#Trait.py # #--Individual functions are already annotated, more or less. # #Classes: #RawPoint #Trait #ProbeSetTrait #GenotypeTrait #PublishTrait #TempTrait #-KA # trait.py: a data structure to represent a trait import time import string CONFIG_pubMedLinkURL = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=%s&dopt=Abstract" # RawPoint: to store information about the relationship between two particular # traits # RawPoint represents directly the input file class RawPoint: def __init__(self, i, j): self.i = i self.j = j def __eq__(self, other): return (self.i == other.i and self.j == other.j and self.spearman == other.spearman and self.pearson == other.pearson) def __str__(self): return "(%s,%s,%s,%s)" % (self.i, self.j, self.spearman, self.pearson) def tdEscapeList(cols, align="left"): """ A helper function used by tableRow in Trait that will convert a list of strings into a set of table cells enclosed by %s tags """ html = "" for col in cols: html += '%s' % (align, col) return html def thEscapeList(cols): """ A helper function used by tableRowHeader in Trait that will convert a list of strings into a set of table cells enclosed by %s tags """ html = "" for col in cols: html += "%s" % col return html def commaEscapeList(cols): """ A helper function used by csvHeader and csvRow. Really it's just a wrapper for string.join """ return '"' + string.join(cols, '","') + '"' class Trait: """ A trait represents an attribute of an object. In the WebQTL database, traits are stored as ProbeSets; that is, the average values of a set of probes are stored. """ def __init__(self, id="", name="", description="", symbol="", href=""): self.id = id self.name = name self.dbName = "" self.symbol = symbol self.href = href self.strainData = {} def populateDataId(self, cursor, freezeId): """ Retrieve the dataId for trait data corresponding to the given database The way to do this depends on the particular type of trait, so we leave implementation to subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError def populateStrainData(self, cursor): """ Load this trait full of train data corresponding to the data id The data id can either come from populateDataId or can be set manually by the user of this class. Xiaodong added: The way to do this depends on the particular type of trait, so we leave implementation to subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError def shortName(self): """ To return a short name for this trait; this name should be appropriate for a row or column title """ return self.name def nameNoDB(self): """ To return only the short name without the database attached """ strArray = self.shortName().split('::') return strArray[1] def datasetName(self): """ To return only the name of the dataset """ strArray = self.shortName().split('::') return strArray[0].strip() def longName(self): """ To return a long name for this trait; this name should be appropriate for a key to a table """ return self.shortName() def __str__(self): return self.shortName() def tableRowHelper(self, beforeCols, afterCols, color, thisRow): """ tableRowHelper: (arrayof String) -. String To generate a table row to represent this object, appending the additional information in beforeCols and afterCols to the beginning and the end """ thisRow[0] = '%s' % (self.traitInfoLink(), self.name) html = '' % color html += tdEscapeList(beforeCols + thisRow) html += tdEscapeList(afterCols, align="right") html += "" return html def header(self): """ header: (listof String) To generate a list of strings describing each piece of data returned by row """ raise NotImplementedError def row(self): """ row: (listof String) To generate a list of strings describing this object. The elements of this list should be described by header() """ raise NotImplementedError def tableRowHeader(self, beforeCols, afterCols, color): """ tableRowHeader: (arrayof String) -> (arrayof String) -> String To generate a table row header to represent this object, appending the additional information in beforeCols and afterCols to the beginning and end """ html = '' % color