import string import cPickle import os import pyXLWriter as xl from htmlgen import HTMLgen2 as HT from base import webqtlConfig #import webqtlData from utility.THCell import THCell from utility.TDCell import TDCell from base.webqtlTrait import webqtlTrait from base.webqtlDataset import webqtlDataset from base.templatePage import templatePage from utility import webqtlUtil from CorrelationPage import CorrelationPage import correlationFunction from dbFunction import webqtlDatabaseFunction ######################################### # Partial Correlation Dataset Page ######################################### class PartialCorrDBPage(CorrelationPage): corrMinInformative = 4 def __init__(self, fd): templatePage.__init__(self, fd) if not self.openMysql(): return primaryTraitString = fd.formdata.getvalue('primaryTrait') primaryTrait = (webqtlTrait(fullname=primaryTraitString, cursor=self.cursor)) controlTraitsString = fd.formdata.getvalue('controlTraits') controlTraitsList = list(string.split(controlTraitsString,',')) controlTraits = [] for item in controlTraitsList: controlTraits.append(webqtlTrait(fullname=item, cursor=self.cursor)) #XZ, 3/16/2010: variable RISet must be pass by the form RISet = fd.RISet #XZ, 12/12/2008: get species infomation species = webqtlDatabaseFunction.retrieveSpecies(cursor=self.cursor, RISet=RISet) #XZ, 09/18/2008: get all information about the user selected database. self.target_db_name = fd.formdata.getvalue('database2') try: self.db = webqtlDataset(self.target_db_name, self.cursor) except: heading = "Partial Correlation Table" detail = ["The database you just requested has not been established yet."] self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail) return #XZ, 09/18/2008: check if user has the authority to get access to the database. if self.db.type == 'ProbeSet': self.cursor.execute('SELECT Id, Name, FullName, confidentiality, AuthorisedUsers FROM ProbeSetFreeze WHERE Name = "%s"' % self.target_db_name) indId, indName, indFullName, confidential, AuthorisedUsers = self.cursor.fetchall()[0] if confidential == 1: access_to_confidential_dataset = 0 #for the dataset that confidentiality is 1 #1. 'admin' and 'root' can see all of the dataset #2. 'user' can see the dataset that AuthorisedUsers contains his id(stored in the Id field of User table) if webqtlConfig.USERDICT[self.privilege] > webqtlConfig.USERDICT['user']: access_to_confidential_dataset = 1 else: AuthorisedUsersList=AuthorisedUsers.split(',') if AuthorisedUsersList.__contains__(self.userName): access_to_confidential_dataset = 1 if not access_to_confidential_dataset: #Error, Confidential Database heading = "Partial Correlation Table" detail = ["The %s database you selected is not open to the public at this time, please go back and select another database." % indFullName] self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail,error="Confidential Database") return primaryTrait.retrieveData() _primarystrains, _primaryvals, _primaryvars = primaryTrait.exportInformative() controlTraitNames = fd.formdata.getvalue('controlTraits') _controlstrains,_controlvals,_controlvars,_controlNs = correlationFunction.controlStrains(controlTraitNames,_primarystrains) ## If the strains for which each of the control traits and the primary trait have values are not identical, ## we must remove from the calculation all vlaues for strains that are not present in each. Without doing this, ## undesirable biases would be introduced. common_primary_control_strains = _primarystrains #keep _primarystrains fixed_primary_vals = _primaryvals #keep _primaryvals fixed_control_vals = _controlvals allsame = True ##allsame is boolean for whether or not primary and control trait have values for the same strains for i in _controlstrains: if _primarystrains != i: allsame=False break if not allsame: common_primary_control_strains, fixed_primary_vals, fixed_control_vals, _vars, _controlvars = correlationFunction.fixStrains(_primarystrains,_controlstrains,_primaryvals,_controlvals,_primaryvars,_controlvars) N = len(common_primary_control_strains) if N < self.corrMinInformative: heading = "Partial Correlation Table" detail = ['Fewer than %d strain data were entered for %s data set. No calculation of correlation has been attempted.' % (self.corrMinInformative, RISet)] self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail) return #XZ: We should check the value of control trait and primary trait here. nameOfIdenticalTraits = correlationFunction.findIdenticalTraits ( fixed_primary_vals, primaryTraitString, fixed_control_vals, controlTraitsList ) if nameOfIdenticalTraits: heading = "Partial Correlation Table" detail = ['%s and %s have same values for the %s strains that will be used to calculate partial correlation (common for all primary and control traits). In such case, partial correlation can NOT be calculated. Please re-select your traits.' % (nameOfIdenticalTraits[0], nameOfIdenticalTraits[1], len(fixed_primary_vals))] self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail) return #XZ, 09/28/2008: if user select "1", then display 1, 3 and 4. #XZ, 09/28/2008: if user select "2", then display 2, 3 and 5. #XZ, 09/28/2008: if user select "3", then display 1, 3 and 4. #XZ, 09/28/2008: if user select "4", then display 1, 3 and 4. #XZ, 09/28/2008: if user select "5", then display 2, 3 and 5. methodDict = {"1":"Genetic Correlation (Pearson's r)","2":"Genetic Correlation (Spearman's rho)","3":"SGO Literature Correlation","4":"Tissue Correlation (Pearson's r)", "5":"Tissue Correlation (Spearman's rho)"} self.method = fd.formdata.getvalue('method') if self.method not in ("1","2","3","4","5"): self.method = "1" self.returnNumber = int(fd.formdata.getvalue('criteria')) myTrait = primaryTrait myTrait.retrieveInfo() # We will not get Literature Correlations if there is no GeneId because there is nothing to look against try: input_trait_GeneId = myTrait.geneid except: input_trait_GeneId = None # We will not get Tissue Correlations if there is no gene symbol because there is nothing to look against try: input_trait_symbol = myTrait.symbol except: input_trait_symbol = None #XZ, 12/12/2008: if the species is rat or human, translate the geneid to mouse geneid input_trait_mouse_geneid = self.translateToMouseGeneID(species, input_trait_GeneId) #XZ: As of Nov/13/2010, this dataset is 'UTHSC Illumina V6.2 RankInv B6 D2 average CNS GI average (May 08)' TissueProbeSetFreezeId = 1 #XZ, 09/22/2008: If we need search by GeneId, #XZ, 09/22/2008: we have to check if this GeneId is in the literature or tissue correlation table. #XZ, 10/15/2008: We also to check if the selected database is probeset type. if self.method == "3" or self.method == "4" or self.method == "5": if self.db.type != "ProbeSet": self.error(heading="Wrong correlation type",detail="It is not possible to compute the %s between your trait and data in this %s database. Please try again after selecting another type of correlation." % (methodDict[self.method],,error="Correlation Type Error") return """ if not input_trait_GeneId: self.error(heading="No Associated GeneId",detail="This trait has no associated GeneId, so we are not able to show any literature or tissue related information.",error="No GeneId Error") return """ #XZ: We have checked geneid did exist if self.method == "3": if not input_trait_GeneId or not self.checkForLitInfo(input_trait_mouse_geneid): self.error(heading="No Literature Info",detail="This gene does not have any associated Literature Information.",error="Literature Correlation Error") return if self.method == "4" or self.method == "5": if not input_trait_symbol: self.error(heading="No Tissue Correlation Information",detail="This gene does not have any associated Tissue Correlation Information.",error="Tissue Correlation Error") return if not self.checkSymbolForTissueCorr(TissueProbeSetFreezeId, myTrait.symbol): self.error(heading="No Tissue Correlation Information",detail="This gene does not have any associated Tissue Correlation Information.",error="Tissue Correlation Error") return ####################################################################################################################################### nnCorr = len(fixed_primary_vals) #XZ: Use the fast method only for probeset dataset, and this dataset must have been created. #XZ: Otherwise, use original method useFastMethod = False if self.db.type == "ProbeSet": DatabaseFileName = self.getFileName( target_db_name=self.target_db_name ) DirectoryList = os.listdir(webqtlConfig.TEXTDIR) # List of existing text files. Used to check if a text file already exists if DatabaseFileName in DirectoryList: useFastMethod = True if useFastMethod: totalTraits, allcorrelations = self.getPartialCorrelationsFast(common_primary_control_strains , fixed_primary_vals, fixed_control_vals, nnCorr, DatabaseFileName, species, input_trait_GeneId, input_trait_symbol, TissueProbeSetFreezeId) if totalTraits == 0: useFastMethod = False #XZ, 01/08/2009: use the original method to retrieve from database and compute. if not useFastMethod: totalTraits, allcorrelations = self.getPartialCorrelationsNormal(common_primary_control_strains, fixed_primary_vals, fixed_control_vals, nnCorr, species, input_trait_GeneId, input_trait_symbol,TissueProbeSetFreezeId) ############################################################# if self.method == "3" and input_trait_GeneId: allcorrelations.sort(self.cmpLitCorr) elif self.method in ["4","5"] and input_trait_GeneId: allcorrelations.sort(self.cmpLitCorr) else: allcorrelations.sort(self.cmpPartialCorrPValue) #XZ, 09/20/2008: we only need the top ones. self.returnNumber = min(self.returnNumber,len(allcorrelations)) allcorrelations = allcorrelations[:self.returnNumber] addLiteratureCorr = False addTissueCorr = False traitList = [] for item in allcorrelations: thisTrait = webqtlTrait(db=self.db, name=item[0], cursor=self.cursor) thisTrait.retrieveInfo() thisTrait.Name = item[0] thisTrait.NOverlap = item[1] thisTrait.partial_corr = item[2] thisTrait.partial_corrPValue = item[3] thisTrait.corr = item[4] thisTrait.corrPValue = item[5] # NL, 07/19/2010 # js function changed, add a new parameter rankOrder for js function 'showTissueCorrPlot' rankOrder = 0; if self.method in ["2","5"]: rankOrder = 1; thisTrait.rankOrder = rankOrder #XZ, 26/09/2008: Method is 4 or 5. Have fetched tissue corr, but no literature correlation yet. if len(item) == 8: thisTrait.tissueCorr = item[6] thisTrait.tissuePValue = item[7] addLiteratureCorr = True #XZ, 26/09/2008: Method is 3, Have fetched literature corr, but no tissue corr yet. elif len(item) == 7: thisTrait.LCorr = item[6] thisTrait.mouse_geneid = self.translateToMouseGeneID(species, thisTrait.geneid) addTissueCorr = True #XZ, 26/09/2008: Method is 1 or 2. Have NOT fetched literature corr and tissue corr yet. # Phenotype data will not have geneid, and neither will some probes # we need to handle this because we will get an attribute error else: if input_trait_mouse_geneid and self.db.type=="ProbeSet": addLiteratureCorr = True if input_trait_symbol and self.db.type=="ProbeSet": addTissueCorr = True traitList.append(thisTrait) if addLiteratureCorr: traitList = self.getLiteratureCorrelationByList(input_trait_mouse_geneid, species, traitList) if addTissueCorr: traitList = self.getTissueCorrelationByList(primaryTraitSymbol=input_trait_symbol, traitList=traitList,TissueProbeSetFreezeId=TissueProbeSetFreezeId, method=self.method) ######################################################## TD_LR = HT.TD(height=200,width="100%",bgColor='#eeeeee') mainfmName = webqtlUtil.genRandStr("fm_") form = HT.Form(cgi= os.path.join(webqtlConfig.CGIDIR, webqtlConfig.SCRIPTFILE), enctype='multipart/form-data', name= mainfmName, submit=HT.Input(type='hidden')) hddn = {'FormID':'showDatabase', 'ProbeSetID':'_','database':self.target_db_name, 'CellID':'_', 'RISet':RISet, 'identification':fd.identification} if myTrait: hddn['fullname']=str(myTrait) for key in hddn.keys(): form.append(HT.Input(name=key, value=hddn[key], type='hidden')) #XZ, 11/21/2008: add two parameters to form form.append(HT.Input(name="X_geneSymbol", value="", type='hidden')) form.append(HT.Input(name="Y_geneSymbol", value="", type='hidden')) #XZ, 3/11/2010: add one parameter to record if the method is rank order. form.append(HT.Input(name="rankOrder", value="%s" % rankOrder, type='hidden')) form.append(HT.Input(name="TissueProbeSetFreezeId", value="%s" % TissueProbeSetFreezeId, type='hidden')) #################################### # generate the info on top of page # #################################### info_form = self.getFormForPrimaryAndControlTraits (primaryTrait, controlTraits) info = self.getTopInfo(myTrait=myTrait, method=self.method, db=self.db, target_db_name=self.target_db_name, returnNumber=self.returnNumber, methodDict=methodDict, totalTraits=totalTraits, identification=fd.identification ) ############## # Excel file # ############## filename= webqtlUtil.genRandStr("Corr_") xlsUrl = HT.Input(type='button', value = 'Download Table', onClick= "location.href='/tmp/%s.xls'" % filename, Class='button') # Create a new Excel workbook workbook = xl.Writer('%s.xls' % (webqtlConfig.TMPDIR+filename)) headingStyle = workbook.add_format(align = 'center', bold = 1, border = 1, size=13, fg_color = 0x1E, color="white") #XZ, 3/18/2010: pay attention to the line number of header in this file. As of today, there are 7 lines. worksheet = self.createExcelFileWithTitleAndFooter(workbook=workbook, identification=fd.identification, db=self.db, returnNumber=self.returnNumber) newrow = 7 ##################################################################### mintmap = HT.Href(url="#redirect", onClick="databaseFunc(document.getElementsByName('%s')[0], 'showIntMap');" % mainfmName) mintmap_img = HT.Image("/images/multiple_interval_mapping1_final.jpg", name='mintmap', alt="Multiple Interval Mapping", title="Multiple Interval Mapping", style="border:none;") mintmap.append(mintmap_img) mcorr = HT.Href(url="#redirect", onClick="databaseFunc(document.getElementsByName('%s')[0], 'compCorr');" % mainfmName) mcorr_img = HT.Image("/images/compare_correlates2_final.jpg", alt="Compare Correlates", title="Compare Correlates", style="border:none;") mcorr.append(mcorr_img) cormatrix = HT.Href(url="#redirect", onClick="databaseFunc(document.getElementsByName('%s')[0], 'corMatrix');" % mainfmName) cormatrix_img = HT.Image("/images/correlation_matrix1_final.jpg", alt="Correlation Matrix and PCA", title="Correlation Matrix and PCA", style="border:none;") cormatrix.append(cormatrix_img) networkGraph = HT.Href(url="#redirect", onClick="databaseFunc(document.getElementsByName('%s')[0], 'networkGraph');" % mainfmName) networkGraph_img = HT.Image("/images/network_graph1_final.jpg", name='mintmap', alt="Network Graphs", title="Network Graphs", style="border:none;") networkGraph.append(networkGraph_img) heatmap = HT.Href(url="#redirect", onClick="databaseFunc(document.getElementsByName('%s')[0], 'heatmap');" % mainfmName) heatmap_img = HT.Image("/images/heatmap2_final.jpg", name='mintmap', alt="QTL Heat Map and Clustering", title="QTL Heatmap and Clustering", style="border:none;") heatmap.append(heatmap_img) partialCorr = HT.Href(url="#redirect", onClick="databaseFunc(document.getElementsByName('%s')[0], 'partialCorrInput');" % mainfmName) partialCorr_img = HT.Image("/images/partial_correlation_final.jpg", name='partialCorr', alt="Partial Correlation", title="Partial Correlation", style="border:none;") partialCorr.append(partialCorr_img) addselect = HT.Href(url="#redirect", onClick="addRmvSelection('%s', document.getElementsByName('%s')[0], 'addToSelection');" % (RISet, mainfmName)) addselect_img = HT.Image("/images/add_collection1_final.jpg", name="addselect", alt="Add To Collection", title="Add To Collection", style="border:none;") addselect.append(addselect_img) selectall = HT.Href(url="#redirect", onClick="checkAll(document.getElementsByName('%s')[0]);" % mainfmName) selectall_img = HT.Image("/images/select_all2_final.jpg", name="selectall", alt="Select All", title="Select All", style="border:none;") selectall.append(selectall_img) selectinvert = HT.Href(url="#redirect", onClick = "checkInvert(document.getElementsByName('%s')[0]);" % mainfmName) selectinvert_img = HT.Image("/images/invert_selection2_final.jpg", name="selectinvert", alt="Invert Selection", title="Invert Selection", style="border:none;") selectinvert.append(selectinvert_img) reset = HT.Href(url="#redirect", onClick="checkNone(document.getElementsByName('%s')[0]); return false;" % mainfmName) reset_img = HT.Image("/images/select_none2_final.jpg", alt="Select None", title="Select None", style="border:none;") reset.append(reset_img) selecttraits = HT.Input(type='button' ,name='selecttraits',value='Select Traits', onClick="checkTraits(this.form);",Class="button") selectgt = HT.Input(type='text' ,name='selectgt',value='-1.0', size=6,maxlength=10,onChange="checkNumeric(this,1.0,'-1.0','gthan','greater than filed')") selectlt = HT.Input(type='text' ,name='selectlt',value='1.0', size=6,maxlength=10,onChange="checkNumeric(this,-1.0,'1.0','lthan','less than field')") selectandor = HT.Select(name='selectandor') selectandor.append(('AND','and')) selectandor.append(('OR','or')) selectandor.selected.append('AND') chrMenu = HT.Input(type='hidden',name='chromosomes',value='all') corrHeading = HT.Paragraph('Partial Correlation Table', Class="title") pageTable = HT.TableLite(cellSpacing=0,cellPadding=0,width="100%", border=0, align="Left") containerTable = HT.TableLite(cellSpacing=0,cellPadding=0,width="90%",border=0, align="Left") optionsTable = HT.TableLite(cellSpacing=2, cellPadding=0,width="320", height="80", border=0, align="Left") optionsTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(selectall), HT.TD(reset), HT.TD(selectinvert), HT.TD(addselect), align="left")) optionsTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(" "*1,"Select"), HT.TD("Deselect"), HT.TD(" "*1,"Invert"), HT.TD(" "*3,"Add"))) containerTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(optionsTable))) functionTable = HT.TableLite(cellSpacing=2,cellPadding=0,width="480",height="80", border=0, align="Left") functionRow = HT.TR(HT.TD(networkGraph, width="16.7%"), HT.TD(cormatrix, width="16.7%"), HT.TD(partialCorr, width="16.7%"), HT.TD(mcorr, width="16.7%"), HT.TD(mintmap, width="16.7%"), HT.TD(heatmap), align="left") labelRow = HT.TR(HT.TD(" "*1,HT.Text("Graph")), HT.TD(" "*1,HT.Text("Matrix")), HT.TD(" "*1,HT.Text("Partial")), HT.TD(HT.Text("Compare")), HT.TD(HT.Text("QTL Map")), HT.TD(HT.Text(text="Heat Map"))) functionTable.append(functionRow, labelRow) containerTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(functionTable), HT.BR())) moreOptions = HT.Input(type='button',name='options',value='More Options', onClick="",Class="toggle") fewerOptions = HT.Input(type='button',name='options',value='Fewer Options', onClick="",Class="toggle") if (fd.formdata.getvalue('showHideOptions') == 'less'): containerTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(" "), height="10"), HT.TR(HT.TD(HT.Div(fewerOptions, Class="toggleShowHide")))) containerTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(" "))) else: containerTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(" "), height="10"), HT.TR(HT.TD(HT.Div(moreOptions, Class="toggleShowHide")))) containerTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(" "))) containerTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(HT.Span(selecttraits,' with partial r > ',selectgt, ' ',selectandor, ' r < ',selectlt,Class="bd1 cbddf fs11")), style="display:none;", Class="extra_options")) tblobj = {} if self.db.type=="Geno": containerTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(xlsUrl, height=40))) pageTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(containerTable))) tblobj['header'], worksheet = self.getTableHeaderForGeno( method=self.method, worksheet=worksheet, newrow=newrow, headingStyle=headingStyle) newrow += 1 corrScript = HT.Script(language="Javascript") corrScript.append("var corrArray = new Array();") sortby = self.getSortByValue( calculationMethod = self.method ) tblobj['body'], worksheet, corrScript = self.getTableBodyForGeno(traitList=traitList, formName=mainfmName, worksheet=worksheet, newrow=newrow, corrScript=corrScript) workbook.close() objfile = open('%s.obj' % (webqtlConfig.TMPDIR+filename), 'wb') cPickle.dump(tblobj, objfile) objfile.close() # NL, 07/27/2010. genTableObj function has been moved from to; div = HT.Div(webqtlUtil.genTableObj(tblobj=tblobj, file=filename, sortby=sortby, tableID = "sortable", addIndex = "1"), corrScript, Id="sortable") pageTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(div))) form.append(HT.Input(name='ShowStrains',type='hidden', value =1), HT.Input(name='ShowLine',type='hidden', value =1), HT.P(),pageTable) TD_LR.append(corrHeading, info_form, HT.P(), info, form, HT.P()) self.dict['body'] = str(TD_LR) # updated by NL. Delete function generateJavaScript, move js files to dhtml.js, webqtl.js and jqueryFunction.js self.dict['js1'] = '' self.dict['title'] = 'Partial Correlation Result' elif self.db.type=="Publish": containerTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(xlsUrl, height=40))) pageTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(containerTable))) tblobj['header'], worksheet = self.getTableHeaderForPublish(method=self.method, worksheet=worksheet, newrow=newrow, headingStyle=headingStyle) newrow += 1 sortby = self.getSortByValue( calculationMethod = self.method ) corrScript = HT.Script(language="Javascript") corrScript.append("var corrArray = new Array();") tblobj['body'], worksheet, corrScript = self.getTableBodyForPublish(traitList=traitList, formName=mainfmName, worksheet=worksheet, newrow=newrow, corrScript=corrScript) workbook.close() objfile = open('%s.obj' % (webqtlConfig.TMPDIR+filename), 'wb') cPickle.dump(tblobj, objfile) objfile.close() # NL, 07/27/2010. genTableObj function has been moved from to; div = HT.Div(webqtlUtil.genTableObj(tblobj=tblobj, file=filename, sortby=sortby, tableID = "sortable", addIndex = "1"), corrScript, Id="sortable") pageTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(div))) form.append( HT.Input(name='ShowStrains',type='hidden', value =1), HT.Input(name='ShowLine',type='hidden', value =1), HT.P(),pageTable) TD_LR.append(corrHeading, info_form, HT.P(), info, form, HT.P()) self.dict['body'] = str(TD_LR) #updated by NL. Delete function generateJavaScript, move js files to dhtml.js, webqtl.js and jqueryFunction.js self.dict['js1'] = '' self.dict['title'] = 'Partial Correlation Result' elif self.db.type=="ProbeSet": tblobj['header'], worksheet = self.getTableHeaderForProbeSet(method=self.method, worksheet=worksheet, newrow=newrow, headingStyle=headingStyle) newrow += 1 sortby = self.getSortByValue( calculationMethod = self.method ) corrScript = HT.Script(language="Javascript") corrScript.append("var corrArray = new Array();") tblobj['body'], worksheet, corrScript = self.getTableBodyForProbeSet(traitList=traitList, primaryTrait=myTrait, formName=mainfmName, worksheet=worksheet, newrow=newrow, corrScript=corrScript) workbook.close() objfile = open('%s.obj' % (webqtlConfig.TMPDIR+filename), 'wb') cPickle.dump(tblobj, objfile) objfile.close() ''' #XZ, 07/07/2010: I comment out this block of code. WebGestaltScript = HT.Script(language="Javascript") WebGestaltScript.append(""" setTimeout('openWebGestalt()', 2000); function openWebGestalt(){ var thisForm = document['WebGestalt']; makeWebGestaltTree(thisForm, '%s', %d, 'edag_only.php'); } """ % (mainfmName, len(traitList))) ''' #XZ: here is the table of traits # NL, 07/27/2010. genTableObj function has been moved from to; div = HT.Div(webqtlUtil.genTableObj(tblobj=tblobj, file=filename, sortby=sortby, tableID = "sortable", addIndex = "1"), corrScript, Id="sortable") self.cursor.execute('SELECT GeneChip.GO_tree_value FROM GeneChip, ProbeFreeze, ProbeSetFreeze WHERE GeneChip.Id = ProbeFreeze.ChipId and ProbeSetFreeze.ProbeFreezeId = ProbeFreeze.Id and ProbeSetFreeze.Name = "%s"' % result = self.cursor.fetchone() if result: GO_tree_value = result[0] if GO_tree_value: hddnWebGestalt = { 'id_list':'', 'correlation':'', 'id_value':'', 'llid_list':'', 'id_type':GO_tree_value, 'idtype':'', 'species':'', 'list':'', 'client':''} hddnWebGestalt['ref_type'] = hddnWebGestalt['id_type'] hddnWebGestalt['cat_type'] = 