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Select and Search

Data Set:

    Databases marked with ** suffix are not public yet.
    Access requires user login.

Get Any:

    Enter terms, genes, ID numbers in the Get Any field.
    Use * or ? wildcards (Cyp*a?, synap*).
    Use Combined for terms such as tyrosine kinase.



  Quick HELP Examples and User's Guide

  You can also use advanced commands. Copy these simple examples
  into the Get Any or Combined search fields:

Websites Affiliated with GeneNetwork


Getting Started   

  1. Select Species (or select All)
  2. Select Group (a specific sample)
  3. Select Type of data:
  4. Select a Database
  5. Enter search terms in the Get Any or Combined field: words, genes, ID numbers, probes, advanced search commands
  6. Click on the Search button
  7. Optional: Use the Make Default button to save your preferences


How to Use GeneNetwork

Take a 20-40 minute GeneNetwork Tour that includes screen shots and typical steps in the analysis.

For information about resources and methods, select the INFO buttons.

Try the Workstation site to explore data and features that are being implemented.

Review the Conditions and Contacts pages for information on the status of data sets and advice on their use and citation.

Mirror and Development Sites

History and Archive

GeneNetwork's Time Machine links to earlier versions that correspond to specific publication dates.