html += thEscapeList(beforeCols + self.header() + afterCols) html += "" return html def csvHeader(self, beforeCols, afterCols): return commaEscapeList(beforeCols + self.header() + afterCols) def csvRow(self, beforeCols, afterCols): return commaEscapeList(beforeCols + self.row() + afterCols) def traitInfoLink(self): """ To build a trait info link to show information about this trait. We assume that the database attribute is properly set on the hidden form on the page where this link will go. """ return "javascript:showDatabase2('%s','%s','')" % (self.dbName, self.name) # ProbeSetTrait: a trait with data from a probeset class ProbeSetTrait(Trait): def __init__(self, id="", name="", description="", symbol="", href="", chromosome="", MB="", GeneId=""): Trait.__init__(self, id=id, name=name, href=href) self.description = description self.symbol = symbol self.chromosome = chromosome self.MB = MB self.GeneId = GeneId def populateDataId(self, cursor, freezeId): """ Look up the data id for this trait given which freeze it came from. """ cursor.execute(''' SELECT ProbeSetXRef.DataId FROM ProbeSetXRef WHERE ProbeSetId = %s AND ProbeSetFreezeId = %s ''' % (self.id, freezeId)) # we hope that there's only one record here row = cursor.fetchone() self.dataId = row[0] #XZ, 03/03/2009: Xiaodong implemented this fuction def populateStrainData(self, cursor): cursor.execute(''' SELECT ProbeSetData.StrainId, ProbeSetData.value FROM ProbeSetData WHERE ProbeSetData.Id = %s''' % self.dataId) for row in cursor.fetchall(): self.strainData[int(row[0])] = float(row[1]) def shortName(self): """ An improved string method that uses the gene symbol where we have it """ if self.symbol != "": return self.symbol else: return Trait.shortName(self) def longName(self): """ We use several bits of genetic information to give useful information about this trait and where it is """ if self.chromosome != "": chrPart = " (%s on Chr %s @ %s Mb)" % (self.symbol, self.chromosome, self.MB) else: chrPart = "" return "%s%s: %s" % (self.name, chrPart, self.description) def header(self): return ["Name", "Symbol", "Description", "Chr", "Position (Mb)"] def row(self): if type(self.MB) is float: MB = "%.2f" % self.MB else: MB = "" return [self.name, self.symbol, self.description, self.chromosome, MB] def tableRow(self, beforeCols, afterCols, color): """ tableRow: (arrayof String) -> (arrayof String) -> String To generate a table row to represent this object, appending the additional information in beforeCols and afterCols to the beginning and end """ thisRow = self.row() # trim description if len(thisRow[2]) > 20: thisRow[2] = thisRow[2][:20] + "..." # add NCBI info link thisRow[1] = self.ncbiInfoLink() return self.tableRowHelper(beforeCols, afterCols, color, thisRow) def ncbiInfoLink(self): """ ncbiInfoLink :: String To generate an NCBI info link for this trait. If we have a GeneId, then we can go straight to the gene. If not, then we generate a search link based on the gene symbol. If we have none of them, then we don't generate a link at all. """ if self.GeneId != "": cmd = "cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Graphics&list_uids=%s" % self.GeneId elif self.symbol != "": cmd = "cmd=Search&term=%s" % self.symbol else: return "" return ''' %s ''' % (cmd, self.symbol) # GenotypeTrait: a trait with data from the genotype class GenotypeTrait(Trait): def __init__(self, id="", name="", href="", chromosome="", MB=""): Trait.__init__(self, id=id, name=name, href=href) self.chromosome = chromosome self.MB = MB def populateDataId(self, cursor, freezeId): """ Look up the data id for this trait from the genotype. """ cursor.execute(''' SELECT GenoXRef.DataId FROM GenoXRef WHERE GenoId = %s AND GenoFreezeId = %s ''' % (self.id, freezeId)) # we hope that there's only one record here row = cursor.fetchone() self.dataId = row[0] #XZ, 03/03/2009: Xiaodong implemented this fuction def populateStrainData(self, cursor): cursor.execute(''' SELECT GenoData.StrainId, GenoData.value FROM GenoData WHERE GenoData.Id = %s''' % self.dataId) for row in cursor.fetchall(): self.strainData[int(row[0])] = float(row[1]) def header(self): return ["Locus", "Chr", "Position (Mb)"] def row(self): return [self.name, self.chromosome, "%.3f" % self.MB] def tableRow(self, beforeCols, afterCols, color): return self.tableRowHelper(beforeCols, afterCols, color, self.row()) # PublishTrait: a trait with data from publications class PublishTrait(Trait): def __init__(self, id="", name="", href="", authors="", title="", phenotype="", year=""): Trait.