'GO' hddnWebGestalt['significancelevel'] = 'Top10' if species == 'rat': hddnWebGestalt['org'] = 'Rattus norvegicus' elif species == 'human': hddnWebGestalt['org'] = 'Homo sapiens' elif species == 'mouse': hddnWebGestalt['org'] = 'Mus musculus' else: hddnWebGestalt['org'] = '' for key in hddnWebGestalt.keys(): form.append(HT.Input(name=key, value=hddnWebGestalt[key], type='hidden')) #XZ, 01/12/2009: create database menu for 'Add Correlation' self.cursor.execute(""" select ProbeSetFreeze.FullName, ProbeSetFreeze.Id, from ProbeSetFreeze, ProbeFreeze, ProbeSetFreeze as ps2, ProbeFreeze as p2, Tissue where ps2.Id = %d and ps2.ProbeFreezeId = p2.Id and ProbeSetFreeze.ProbeFreezeId = ProbeFreeze.Id and (ProbeFreeze.InbredSetId = p2.InbredSetId or (ProbeFreeze.InbredSetId in (1, 3) and p2.InbredSetId in (1, 3))) and p2.ChipId = ProbeFreeze.ChipId and ps2.Id != ProbeSetFreeze.Id and ProbeFreeze.TissueId = Tissue.Id and ProbeSetFreeze.public > %d order by ProbeFreeze.TissueId, ProbeSetFreeze.CreateTime desc """ % (, webqtlConfig.PUBLICTHRESH)) results = self.cursor.fetchall() dbCustomizer = HT.Select(results, name = "customizer") databaseMenuSub = preTissue = "" for item in results: TName, TId, TTissue = item if TTissue != preTissue: if databaseMenuSub: dbCustomizer.append(databaseMenuSub) databaseMenuSub = HT.Optgroup(label = '%s mRNA ------' % TTissue) preTissue = TTissue databaseMenuSub.append(item[:2]) if databaseMenuSub: dbCustomizer.append(databaseMenuSub) #updated by NL. Delete function generateJavaScript, move js files to dhtml.js, webqtl.js and jqueryFunction.js #variables: filename, strainIds and vals are required by getquerystring function strainIds=self.getStrainIds(species=species, strains=_primarystrains) var1 = HT.Input(name="filename", value=filename, type='hidden') var2 = HT.Input(name="strainIds", value=strainIds, type='hidden') var3 = HT.Input(name="vals", value=_primaryvals, type='hidden') customizerButton = HT.Input(type="button", Class="button", value="Add Correlation", onClick = "xmlhttpPost('', 'sortable', (getquerystring(this.form)))" % webqtlConfig.CGIDIR) containerTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(HT.Span(var1,var2,var3,customizerButton, "with", dbCustomizer, Class="bd1 cbddf fs11"), HT.BR(), HT.BR()), style="display:none;", Class="extra_options")) #outside analysis part GCATButton = HT.Href(url="#redirect", onClick="databaseFunc(document.getElementsByName('%s')[0], 'GCAT');" % mainfmName) GCATButton_img = HT.Image("/images/GCAT_logo_final.jpg", name="GCAT", alt="GCAT", title="GCAT", style="border:none") GCATButton.append(GCATButton_img) ODE = HT.Href(url="#redirect", onClick="databaseFunc(document.getElementsByName('%s')[0], 'ODE');" % mainfmName) ODE_img = HT.Image("/images/ODE_logo_final.jpg", name="ode", alt="ODE", title="ODE", style="border:none") ODE.append(ODE_img) WebGestalt = HT.Href(url="#redirect", onClick="databaseFunc(document.getElementsByName('%s')[0], 'GOTree');" % mainfmName) WebGestalt_img = HT.Image("/images/webgestalt_icon_final.jpg", name="webgestalt", alt="Gene Set Analysis Toolkit", title="Gene Set Analysis Toolkit", style="border:none") WebGestalt.append(WebGestalt_img) LinkOutTable = HT.TableLite(cellSpacing=2,cellPadding=0,width="320",height="80", border=0, align="Left") if not GO_tree_value: LinkOutRow = HT.TR(HT.TD(GCATButton, width="50%"), HT.TD(ODE, width="50%"), align="left") LinkOutLabels = HT.TR(HT.TD(" ", HT.Text("GCAT"), width="50%"), HT.TD(" ",HT.Text("ODE"), width="50%"), align="left") else: LinkOutRow = HT.TR(HT.TD(WebGestalt, width="25%"), HT.TD(GCATButton, width="25%"), HT.TD(ODE, width="25%"), align="left") LinkOutLabels = HT.TR(HT.TD(HT.Text("Gene Set")), HT.TD(" "*2, HT.Text("GCAT")), HT.TD(" "*3, HT.Text("ODE")), style="display:none;", Class="extra_options") LinkOutTable.append(LinkOutRow,LinkOutLabels) containerTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(LinkOutTable), Class="extra_options", style="display:none;")) containerTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(xlsUrl, HT.BR(), HT.BR(), height=40))) pageTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(containerTable))) pageTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(div))) if species == 'human': heatmap = "" form.append(HT.Input(name='ShowStrains',type='hidden', value =1), HT.Input(name='ShowLine',type='hidden', value =1), info, HT.BR(), pageTable, HT.BR()) TD_LR.append(corrHeading, info_form, HT.P(), form, HT.P()) self.dict['body'] = str(TD_LR) self.dict['title'] = 'Partial Correlation Result' # updated by NL. Delete function generateJavaScript, move js files to dhtml.js, webqtl.js and jqueryFunction.js self.dict['js1'] = '' self.dict['js2'] = 'onLoad="pageOffset()"' self.dict['layer'] = self.generateWarningLayer() else: self.dict['body'] = "" #################################### # # #Partial CorrelationPage Functions # # # #################################### def getSortByValue(self, calculationMethod): sortby = ("partial_pv", "up") if calculationMethod == "3": #XZ: literature correlation sortby = ("lcorr","down") elif calculationMethod == "4" or calculationMethod == "5": #XZ: tissue correlation sortby = ("tissuecorr", "down") return sortby #XZ, 3/31/2010: #A[0] holds trait name. #A[1] holds partial correlation coefficient number. #A[2] holds N. #A[3] holds p value of partial correlation. def cmpPartialCorrPValue (self, A, B): try: if A[3] < B[3]: return -1 elif A[3] == B[3]: return 0 else: return 1 except: return 0 #XZ, 4/1/2010: #A[0] holds trait name. #A[1] holds N. #A[2] holds partial correlation coefficient number. #A[3] holds p value of partial correlation. #A[6] holds literature corr or tissue corr value. #Sort by literature corr or tissue corr first, then by partial corr p value. def cmpLitCorr(self, A, B): try: if abs(A[6]) < abs(B[6]): return 1 elif abs(A[6]) == abs(B[6]): if A[3] < B[3]: return -1 elif A[3] == B[3]: return 0 else: return 1 else: return -1 except: return 0 def getPartialCorrelationsFast(self, _strains, _vals, _controlvals, nnCorr, DatabaseFileName, species, input_trait_GeneId,gene_symbol,TissueProbeSetFreezeId ): """Calculates and returns correlation coefficients using data from a csv text file.""" try: allcorrelations = [] useLit = False if self.method == "3": litCorrs = self.fetchLitCorrelations(species=species, GeneId=input_trait_GeneId, db=self.db, returnNumber=self.returnNumber) useLit = True useTissueCorr = False if self.method == "4" or self.method == "5": tissueCorrs = self.fetchTissueCorrelations(db=self.db,primaryTraitSymbol=gene_symbol, TissueProbeSetFreezeId=TissueProbeSetFreezeId, method=self.method, returnNumber=self.returnNumber) useTissueCorr = True datasetFile = open(webqtlConfig.TEXTDIR+DatabaseFileName,'r') #XZ, 01/08/2009: read the first line line = datasetFile.readline() dataset_strains = webqtlUtil.readLineCSV(line)[1:] #XZ, 3/30/2010: This step is critical. good_dataset_strains_index = [] for i in range(len(_strains)): found_in_dataset_strains = 0 for j, one_dataset_strain in enumerate(dataset_strains): if one_dataset_strain == _strains[i]: found_in_dataset_strains = 1 good_dataset_strains_index.append(j) break if not found_in_dataset_strains: good_dataset_strains_index.append(-99999) allTargetTraitNames = [] allTargetTraitValues = [] #XZ, 04/01/2009: If literature corr or tissue corr is selected, #XZ: there is no need to compute partial correlation for all traits. #XZ: If genetic corr is selected, compute partial correlation for all traits. for line in datasetFile: trait_line = webqtlUtil.readLineCSV(line) trait_name = trait_line[0] trait_data = trait_line[1:] if useLit: if not litCorrs.has_key( trait_name ): continue if useTissueCorr: if not tissueCorrs.has_key( trait_name ): continue #XZ, 04/01/2010: If useLit or useTissueCorr, and this trait should not be added, #it will not go to the next step. good_dataset_vals = [] for i in good_dataset_strains_index: if i == -99999: good_dataset_vals.append(None) else: good_dataset_vals.append( float(trait_data[i]) ) allTargetTraitNames.append(trait_name) allTargetTraitValues.append(good_dataset_vals) datasetFile.close() if