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Evaluate candidates for the Chr 3 </span><span style='font-size:233%;color:#E9EB5D'><i>App</i></span><span style='font-size:233%;color:#E9EB5D'> QTL.</span><span style='font-size:233%; color:#E9EB5D;mso-special-format:lastCR;display:none'><i><br> </i></span></div> </layer><script> mytop = 0.24 * g_height; myleft = 0.04 * g_width; myheight = 0.12 * g_height; mywidth = 1 * g_width; document.write( '<layer top=' + mytop + ' left=' + myleft + ' height=' + myheight + ' width=' + mywidth + ' >' ); </script> <div style='text-align:left;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:normal;font-style: normal;text-decoration:none;text-shadow:none;text-effect:none;mso-fareast-hint: no;layout-flow:horizontal;color:black;mso-color-index:1;font-size:80%; mso-text-raise:0%'><script> mytop = 0 * g_height; myleft = 0 * g_width; myheight = 0.06 * g_height; mywidth = 1 * g_width; document.write( '<layer top=' + mytop + ' left=' + myleft + ' height=' + myheight + ' width=' + mywidth + ' >' ); </script><span style='text-align:left'><span style='font-size:233%;color:#E9EB5D'>2. Do </span><span style='font-size:233%;color:#E9EB5D'><i>App</i></span><span style='font-size: 233%;color:#E9EB5D'> and </span><span style='font-size:233%;color:#E9EB5D'><i>Ctbp2</i></span><span style='font-size:233%;color:#E9EB5D'> expression share any </span></span></layer><script> mytop = 0.06 * g_height; myleft = 0 * g_width; myheight = 0.06 * g_height; mywidth = 0.94 * g_width; document.write( '<layer top=' + mytop + ' left=' + myleft + ' height=' + myheight + ' width=' + mywidth + ' >' ); </script><span style='text-align:left'><span style='font-size:233%;color:#E9EB5D'>other QTLs beside that on Chr 7?</span><span style='font-size:233%;color:#E9EB5D; mso-special-format:lastCR;display:none'><i><br> </i></span></span></layer></div> </layer><script> mytop = 0.43 * g_height; myleft = 0.04 * g_width; myheight = 0.19 * g_height; mywidth = 1.02 * g_width; document.write( '<layer top=' + mytop + ' left=' + myleft + ' height=' + myheight + ' width=' + mywidth + ' >' ); </script> <div style='text-align:left;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:normal;font-style: normal;text-decoration:none;text-shadow:none;text-effect:none;mso-fareast-hint: no;layout-flow:horizontal;color:black;mso-color-index:1;font-size:80%; mso-text-raise:0%'><script> mytop = 0 * g_height; myleft = 0 * g_width; myheight = 0.06 * g_height; mywidth = 1.02 * g_width; document.write( '<layer top=' + mytop + ' left=' + myleft + ' height=' + myheight + ' width=' + mywidth + ' >' ); </script><span style='text-align:left'><span style='font-size:233%;color:#E9EB5D'>3. Can you exploit literature mining tools to </span></span></layer><script> mytop = 0.06 * g_height; myleft = 0 * g_width; myheight = 0.06 * g_height; mywidth = 1.01 * g_width; document.write( '<layer top=' + mytop + ' left=' + myleft + ' height=' + myheight + ' width=' + mywidth + ' >' ); </script><span style='text-align:left'><span style='font-size:233%;color:#E9EB5D'>find a strong relationship between </span><span style='font-size:233%;color:#E9EB5D'><i>App</i></span><span style='font-size:233%;color:#E9EB5D'> and </span></span></layer><script> mytop = 0.12 * g_height; myleft = 0 * g_width; myheight = 0.06 * g_height; mywidth = 0.94 * g_width; document.write( '<layer top=' + mytop + ' left=' + myleft + ' height=' + myheight + ' width=' + mywidth + ' >' ); </script><span style='text-align:left'><span style='font-size:233%;color:#E9EB5D'><i>Ctbp2</i></span><span style='font-size:233%;color:#E9EB5D'>? </span><span style='font-size:233%; color:#E9EB5D;mso-special-format:lastCR;display:none'><i><br> </i></span></span></layer></div> </layer><script> mytop = 0.69 * g_height; myleft = 0.04 * g_width; myheight = 0.12 * g_height; mywidth = 1.1 * g_width; document.write( '<layer top=' + mytop + ' left=' + myleft + ' height=' + myheight + ' width=' + mywidth + ' >' ); </script> <div style='text-align:left;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:normal;font-style: normal;text-decoration:none;text-shadow:none;text-effect:none;mso-fareast-hint: no;layout-flow:horizontal;color:black;mso-color-index:1;font-size:80%; mso-text-raise:0%'><script> mytop = 0 * g_height; myleft = 0 * g_width; myheight = 0.06 * g_height; mywidth = 1.1 * g_width; document.write( '<layer top=' + mytop + ' left=' + myleft + ' height=' + myheight + ' width=' + mywidth + ' >' ); </script><span style='text-align:left'><span style='font-size:233%;color:#E9EB5D'>4. Why might the cis QTL for </span><span style='font-size:233%;color:#E9EB5D'><i>Ctbp2</i></span><span style='font-size:233%;color:#E9EB5D'> expression </span></span></layer><script> mytop = 0.06 * g_height; myleft = 0 * g_width; myheight = 0.06 * g_height; mywidth = 0.98 * g_width; document.write( '<layer top=' + mytop + ' left=' + myleft + ' height=' + myheight + ' width=' + mywidth + ' >' ); </script><span style='text-align:left'><span style='font-size:233%;color:#E9EB5D'>only be detected in the striatum data set?</span><span style='font-size:233%; color:#E9EB5D;mso-special-format:lastCR;display:none'><i><br> </i></span></span></layer></div> </layer></div> </LAYER> <script language=JavaScript><!-- //--> </script><script language=JavaScript><!-- function playList() { } //--> </script> </body> </html>