__init__(self, id=id, name=name, href=href) self.authors = authors self.title = title self.phenotype = phenotype self.year = year def populateDataId(self, cursor, freezeId): """ Look up the data id for this trait from the published set. For the moment, we assume that there's only one publish freeze. """ cursor.execute(''' SELECT PublishXRef.DataId FROM PublishXRef, PublishFreeze WHERE PublishFreeze.Id = %s AND PublishFreeze.InbredSetId = PublishXRef.InbredSetId AND PublishXRef.Id = %s ''' % (freezeId, self.id)) # we hope that there's only one record here row = cursor.fetchone() self.dataId = row[0] #XZ, 03/03/2009: Xiaodong implemented this fuction def populateStrainData(self, cursor): cursor.execute(''' SELECT PublishData.StrainId, PublishData.value FROM PublishData WHERE PublishData.Id = %s''' % self.dataId) for row in cursor.fetchall(): self.strainData[int(row[0])] = float(row[1]) def longName(self): """ A more intelligent string function that uses information about the publication from which this trait came """ return "%s: %s by %s" % (self.name, self.title, self.authors) def header(self): return ["Record", "Phenotype", "Authors", "Year", "URL"] def row(self): return [self.name, self.phenotype, self.authors, str(self.year), ""] def tableRow(self, beforeCols, afterCols, color): """ tableRow: (arrayof String) -> (arrayof String) -> String To generate a table row to represent this object, appending the additional information in beforeCols and afterCols to the beginning and end """ thisRow = self.row() # for multiple authors, use "et. al" after first two authors = thisRow[2].split(",") if len(authors) > 2: thisRow[2] = string.join(authors[:2], ",") + ", et al" # clip phenotype to 20 chars if len(thisRow[1]) > 20: thisRow[1] = thisRow[1][:20] + "..." # add Pub Med URL thisRow[4] = 'Pub Med' % (CONFIG_pubMedLinkURL % self.href) return self.tableRowHelper(beforeCols, afterCols, color, thisRow) # TempTrait: a trait with data generate by user and stored in temp table class TempTrait(Trait): def __init__(self, id="", name="", href="", description=""): Trait.__init__(self, id=id, name=name, href=href) self.description = description def populateDataId(self, cursor, freeezeId): """ Look up the data id for this trait from the Temp table, freezeId isn't used, it just for fixing the inherit """ cursor.execute(''' SELECT DataId FROM Temp WHERE Id=%s ''' % (self.id)) # we hope that there's only one record here row = cursor.fetchone() self.dataId = row[0] #XZ, 03/03/2009: Xiaodong implemented this fuction def populateStrainData(self, cursor): cursor.execute(''' SELECT TempData.StrainId, TempData.value FROM TempData WHERE TempData.Id = %s''' % self.dataId) for row in cursor.fetchall(): self.strainData[int(row[0])] = float(row[1]) def row(self): return [self.id, self.name, self.description, ""] def longName(self): """ For temp trait, the description always contents whole useful information """ return self.description # queryGenotypeTraitByName : Cursor -> string -> GenotypeTrait def queryGenotypeTraitByName(cursor, speciesId, name): qry = ''' SELECT Geno.Id, Geno.Name, Geno.Chr, Geno.Mb FROM Geno WHERE Geno.SpeciesId = %s and Geno.Name = "%s" ''' % (speciesId, name) cursor.execute(qry) row = cursor.fetchone() return GenotypeTrait(id=row[0], name=row[1], chromosome=row[2], MB=row[3]) # queryPublishTraitByName : Cursor -> string -> PublishTrait def queryPublishTraitByName(cursor, freezeId, name): qry = ''' SELECT PublishXRef.Id, Phenotype.Id, Publication.Authors, Publication.Title, Publication.Year, Publication.PubMed_ID FROM Publication, PublishXRef, Phenotype, PublishFreeze