self.method in ["2", "5"]: #Spearman allcorrelations = correlationFunction.determinePartialsByR(primaryVal=_vals, controlVals=_controlvals, targetVals=allTargetTraitValues, targetNames=allTargetTraitNames, method='s') else: allcorrelations = correlationFunction.determinePartialsByR(primaryVal=_vals, controlVals=_controlvals, targetVals=allTargetTraitValues, targetNames=allTargetTraitNames) totalTraits = len(allcorrelations) if useLit or useTissueCorr: for i, item in enumerate(allcorrelations): if useLit: allcorrelations[i].append(litCorrs[ item[0] ]) if useTissueCorr: tempCorr, tempPValue = tissueCorrs[ item[0] ] allcorrelations[i].append(tempCorr) allcorrelations[i].append(tempPValue) return totalTraits, allcorrelations except: return 0, 0 def getPartialCorrelationsNormal(self, _strains, _vals, _controlvals, nnCorr, species, input_trait_GeneId, input_trait_symbol,TissueProbeSetFreezeId): """Calculates and returns correlation coefficients""" traitdatabase, dataStartPos = self.fetchAllDatabaseData(species=species, GeneId=input_trait_GeneId, GeneSymbol=input_trait_symbol, strains=_strains, db=self.db, method=self.method, returnNumber=self.returnNumber, tissueProbeSetFreezeId=TissueProbeSetFreezeId) totalTraits = len(traitdatabase) #XZ, 09/18/2008: total trait number allcorrelations = [] allTargetTraitNames = [] allTargetTraitValues = [] for traitdata in traitdatabase: traitdataName = traitdata[0] traitvals = traitdata[dataStartPos:] allTargetTraitNames.append (traitdataName) allTargetTraitValues.append (traitvals) if self.method in ["2", "5"]: #Spearman allcorrelations = correlationFunction.determinePartialsByR(primaryVal=_vals, controlVals=_controlvals, targetVals=allTargetTraitValues, targetNames=allTargetTraitNames, method='s') else: allcorrelations = correlationFunction.determinePartialsByR(primaryVal=_vals, controlVals=_controlvals, targetVals=allTargetTraitValues, targetNames=allTargetTraitNames) #XZ, 09/28/2008: if user select '3', then fetchAllDatabaseData would give us LitCorr in the [1] position #XZ, 09/28/2008: if user select '4' or '5', then fetchAllDatabaseData would give us Tissue Corr in the [1] position #XZ, 09/28/2008: and Tissue Corr P Value in the [2] position if input_trait_GeneId and self.db.type == "ProbeSet" and self.method in ["3", "4", "5"]: for i, item in enumerate(allcorrelations): if self.method == "3": item.append( traitdatabase[1] ) if self.method == "4" or self.method == "5": item.append( traitdatabase[1] ) item.append( traitdatabase[2] ) return totalTraits, allcorrelations def getTableHeaderForPublish(self, method=None, worksheet=None, newrow=None, headingStyle=None): tblobj_header = [] if method in ["1", "3", "4"]: tblobj_header = [[THCell(HT.TD('', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap="on"), sort=0), THCell(HT.TD('Record', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap="on"), text="id", idx=1), THCell(HT.TD('Phenotype', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap="on"), text="pheno", idx=2), THCell(HT.TD('Authors', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap="on"), text="auth", idx=3), THCell(HT.TD('Year', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap="on"), text="year", idx=4), THCell(HT.TD('N', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap="on"), text="nstr", idx=5), THCell(HT.TD('Partial r ', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap="on"), text="partial_corr", idx=6), THCell(HT.TD('p(partial r)', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), text="partial_pv", idx=7), THCell(HT.TD('r ', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap="on"), text="corr", idx=8), THCell(HT.TD('p(r)', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), text="pv", idx=9), THCell(HT.TD('delta r', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap="on"), text="delta_corr", idx=10)]] for ncol, item in enumerate(["Record", "Phenotype", "Authors", "Year", "PubMedID", "N", "Partial r", "p(partial r)", "r ", "p(r)", "delta r"]): worksheet.write([newrow, ncol], item, headingStyle) worksheet.set_column([ncol, ncol], 2*len(item)) else: tblobj_header = [[THCell(HT.TD('', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap="on"), sort=0), THCell(HT.TD('Record', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap="on"), text="id", idx=1), THCell(HT.TD('Phenotype', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap="on"), text="pheno", idx=2), THCell(HT.TD('Authors', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap="on"), text="auth", idx=3), THCell(HT.TD('Year', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap="on"), text="year", idx=4), THCell(HT.TD('N', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap="on"), text="nstr", idx=5), THCell(HT.TD('Partial rho ', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap="on"), text="partial_corr", idx=6), THCell(HT.TD('p(partial rho)', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), text="partial_pv", idx=7), THCell(HT.TD('rho ', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap="on"), text="corr", idx=8), THCell(HT.TD('p(rho)', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), text="pv", idx=9), THCell(HT.TD('delta rho', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap="on"), text="delta_corr", idx=10)]] for ncol, item in enumerate(["Record", "Phenotype", "Authors", "Year", "PubMedID", "N", "Partial rho", "p(partial rho)", "rho ", "p(rho)", "delta rho"]): worksheet.write([newrow, ncol], item, headingStyle) worksheet.set_column([ncol, ncol], 2*len(item)) return tblobj_header, worksheet def getTableBodyForPublish(self, traitList, formName=None, worksheet=None, newrow=None, corrScript=None): tblobj_body = [] for thisTrait in traitList: tr = [] trId = str(thisTrait) #partial corr value could be string 'NA' try: corrScript.append('corrArray["%s"] = {corr:%1.4f};' % (trId, thisTrait.partial_corr)) except: corrScript.append('corrArray["%s"] = {corr:"NA"};' % (trId)) tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(HT.Input(type="checkbox", Class="checkbox", name="searchResult",value=trId, onClick="highlight(this)"), nowrap="on", Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222"), text=trId)) tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(HT.Href(,url="javascript:showTrait('%s', '%s')" % (formName,, Class="fs12 fwn"), nowrap="yes",align="center", Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222"),str(, PhenotypeString = thisTrait.post_publication_description if thisTrait.confidential: if not webqtlUtil.hasAccessToConfidentialPhenotypeTrait(privilege=self.privilege, userName=self.userName, authorized_users=thisTrait.authorized_users): PhenotypeString = thisTrait.pre_publication_description tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(PhenotypeString, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222"), PhenotypeString, PhenotypeString.upper())) tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(thisTrait.authors, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222 fsI"),thisTrait.authors, thisTrait.authors.strip().upper())) try: PubMedLinkText = myear = repr = int(thisTrait.year) except: PubMedLinkText = repr = "N/A" myear = 0 if thisTrait.pubmed_id: PubMedLink = HT.Href(text= repr,url= webqtlConfig.PUBMEDLINK_URL % thisTrait.pubmed_id,target='_blank', Class="fs12 fwn") else: PubMedLink = repr tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(PubMedLink, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222", align='center'), repr, myear)) repr = '%d' % thisTrait.NOverlap tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(repr, Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='right'),repr,thisTrait.NOverlap)) try: repr = '%3.3f' % thisTrait.partial_corr tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(repr, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222", align='right', nowrap="on"), repr, abs(thisTrait.partial_corr))) except: repr = 'NA' tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(repr, Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='left'), text=repr, val=0 )) repr = webqtlUtil.SciFloat(thisTrait.partial_corrPValue) tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(repr,nowrap='ON', Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='right'),repr,thisTrait.partial_corrPValue)) repr = '%3.3f' % thisTrait.corr tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(repr, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222", align='right', nowrap="on"), repr, abs(thisTrait.corr))) repr = webqtlUtil.SciFloat(thisTrait.corrPValue) tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(repr,nowrap='ON', Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='right'),repr,thisTrait.corrPValue)) #delta try: delta = '%3.3f' % ( float(thisTrait.partial_corr) - float(thisTrait.corr) ) tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(delta, Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='right', nowrap="on"), text=delta, val=abs(float(delta)) )) except: delta = 'NA' tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(delta, Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='left'), text=delta, val=0 )) tblobj_body.append(tr) for ncol, item in enumerate([, PhenotypeString, thisTrait.authors, thisTrait.year, thisTrait.pubmed_id, thisTrait.NOverlap, thisTrait.partial_corr, thisTrait.partial_corrPValue, thisTrait.corr, thisTrait.corrPValue, delta]): worksheet.write([newrow, ncol], str(item) ) newrow += 1 return tblobj_body, worksheet, corrScript def getTableHeaderForGeno(self, method=None, worksheet=None, newrow=None, headingStyle=None): tblobj_header = [] if method in ["1", "3", "4"]: tblobj_header = [[THCell(HT.TD('', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), sort=0), THCell(HT.TD('Locus', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",align='center'), text='locus', idx=1), THCell(HT.TD('Chr', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), text='chr', idx=2), THCell(HT.TD('Megabase', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), text='Mb', idx=3), THCell(HT.TD('N', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), text='nstr', idx=4), THCell(HT.TD('Partial r ', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), text='partial_corr', idx=5), THCell(HT.TD('p(partial r)', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), text='partial_pv', idx=6), THCell(HT.TD('r ', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), text='corr', idx=7), THCell(HT.TD('p(r)', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), text='pv', idx=8), THCell(HT.TD('delta r', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), text='delta_corr', idx=9)]] for ncol, item in enumerate(['Locus', 'Chr', ' Mb ', ' N ', 'Partial r', 'p(partial r)', 'r ', 'p(r)', 'delta r' ]): worksheet.write([newrow, ncol], item, headingStyle) worksheet.set_column([ncol, ncol], 2*len(item)) else: tblobj_header = [[THCell(HT.TD('', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), sort=0), THCell(HT.TD('Locus', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",align='center'), text='locus', idx=1), THCell(HT.TD('Chr', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), text='chr', idx=2), THCell(HT.TD('Megabase', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), text='Mb', idx=3), THCell(HT.TD('N', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), text='nstr', idx=4), THCell(HT.TD('Partial rho', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), text='partial_corr', idx=5), THCell(HT.TD('p(partial rho)', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), text='partial_pv', idx=6), THCell(HT.TD('rho ', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap='ON'), text='corr', idx=7), THCell(HT.TD('p(rho)', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), text='pv', idx=8), THCell(HT.TD('delta rho', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), text='delta_corr', idx=9)]] for ncol, item in enumerate(['Locus', 'Chr', ' Mb ', ' N ', 'Partial rho', 'p(partial rho)', 'rho ', 'p(rho)', 'delta rho' ]): worksheet.write([newrow, ncol], item, headingStyle) worksheet.set_column([ncol, ncol], 2*len(item)) return tblobj_header, worksheet def getTableBodyForGeno(self, traitList, formName=None, worksheet=None, newrow=None, corrScript=None): tblobj_body = [] for thisTrait in traitList: tr = [] trId = str(thisTrait) #partial corr value could be string 'NA' try: corrScript.append('corrArray["%s"] = {corr:%1.4f};' % (trId, thisTrait.partial_corr)) except: corrScript.append('corrArray["%s"] = {corr:"NA"};' % (trId)) tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(HT.Input(type="checkbox", Class="checkbox", name="searchResult",value=trId, onClick="highlight(this)"), nowrap="on", Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222"), text=trId)) tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(HT.Href(,url="javascript:showTrait('%s', '%s')" % (formName,, Class="fs12 fwn ffl"),align="center", Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222"),, #tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(thisTrait.chr, Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='right'), text=str(thisTrait.chr))) try: Mbvalue = int(thisTrait.chr)*1000 + thisTrait.mb except: if not thisTrait.chr or not thisTrait.mb: Mbvalue = 1000000 elif thisTrait.chr.upper() == 'X': Mbvalue = 20*1000 + thisTrait.mb else: Mbvalue = ord(str(thisTrait.chr).upper()[0])*1000 + thisTrait.mb tr.append(TDCell( HT.TD(thisTrait.chr, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222", align='right'), thisTrait.chr, Mbvalue) ) tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(thisTrait.mb, Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='right'), text=str(thisTrait.mb), val=Mbvalue)) repr = '%d' % thisTrait.NOverlap tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(repr, Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='right'),repr,thisTrait.NOverlap)) try: repr='%3.3f' % thisTrait.partial_corr tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(repr, Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='right',nowrap='ON'),repr,abs(thisTrait.partial_corr))) except: repr = 'NA' tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(repr, Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='left'), text=repr, val=0 )) repr = webqtlUtil.SciFloat(thisTrait.partial_corrPValue) tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(repr,nowrap='ON', Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='right'),repr,thisTrait.partial_corrPValue)) repr = '%3.3f' % thisTrait.corr tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(repr, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222", align='right',nowrap='ON'), repr, abs(thisTrait.corr))) repr = webqtlUtil.SciFloat(thisTrait.corrPValue) tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(repr,nowrap='ON', Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='right'),repr,thisTrait.corrPValue)) #delta try: delta = '%3.3f' % ( float(thisTrait.partial_corr) - float(thisTrait.corr) ) tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(delta, Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='right', nowrap='ON'), text=delta, val=abs(float(delta)) )) except: delta = 'NA' tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(delta, Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='left'), text=delta, val=0 )) tblobj_body.append(tr) for ncol, item in enumerate([, thisTrait.chr, thisTrait.mb, thisTrait.NOverlap, thisTrait.partial_corr, thisTrait.partial_corrPValue, thisTrait.corr, thisTrait.corrPValue, delta]): worksheet.write([newrow, ncol], item) newrow += 1 return tblobj_body, worksheet, corrScript def getTableHeaderForProbeSet(self, method=None, worksheet=None, newrow=None, headingStyle=None): tblobj_header = [] if method in ["1","3","4"]: tblobj_header = [[THCell(HT.TD(' ', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), sort=0), THCell(HT.TD('Record',HT.BR(),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), text="id", idx=1), THCell(HT.TD('','Symbol',HT.BR(),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), text="symbol", idx=2), THCell(HT.TD('','Description',HT.BR(),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), text="desc", idx=3), #XZ, 12/09/2008: sort chr