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 <table style='color:white' border=0 width="100%">
   <td width=5 nowrap></td>
   <td width="100%"></td>
   <td colspan=1></td>
   <td align=left colspan=1><font face=Helvetica size=3>Another example, but in
   this case we are generating correlations between variation in transcript
   levels with a database of approximately 430 published (and unpublished)
   phenotypes from BXD strains. Notice that the N of strains is variable (from
   21 to 28 above). Rank order statistics is more appropriate when N is under
   <td colspan=1></td>
   <td align=left colspan=1><br>
   <td colspan=1></td>
   <td align=left colspan=1><font face=Helvetica size=3>The Published
   Phenotypes database was prepared by Elissa Chesler and Robert Williams from
   data extracted from the literature or sent to us for inclusion by our
   colleagues. We especially thank John Crabbe (Oregon HSU) and Byron Jones
   (Pennsylvania SU) for providing us with large pre-compiled data tables.</font><br>

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