WHERE PublishFreeze.Id = %s AND PublishFreeze.InbredSetId = PublishXRef.InbredSetId AND PublishXRef.Id = %s AND PublishXRef.PublicationId = Publication.Id AND PublishXRef.PhenotypeId = Phenotype.Id ''' % (freezeId, name) cursor.execute(qry) if cursor.rowcount == 0: return None else: row = cursor.fetchone() return PublishTrait(id=row[0], name='%s'%row[0], authors=row[2], title=row[3], year=row[4], href=row[5]) def queryTempTraitByName(cursor, name): name=name.strip() qry = ''' SELECT Temp.Id, Temp.Name, Temp.description FROM Temp WHERE Temp.Name= "%s" ''' % (name) cursor.execute(qry) if cursor.rowcount == 0: return None else: row = cursor.fetchone() return TempTrait(id=row[0], name=row[1], description=row[2], href='') # queryPopulatedProbeSetTraits: Cursor -> Integer -> dictof Trait # to retrieve an entire probeset fully populated with data # this query can take 15+ sec the old way (22,000 traits * 35 strains = half # a million records) # so we ask for the data in bulk # # cursor should be SSCursor for MySQL so rows are stored on the server side # and tuples are used # we explicitly close the cursor here as well #XZ, 03/04/2009: It seems to me that this function is never be executed. #XZ: Although it can be called from multitrait.loadDatabase, #XZ: but the loadDatabase function will not be called #XZ: if the targetDatabaseType is probeset. #XZ: The probeset traits of target database are retrieved by execute #XZ: queryPopulatedProbeSetTraits2 from correlation.calcProbeSetPearsonMatrix def queryPopulatedProbeSetTraits(cursor, freezeId): step1 = time.time() traits = queryProbeSetTraits(cursor, freezeId) traitDict = {} for trait in traits: traitDict[trait.id] = trait step2 = time.time() print #XZ, 03/04/2009: Xiaodong changed Data to ProbeSetData cursor.execute(''' SELECT ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId, ProbeSetData.StrainId, ProbeSetData.value FROM ProbeSetXRef Left Join ProbeSetData ON ProbeSetXRef.DataId = ProbeSetData.Id WHERE ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId = %s ''' % freezeId) step3 = time.time() totalrows = 0 somerows = cursor.fetchmany(1000) while len(somerows) > 0: totalrows += len(somerows) for row in somerows: # this line of code can execute more than one million times traitDict[row[0]].strainData[int(row[1])] = row[2] somerows = cursor.fetchmany(1000) #cursor.close() step4 = time.time() time1 = step2 - step1 time2 = step3 - step2 time3 = step4 - step3 time4 = step4 - step1 #print "%f %f %f %f %d rows" % (round(time1, 2), # round(time2, 2), # round(time3, 2), # round(time4, 2), # totalrows) #print "Fetched %d traits" % len(traits) return traits # queryPopulatedProbeSetTraits2: Cursor -> Integer -> dictof Trait # to retrieve probeset fully populated whose ProbeSetId in a range # a special ProbeSetId with data # this query can take 15+ sec the old way (22,000 traits * 35 strains = half # a million records) # so we ask for the data in bulk # # cursor should be SSCursor for MySQL so rows are stored on the server side # and tuples are used # we explicitly close the cursor here as well def queryPopulatedProbeSetTraits2(cursor, freezeId, ProbeSetId1, ProbeSetId2): step1 = time.time() traits = queryProbeSetTraits2(cursor, freezeId, ProbeSetId1, ProbeSetId2) traitDict = {} for trait in traits: traitDict[trait.id] = trait step2 = time.time() print #XZ, 03/04/2009: Xiaodong changed Data to ProbeSetData cursor.execute(''' SELECT ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId, ProbeSetData.StrainId, ProbeSetData.value FROM ProbeSetXRef Left Join ProbeSetData ON ProbeSetXRef.DataId = ProbeSetData.Id WHERE ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId = %s AND ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId >= %s AND ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId <= %s ''' % (freezeId, ProbeSetId1, ProbeSetId2)) step3 = time.time() totalrows = 0 somerows = cursor.fetchmany(1000) while len(somerows) > 0: totalrows += len(somerows) for row in somerows: # this line of code can execute more than one million times