THCell(HT.TD('','Chr',HT.BR(),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), text="chr", idx=4), THCell(HT.TD('','Mb',HT.BR(),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), text="Mb", idx=5), THCell(HT.TD('Mean',HT.BR(),'Expr',HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), text="mean", idx=6), THCell(HT.TD('N',HT.BR(),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), text="nstr", idx=7), THCell(HT.TD(HT.Href( text = HT.Span('Sample',HT.BR(), 'Partial r', HT.Sup(' ?', style="color:#f00"),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl cw"), target = '_blank', url = "/correlationAnnotation.html#genetic_r"), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap='ON'), text="partial_corr", idx=8), THCell(HT.TD(HT.Href( text = HT.Span('Sample',HT.BR(), 'p(partial r)', HT.Sup(' ?', style="color:#f00"),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl cw"), target = '_blank', url = "/correlationAnnotation.html#genetic_p_r"), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap='ON'), text="partial_pv", idx=9), THCell(HT.TD(HT.Href( text = HT.Span('Sample',HT.BR(), 'r', HT.Sup(' ?', style="color:#f00"),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl cw"), target = '_blank', url = "/correlationAnnotation.html#genetic_r"), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap='ON'), text="corr", idx=10), THCell(HT.TD(HT.Href( text = HT.Span('Sample',HT.BR(), 'p(r)', HT.Sup(' ?', style="color:#f00"),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl cw"), target = '_blank', url = "/correlationAnnotation.html#genetic_p_r"), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap='ON'), text="pv", idx=11), THCell(HT.TD('delta',HT.BR(), 'r', HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), text="delta_corr", idx=12), THCell(HT.TD(HT.Href( text = HT.Span('Pubmed',HT.BR(), 'r', HT.Sup(' ?', style="color:#f00"),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl cw"), target = '_blank', url = "/correlationAnnotation.html#literatureCorr"), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap='ON'), text="lcorr", idx=13), #XZ, 09/22/2008: tissue correlation THCell(HT.TD(HT.Href( text = HT.Span('Tissue',HT.BR(), 'r', HT.Sup(' ?', style="color:#f00"),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl cw"), target = '_blank', url = "/correlationAnnotation.html#tissue_r"), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap='ON'), text="tissuecorr", idx=14), THCell(HT.TD(HT.Href( text = HT.Span('Tissue',HT.BR(), 'p(r)', HT.Sup(' ?', style="color:#f00"),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl cw"), target = '_blank', url = "/correlationAnnotation.html#tissue_p_r"), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap='ON'), text="tissuepvalue", idx=15)]] for ncol, item in enumerate(['Record', 'Gene ID', 'Symbol', 'Description', 'Chr', 'Megabase', 'Mean Expr', 'N ', 'Sample Partial r', 'Sample p(partial r)', 'Sample r', 'Sample p(r)', 'delta r', 'Lit Corr', 'Tissue r', 'Tissue p(r)']): worksheet.write([newrow, ncol], item, headingStyle) worksheet.set_column([ncol, ncol], 2*len(item)) else: tblobj_header = [[THCell(HT.TD(' ', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), sort=0), THCell(HT.TD('Record',HT.BR(),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), text="id", idx=1), THCell(HT.TD('','Symbol',HT.BR(),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), text="symbol", idx=2), THCell(HT.TD('','Description',HT.BR(),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), text="desc", idx=3), THCell(HT.TD('','Chr',HT.BR(),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), text="chr", idx=4), THCell(HT.TD('','Mb',HT.BR(),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), text="Mb", idx=5), THCell(HT.TD('Mean',HT.BR(),'Expr',HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), text="mean", idx=6), THCell(HT.TD('N',HT.BR(),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), text="nstr", idx=7), THCell(HT.TD(HT.Href( text = HT.Span('Sample',HT.BR(), 'Partial rho', HT.Sup(' ?', style="color:#f00"),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl cw"), target = '_blank', url = "/correlationAnnotation.html#genetic_rho"), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap='ON'), text="partial_corr", idx=8), THCell(HT.TD(HT.Href( text = HT.Span('Sample',HT.BR(), 'p(partial rho)', HT.Sup(' ?', style="color:#f00"),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl cw"), target = '_blank', url = "/correlationAnnotation.html#genetic_p_rho"), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap='ON'), text="partial_pv", idx=9), THCell(HT.TD(HT.Href( text = HT.Span('Sample',HT.BR(), 'rho', HT.Sup(' ?', style="color:#f00"),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl cw"), target = '_blank', url = "/correlationAnnotation.html#genetic_r"), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap='ON'), text="corr", idx=10), THCell(HT.TD(HT.Href( text = HT.Span('Sample',HT.BR(), 'p(rho)', HT.Sup(' ?', style="color:#f00"),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl cw"), target = '_blank', url = "/correlationAnnotation.html#genetic_p_r"), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap='ON'), text="pv", idx=11), THCell(HT.TD('delta',HT.BR(),'rho', HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), text="delta_corr", idx=12), THCell(HT.TD(HT.Href( text = HT.Span('Pubmed',HT.BR(), 'r', HT.Sup(' ?', style="color:#f00"),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl cw"), target = '_blank', url = "/correlationAnnotation.html#literatureCorr"), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap='ON'), text="lcorr", idx=13), #XZ, 09/22/2008: tissue correlation THCell(HT.TD(HT.Href( text = HT.Span('Tissue',HT.BR(), 'rho', HT.Sup(' ?', style="color:#f00"),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl cw"), target = '_blank', url = "/correlationAnnotation.html#tissue_rho"), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap='ON'), text="tissuecorr", idx=14), THCell(HT.TD(HT.Href( text = HT.Span('Tissue',HT.BR(), 'p(rho)', HT.Sup(' ?', style="color:#f00"),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl cw"), target = '_blank', url = "/correlationAnnotation.html#tissue_p_rho"), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap='ON'), text="tissuepvalue", idx=15)]] for ncol, item in enumerate(['Record', 'Gene ID', 'Symbol', 'Description', 'Chr', 'Megabase', 'Mean Expr', 'N ', 'Sample Partial rho', 'Sample p(partial rho)', 'Sample rho', 'Sample p(rho)', 'delta rho', 'Pubmed r', 'Tissue rho', 'Tissue p(rho)']): worksheet.write([newrow, ncol], item, headingStyle) worksheet.set_column([ncol, ncol], 2*len(item)) return tblobj_header, worksheet def getTableBodyForProbeSet(self, traitList=[], primaryTrait=None, formName=None, worksheet=None, newrow=None, corrScript=None): tblobj_body = [] for thisTrait in traitList: if thisTrait.symbol: pass else: thisTrait.symbol = "N/A" if thisTrait.geneid: symbolurl = HT.Href(text=thisTrait.symbol,target='_blank',url="" % thisTrait.geneid, Class="fs12 fwn") else: symbolurl = HT.Href(text=thisTrait.symbol,target='_blank',url="" % thisTrait.symbol, Class="fs12 fwn") tr = [] trId = str(thisTrait) #partial corr value could be string 'NA' try: corrScript.append('corrArray["%s"] = {corr:%1.4f};' % (trId, thisTrait.partial_corr)) except: corrScript.append('corrArray["%s"] = {corr:"NA"};' % (trId)) #XZ, 12/08/2008: checkbox tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(HT.Input(type="checkbox", Class="checkbox", name="searchResult",value=trId, onClick="highlight(this)"), nowrap="on", Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222"), text=trId)) #XZ, 12/08/2008: probeset name tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(HT.Href(,url="javascript:showTrait('%s', '%s')" % (formName,, Class="fs12 fwn"), Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222"),, #XZ, 12/08/2008: gene symbol tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(symbolurl, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222 fsI"),thisTrait.symbol, thisTrait.symbol.upper())) #XZ, 12/08/2008: description #XZ, 