NNN)] GeneIdArray = [] GeneSymbolList = [] #XZ, Jan 03, 2011: holds gene symbols for calculating tissue correlation traitInfoArray = [] i = 0 nnCorr = len(fd.strainlist) for i, thisTrait in enumerate(traitList): names1 = [thisTrait.db.name, thisTrait.name, thisTrait.cellid] for j, thisTrait2 in enumerate(traitList): names2 = [thisTrait2.db.name, thisTrait2.name, thisTrait2.cellid] if j < i: corr,nOverlap = webqtlUtil.calCorrelation(traitDataList[i],traitDataList[j],nnCorr) pearsonArray[i][j] = corr pearsonArray[j][i] = corr elif j == i: pearsonArray[i][j] = 1.0 spearmanArray[i][j] = 1.0 else: corr,nOverlap = webqtlUtil.calCorrelationRank(traitDataList[i],traitDataList[j],nnCorr) spearmanArray[i][j] = corr spearmanArray[j][i] = corr GeneId1 = None tmpSymbol = None if thisTrait.db.type == 'ProbeSet': try: GeneId1 = int(thisTrait.geneid) except: GeneId1 = 0 if thisTrait.symbol: tmpSymbol = thisTrait.symbol.lower() GeneIdArray.append(GeneId1) GeneSymbolList.append(tmpSymbol) _traits = [] _matrix = [] for i in range(NNN): turl = webqtlConfig.CGIDIR + webqtlConfig.SCRIPTFILE + '?FormID=showDatabase&database=%s&ProbeSetID=%s' % (traitList[i].db.name, traitList[i].name) if traitList[i].cellid: turl += "&CellID=%s" % traitList[i].cellid if traitList[i].db.type == 'ProbeSet': if traitList[i].symbol: _symbol = traitList[i].symbol else: _symbol = 'unknown' elif traitList[i].db.type == 'Publish': _symbol = traitList[i].name if traitList[i].confidential: if webqtlUtil.hasAccessToConfidentialPhenotypeTrait(privilege=self.privilege, userName=self.userName, authorized_users=traitList[i].authorized_users): if traitList[i].post_publication_abbreviation: _symbol = traitList[i].post_publication_abbreviation else: if traitList[i].pre_publication_abbreviation: _symbol = traitList[i].pre_publication_abbreviation else: if traitList[i].post_publication_abbreviation: _symbol = traitList[i].post_publication_abbreviation #XZ, 05/26/2009: Xiaodong add code for Geno data elif traitList[i].db.type == 'Geno': _symbol = traitList[i].name else: _symbol = traitList[i].description #####if this trait entered by user if _symbol.__contains__('entered'): _symbol = _symbol[:_symbol.index('entered')] #####if this trait generaged by genenetwork elif _symbol.__contains__('generated'): _symbol = _symbol[_symbol.rindex(':')+1:] newTrait = smpTrait.Trait(name=str(traitList[i]), href=turl, symbol=_symbol) newTrait.color = "black" _traits.append(newTrait) for j in range(i+1, NNN): dataPoint = smpTrait.RawPoint(i, j) dataPoint.spearman = spearmanArray[i][j] dataPoint.pearson = pearsonArray[i][j] #XZ: get literature correlation info. if GeneIdArray[i] and GeneIdArray[j]: if GeneIdArray[i] == GeneIdArray[j]: dataPoint.literature = 1 else: self.cursor.execute("SELECT Value from LCorrRamin3 WHERE (GeneId1 = %d and GeneId2 = %d) or (GeneId1 = %d and GeneId2 = %d)" % (GeneIdArray[i], GeneIdArray[j], GeneIdArray[j], GeneIdArray[i])) try: dataPoint.literature = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except: dataPoint.literature = 0 else: dataPoint.literature = 0 #XZ: get tissue correlation info if GeneSymbolList[i] and GeneSymbolList[j]: dataPoint.tissue = 0 geneSymbolPair = [] geneSymbolPair.append(GeneSymbolList[i]) geneSymbolPair.append(GeneSymbolList[j]) corrArray,pvArray = TissueCorrMatrixObject.getCorrPvArrayForGeneSymbolPair(geneNameLst=geneSymbolPair) if corrArray[1][0]: dataPoint.tissue = corrArray[1][0] else: dataPoint.tissue = 0 _matrix.append(dataPoint) OrigDir = os.getcwd() sessionfile = fd.formdata.getvalue('session') inputFilename = fd.formdata.getvalue('inputFile') #If there is no sessionfile generate one and dump all matrix/trait values if not sessionfile: filename = webqtlUtil.generate_session() webqtlUtil.dump_session([_matrix, _traits], os.path.join(webqtlConfig.TMPDIR, filename + '.session')) sessionfile = filename startTime = time.time() #Build parameter dictionary used by networkGraphPage class using buildParamDict function params = networkGraphUtils.buildParamDict(fd, sessionfile) nodes = len(_traits) rawEdges = len(_matrix) if params["tune"] == "yes": params = networkGraphUtils.tuneParamDict(params, nodes, rawEdges) matrix = networkGraphUtils.filterDataMatrix(_matrix, params) optimalNode = networkGraphUtils.optimalRadialNode(matrix) if not inputFilename: inputFilename = tempfile.mktemp() inputFilename = webqtlConfig.IMGDIR + inputFilename.split("/")[2] #writes out 4 graph files for exporting graphFile = "/image/" + networkGraphUtils.writeGraphFile(matrix, _traits, inputFilename, params) networkGraphUtils.processDataMatrix(matrix, params) edges = 0 for edge in matrix: if edge.value != 0: edges +=1 for trait in _traits: trait.name = networkGraphUtils.fixLabel(trait.name) RootDir = webqtlConfig.IMGDIR RootDirURL = "/image/" #This code writes the datafile that the graphviz function runNeato uses to generate the #"digraph" file that defines the graphs parameters datafile = networkGraphUtils.writeNeatoFile(matrix=matrix, traits=_traits, filename=inputFilename, GeneIdArray=GeneIdArray, p=params) #Generate graph in various file types layoutfile = networkGraphUtils.runNeato(datafile, "dot", "dot", params["gType"]) # XZ, 09/11/2008: add module name # ZS 03/04/2010 This second output file (layoutfile_pdf) is rotated by 90 degrees to prevent an issue with pdf output being cut off at the edges layoutfile_pdf = networkGraphUtils.runNeato(datafile + "_pdf", "dot", "dot", params["gType"]) # ZS 03/04/2010 pngfile = networkGraphUtils.runNeato(layoutfile, "png", "png", params["gType"]) mapfile = networkGraphUtils.runNeato(layoutfile, "cmapx", "cmapx", params["gType"])# XZ, 09/11/2008: add module name giffile = networkGraphUtils.runNeato(layoutfile, "gif", "gif", params["gType"])# XZ, 09/11/2008:add module name psfile = networkGraphUtils.runNeato(layoutfile_pdf, "ps", "ps", params["gType"])# XZ, 09/11/2008: add module name pdffile = networkGraphUtils.runPsToPdf(psfile, params["width"], params["height"])# XZ, 09/11/2008: add module name #This generates text files in XGGML (standardized graphing language) and plain text #so the user can create his/her own graphs in a program like Cytoscape htmlfile1 = datafile + ".html" htmlfile2 = datafile + ".graph.html" os.chdir(OrigDir) #This generates the graph in various image formats giffile = RootDirURL + giffile pngfile = RootDirURL + pngfile pdffile = RootDirURL + pdffile endTime = time.time() totalTime = endTime - startTime os.chdir(RootDir) page2 = GraphPage(giffile, mapfile) page2.writeToFile(htmlfile2) #This generates the HTML for the body of the Network Graph page page1 = networkGraphPageBody(fd, matrix, _traits, htmlfile2, giffile, pdffile, nodes, edges, rawEdges, totalTime, params, page2.content, graphFile, optimalNode) #Adds the javascript colorSel to the body to allow line color selection self.dict["js1"] = '
' #self.dict["js1"] += '' #Set body of current templatePage to body of the templatePage networkGraphPage self.dict['body'] = page1.dict['body']