traitDict[row[0]].strainData[int(row[1])] = row[2] somerows = cursor.fetchmany(1000) #cursor.close() step4 = time.time() time1 = step2 - step1 time2 = step3 - step2 time3 = step4 - step3 time4 = step4 - step1 #print "%f %f %f %f %d rows" % (round(time1, 2), # round(time2, 2), # round(time3, 2), # round(time4, 2), # totalrows) #print "Fetched %d traits" % len(traits) return traits # def noneFilter : string or none -> string # to replace a possible None by an empty string def noneFilter(x): if x is None: return "" else: return x # queryProbeSetTraits: Cursor -> Integer -> dictof Trait def queryProbeSetTraits(cursor, freezeId): """ To locate all of the traits in a particular probeset """ qry = ''' SELECT ProbeSet.Id, ProbeSet.Name, ProbeSet.description, ProbeSet.symbol, ProbeSet.Chr, ProbeSet.Mb, ProbeSet.GeneId, ProbeSetXRef.DataId FROM ProbeSet, ProbeSetXRef WHERE ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId = ProbeSet.Id AND ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId = %s ORDER BY ProbeSet.Id ''' % freezeId cursor.execute(qry) rows = cursor.fetchall() traits = [] for row in rows: row = map(noneFilter, row) trait = ProbeSetTrait(id=row[0], name=row[1], description=row[2], chromosome=row[4], MB=row[5], symbol=row[3], GeneId=row[6]) trait.dataId = row[7] traits.append(trait) return traits # queryProbeSetTraits2: Cursor -> Integer -> dictof Trait def queryProbeSetTraits2(cursor, freezeId, ProbeSetId1, ProbeSetId2): """ To locate all of the traits in a particular probeset """ qry = ''' SELECT ProbeSet.Id, ProbeSet.Name, ProbeSet.description, ProbeSet.symbol, ProbeSet.Chr, ProbeSet.Mb, ProbeSet.GeneId, ProbeSetXRef.DataId FROM ProbeSet, ProbeSetXRef WHERE ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId = ProbeSet.Id AND ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId = %s AND ProbeSet.Id >= %s AND ProbeSet.Id <= %s ORDER BY ProbeSet.Id ''' % (freezeId, ProbeSetId1, ProbeSetId2) cursor.execute(qry) rows = cursor.fetchall() traits = [] for row in rows: row = map(noneFilter, row) trait = ProbeSetTrait(id=row[0], name=row[1], description=row[2], chromosome=row[4], MB=row[5], symbol=row[3], GeneId=row[6]) trait.dataId = row[7] traits.append(trait) return traits # queryPublishTraits : Cursor -> arrayof Trait def queryPublishTraits(cursor, freezeId): """ To locate all published traits """ qry = ''' SELECT Publication.Id, Publication.Name, Publication.PhenoType, Publication.Authors, Publication.Title, Publication.Year, Publication.PubMed_ID, PublishXRef.DataId FROM Publication, PublishXRef WHERE PublishXRef.PublishFreezeId = %s AND PublishXRef.PublishId = Publication.Id ''' % freezeId qry = ''' SELECT Publication.Id, PublishXRef.Id, Phenotype.Pre_publication_description, Phenotype.Post_publication_description, Publication.Authors, Publication.Title, Publication.Year, Publication.PubMed_ID, PublishXRef.DataId FROM Publication, PublishXRef, Phenotype, PublishFreeze WHERE PublishFreeze.Id = %s AND PublishFreeze.InbredSetId = PublishXRef.InbredSetId AND PublishXRef.PublicationId = Publication.Id AND PublishXRef.PhenotypeId = Phenotype.Id ''' % freezeId cursor.execute(qry) rows = cursor.fetchall() traits = [] for row in rows: PhenotypeString = row[3] if not row[7] and row[2]: PhenotypeString = row[2] trait = PublishTrait(id=row[0], name= '%s' %row[1], phenotype=PhenotypeString, authors=row[4], title=row[5], year=row[6], href=row[7]) trait.dataId = row[8] traits.append(trait) return traits # queryGenotypeTraits : Cursor -> arrayof Trait def queryGenotypeTraits(cursor, freezeId): """ To locate all traits in the genotype """ qry = ''' SELECT Geno.Id, Geno.Name, Geno.Chr, GenoXRef.DataId, Geno.Mb FROM Geno, GenoXRef WHERE GenoXRef.GenoId = Geno.Id AND GenoXRef.GenoFreezeId = %s ''' % freezeId cursor.execute(qry) rows = cursor.fetchall() traits = [] for row in rows: trait = GenotypeTrait(id=row[0], name=row[1], chromosome=row[2], MB=row[4]) trait.dataId = row[3] traits.append(trait) return traits # queryProbeSetTraitByName : Cursor -> string -> Trait # to find a particular trait given its name def