06/05/2009: Rob asked to add probe target description description_string = str(thisTrait.description).strip() target_string = str(thisTrait.probe_target_description).strip() description_display = '' if len(description_string) > 1 and description_string != 'None': description_display = description_string else: description_display = thisTrait.symbol if len(description_display) > 1 and description_display != 'N/A' and len(target_string) > 1 and target_string != 'None': description_display = description_display + '; ' + target_string.strip() tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(description_display, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222"), description_display, description_display)) #XZ, 12/08/2008: Mbvalue is used for sorting try: Mbvalue = int(thisTrait.chr)*1000 + thisTrait.mb except: if not thisTrait.chr or not thisTrait.mb: Mbvalue = 1000000 elif thisTrait.chr.upper() == 'X': Mbvalue = 20*1000 + thisTrait.mb else: Mbvalue = ord(str(thisTrait.chr).upper()[0])*1000 + thisTrait.mb #XZ, 12/08/2008: chromosome number #XZ, 12/10/2008: use Mbvalue to sort chromosome tr.append(TDCell( HT.TD(thisTrait.chr, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222", align='right'), thisTrait.chr, Mbvalue) ) #XZ, 12/08/2008: Rob wants 6 digit precision, and we have to deal with that the mb could be None if not thisTrait.mb: tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(thisTrait.mb, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222",align='right'), thisTrait.mb, Mbvalue)) else: tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD('%.6f' % thisTrait.mb, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222", align='right'), thisTrait.mb, Mbvalue)) #XZ, 01/12/08: This SQL query is much faster. self.cursor.execute(""" select ProbeSetXRef.mean from ProbeSetXRef, ProbeSet where ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId = %d and ProbeSet.Id = ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId and ProbeSet.Name = '%s' """ % (, result = self.cursor.fetchone() if result: if result[0]: mean = result[0] else: mean=0 else: mean = 0 #XZ, 06/05/2009: It is neccessary to turn on nowrap repr = "%2.3f" % mean tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(repr, Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='right', nowrap='ON'),repr, mean)) #XZ: number of overlaped cases for partial corr repr = '%d' % thisTrait.NOverlap tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(repr, Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='right'),repr,thisTrait.NOverlap)) #XZ: sample partial correlation try: repr='%3.3f' % thisTrait.partial_corr tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(repr, Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='right', nowrap='ON'),repr,abs(thisTrait.partial_corr))) except: repr = 'NA' tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(repr, Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='left'), text=repr, val=0 )) #XZ: p value of genetic partial correlation repr = webqtlUtil.SciFloat(thisTrait.partial_corrPValue) tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(repr,nowrap='ON', Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='right'),repr,thisTrait.partial_corrPValue)) repr = '%3.3f' % thisTrait.corr tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(repr, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222", align='right',nowrap='ON'), repr, abs(thisTrait.corr))) repr = webqtlUtil.SciFloat(thisTrait.corrPValue) tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(repr,nowrap='ON', Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='right'),repr,thisTrait.corrPValue)) #delta try: delta = '%3.3f' % ( float(thisTrait.partial_corr) - float(thisTrait.corr) ) tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(delta, Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='right', nowrap='ON'), text=delta, val=abs(float(delta)) )) except: delta = 'NA' tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(delta, Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='left'), text=delta, val=0 )) #XZ, 12/08/2008: literature correlation LCorr = 0.0 LCorrStr = "N/A" if hasattr(thisTrait, 'LCorr') and thisTrait.LCorr: LCorr = thisTrait.LCorr LCorrStr = "%2.3f" % thisTrait.LCorr tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(LCorrStr, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222", align='right'), LCorrStr, abs(LCorr))) #XZ, 09/22/2008: tissue correlation. TCorr = 0.0 TCorrStr = "N/A" #XZ, 11/18/2010: need to pass two gene symbols if hasattr(thisTrait, 'tissueCorr') and thisTrait.tissueCorr: TCorr = thisTrait.tissueCorr TCorrStr = "%2.3f" % thisTrait.tissueCorr #NL, 07/19/2010: add a new parameter rankOrder for js function 'showTissueCorrPlot' rankOrder =thisTrait.rankOrder TCorrPlotURL = "javascript:showTissueCorrPlot('%s','%s','%s',%d)" %(formName, primaryTrait.symbol, thisTrait.symbol,rankOrder) tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(HT.Href(text=TCorrStr, url=TCorrPlotURL, Class="fs12 fwn ff1"), Class="fs12 fwn ff1 b1 c222", align='right'), TCorrStr, abs(TCorr) )) else: tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(TCorrStr, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222", align='right'), TCorrStr, abs(TCorr))) #XZ, 12/08/2008: p value of tissue correlation TPValue = 1.0 TPValueStr = "N/A" if hasattr(thisTrait, 'tissueCorr') and thisTrait.tissueCorr: #XZ, 09/22/2008: thisTrait.tissuePValue can't be used here because it could be 0 TPValue = thisTrait.tissuePValue TPValueStr = "%2.3f" % thisTrait.tissuePValue tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(TPValueStr, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222", align='right'), TPValueStr, abs(TPValue) )) tblobj_body.append(tr) for ncol, item in enumerate([, thisTrait.geneid, thisTrait.symbol, thisTrait.description, thisTrait.chr, thisTrait.mb, mean, thisTrait.NOverlap, thisTrait.partial_corr, thisTrait.partial_corrPValue, thisTrait.corr, thisTrait.corrPValue, delta, LCorrStr, TCorrStr, TPValueStr]): worksheet.write([newrow, ncol], item) newrow += 1 return tblobj_body, worksheet, corrScript def getFormForPrimaryAndControlTraits (self, primaryTrait, controlTraits): info_form = HT.Form(cgi= os.path.join(webqtlConfig.CGIDIR, webqtlConfig.SCRIPTFILE), enctype='multipart/form-data', name='showDatabase', submit=HT.Input(type='hidden')) hddn = {'FormID':'showDatabase', 'database':'_', 'ProbeSetID':'_', 'CellID':'_' }#XZ: These four parameters are required by javascript function showDatabase2. for key in hddn.keys(): info_form.append(HT.Input(name=key, value=hddn[key], type='hidden')) info_form.append(HT.Paragraph("Primary Trait", Class="subtitle"), '\n') primaryTraitTable = HT.TableLite(cellSpacing=4,cellPadding=0,width="90%",border=0) descriptionString = primaryTrait.genHTML(dispFromDatabase=1) if primaryTrait.db.type == 'Publish' and primaryTrait.confidential: descriptionString = primaryTrait.genHTML(dispFromDatabase=1, privilege=self.privilege, userName=self.userName, authorized_users=primaryTrait.authorized_users) primaryTraitTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(HT.Href(text='%s' % descriptionString, url="javascript:showDatabase2('%s','%s','%s')" % (,,primaryTrait.cellid), Class="fs12 fwn") ))) info_form.append(primaryTraitTable) info_form.append(HT.Paragraph("Control Traits", Class="subtitle"), '\n') controlTraitsTable = HT.TableLite(cellSpacing=4,cellPadding=0,width="90%",border=0) seq = 1 ## Generate the listing table for control traits for thisTrait in controlTraits: descriptionString = thisTrait.genHTML(dispFromDatabase=1) if thisTrait.db.type == 'Publish' and thisTrait.confidential: descriptionString = thisTrait.genHTML(dispFromDatabase=1, privilege=self.privilege, userName=self.userName, authorized_users=thisTrait.authorized_users) controlTraitsTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD("%d."%seq,align="right",width=10), HT.TD(HT.Href(text='%s' % descriptionString,url="javascript:showDatabase2('%s','%s','%s')" % (,,thisTrait.cellid), Class="fs12 fwn") ))) seq += 1 info_form.append(controlTraitsTable) return info_form