queryProbeSetTraitByName(cursor, name): qry = ''' SELECT ProbeSet.Id, ProbeSet.Name, ProbeSet.description, ProbeSet.symbol, ProbeSet.Chr, ProbeSet.Mb, ProbeSet.GeneId FROM ProbeSet WHERE ProbeSet.Name = "%s" ''' % name #print qry cursor.execute(qry) row = cursor.fetchone() # convert a MySQL NULL value to an empty string # for gene symbol if row[3] is None: sym = "" else: sym = row[3] return ProbeSetTrait(id=row[0], name=row[1], description=row[2], symbol=sym, chromosome=row[4], MB=row[5], GeneId=row[6]) # queryTraits : Cursor -> string -> string -> arrayof Traits # to find all of the traits whose descriptions match a certain string in a # particular database def queryTraits(cursor, dbId, queryString): # we do this in two steps: # first we get the data id for the matching traits qry = ''' SELECT ProbeSet.Id, ProbeSet.Name, ProbeSet.description, ProbeSetXRef.DataId FROM ProbeSet, ProbeSetXRef WHERE ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId = %s AND ProbeSet.Id = ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId AND ProbeSet.description LIKE "%%%s%%" ''' % (dbId, queryString) # print qry cursor.execute(qry) if cursor.rowcount == 0: print "No traits found" return [] else: print "%s traits found" % (cursor.rowcount) # maybe fetchall is bad; we will see traits = [] for row in cursor.fetchall(): myTrait = Trait(row[0], row[1], row[2]) myTrait.dataId = row[3] traits.append(myTrait) # second we pull all of the strain data for each trait print "Retrieving individual trait data..." for trait in traits: trait.populateStrainData(cursor, trait.dataId) print "%s (%s) -- %s" % (trait.name, trait.id, trait.description) print "done" return traits # queryProbeSetFreezes : Cursor -> arrayof String,String tuples # to return the short and long name for each ProbeSetFreeze # this function is designed specifically for building # a database selector def queryProbeSetFreezes(cursor): cursor.execute(""" SELECT ProbeSetFreeze.Name, ProbeSetFreeze.FullName FROM ProbeSetFreeze ORDER BY ProbeSetFreeze.Name """) # for now, fetchall returns the data as a list of tuples # which is what we want return list(cursor.fetchall()) # queryProbeSetFreezeIdName: Cursor -> String -> String, String # this function returns the # id and the long name of a probesetfreeze given its name # once again, it's designed specifically for building # the database selector def queryProbeSetFreezeIdName(cursor, name): qry = (''' SELECT ProbeSetFreeze.Id, ProbeSetFreeze.FullName FROM ProbeSetFreeze WHERE ProbeSetFreeze.Name = "%s" ''' % name) #print qry cursor.execute(qry) row = cursor.fetchone() return row # queryProbeSetFreezeName: Cursor -> String -> String # to return the name of a probe set freeze given its id def queryProbeSetFreezeName(cursor, id): cursor.execute(''' SELECT ProbeSetFreeze.FullName FROM ProbeSetFreeze WHERE ProbeSetFreeze.Id = %s ''' % id) row = cursor.fetchone() return row[0] # dbNameToTypeId : Cursor -> String -> (String, String) # to convert a database name to a (type, id) pair def dbNameToTypeId(cursor, name): types = ["ProbeSet", "Geno", "Publish"] for type_ in types: count = cursor.execute(''' SELECT %sFreeze.Id FROM %sFreeze WHERE Name = "%s" ''' % (type_, type_, name)) if count != 0: id = cursor.fetchone()[0] return type_, id return None, None # dbTypeIdToName : Cursor -> String -> String -> String # to convert a database (type,id) pair into a name def dbTypeIdToName(cursor, dbType, dbId): cursor.execute(''' SELECT %sFreeze.Name FROM %sFreeze WHERE Id = %s ''' % (dbType, dbType, dbId)) row = cursor.fetchone() return row[0] #XZ, July 21, 2010: I add this function def getSpeciesIdByDbTypeId (cursor, dbType, dbId): cursor.execute(''' SELECT SpeciesId FROM InbredSet, %sFreeze WHERE %sFreeze.Id = %s and InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id ''' % (dbType, dbType, dbId)) row = cursor.fetchone() return row[0] # queryStrainCount : Cursor -> int # return the number of strains in the database def queryStrainCount(cursor): cursor.execute(''' SELECT Max(Strain.Id) FROM Strain ''') return (cursor.fetchone())[0]