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function ImgBtn( oId,bId,w,action ) { var t=this t.Perform = _IBP t.SetActive = _IBSetA t.SetInactive= _IBSetI t.SetPressed = _IBSetP t.SetDisabled= _IBSetD t.Enabled = _IBSetE t.ChangeIcon = null t.UserAction = action t.ChgState = _IBUI t.mObjId = oId t.mBorderId= bId t.mWidth = w t.mIsOn = t.mCurState = 0 } function _IBSetA() { if( this.mIsOn ) { obj=this.ChgState( gHiliteClr,gShadowClr,2 ) } } function _IBSetI() { if( this.mIsOn ) { obj=this.ChgState( gFaceClr,gFaceClr,1 ) } } function _IBSetP() { if( this.mIsOn ) { obj=this.ChgState( gShadowClr,gHiliteClr,2 ); } } function _IBSetD() { obj=this.ChgState( gFaceClr,gFaceClr,0 ) } function _IBSetE( state ) { var t=this GetObj( t.mBorderId ).style.visibility="visible" if( state != t.mIsOn ) { t.mIsOn=state if( state ) t.SetInactive() else t.SetDisabled() } } function _IBP() { var t=this if( t.mIsOn ) { if( t.UserAction != null ) t.UserAction() if( t.ChangeIcon ) { obj=GetObj(t.mObjId) if( t.ChangeIcon() )*t.mWidth else*t.mWidth } t.SetActive() } } function _IBUI( clr1,clr2,nextState ) { var t=this SetBorder( GetObj( t.mBorderId ),clr1,clr2 ) obj=GetObj( t.mObjId )* t.mCurState=nextState return obj } function TxtBtn( oId,oeId,action,chkState ) { var t=this t.Perform = _TBP t.SetActive = _TBSetA t.SetInactive= _TBSetI t.SetPressed = _TBSetP t.SetDisabled= _TBSetD t.SetEnabled = _TBSetE t.GetState = chkState t.UserAction = action t.ChgState = _TBUI t.mObjId = oId t.m_elementsId= oeId t.mIsOn = 1 } function _TBSetA() { var t=this if( t.mIsOn && !t.GetState() ) t.ChgState( gHiliteClr,gShadowClr,0,0 ) } function _TBSetI() { var t=this if( t.mIsOn && !t.GetState() ) t.ChgState( gFaceClr,gFaceClr,0,0 ) } function _TBSetP() { if( this.mIsOn ) this.ChgState( gShadowClr,gHiliteClr,1,1 ) } function _TBSetD() { this.ChgState( gFaceClr,gFaceClr,0,0 ) this.mIsOn = 0 } function _TBSetE() { var t=this if( !t.GetState() ) t.ChgState( gFaceClr,gFaceClr,0,0 ) else t.ChgState( gShadowClr,gHiliteClr,1,1 ) t.mIsOn = 1 } function _TBP() { var t=this if( t.mIsOn ) { if( t.UserAction != null ) t.UserAction() if( t.GetState() ) t.SetPressed() else t.SetActive() } } function _TBUI( clr1,clr2,lOffset,tOffset ) { SetBorder( GetObj( this.mObjId ),clr1,clr2 ) Offset( GetObj( this.m_elementsId ),lOffset,tOffset ) } function GetObj( objId ){ return document.all.item( objId ) } function Offset( obj, top, left ){; 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Since you are using a more recent version of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, consider optimizing this presentation to take advantage of your current version's advanced capabilities."); */ jpegArray( 32 ); } else window.location.replace( "WebQTLDemo_files/error.htm" ); } else { if ( isNAVFiles > 0 && ver < 5) navArray( 32 ); else if ( isFLATFiles > 0 ) { /* if ( IsFramesMode() ) StatusPlay("This presentation is optimized for use with older versions of your browser. Since you are using a more recent version of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, consider optimizing this presentation to take advantage of your current version's advanced capabilities."); */ jpegArray( 32 ); } else window.location.replace( "WebQTLDemo_files/error.htm" ); } } else { /* if ( IsFramesMode() && !isWebTV() ) StatusPlay("This presentation contains content that your browser may not be able to show properly. This presentation was optimized for more recent versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator."); */ if ( isFLATFiles <= 0 ) { /* if ( IsFramesMode() ) window.alert("This presentation contains content that your browser may not be able to display properly. This presentation is optimized for more recent versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator." ); */ window.location.replace( "WebQTLDemo_files/error.htm" ); } /* else if ( IsFramesMode() && !isWebTV() ) StatusPlay( "This presentation contains content that your browser may not be able to show properly. This presentation was optimized for more recent versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator." ); */ jpegArray ( 32 ); } } function isWebTV() { if ( window.navigator.appName.indexOf( 'WebTV' ) >= 0 ) return true; return false; } var count; var statusText; var statusfirst = 0; function display50( text ) { len = text.length; if ( len < 50 && count < 2) { window.status = text; window.setTimeout( "repeat()", 300 ); } else { var period = 200; window.status = text; newtext = text.substring( 1, len ); if ( statusfirst ) { statusfirst = 0; period = 2000; } window.setTimeout( "display50( newtext )", period ); } } function repeat( ) { count++; statusfirst = 1; display50( statusText ); } function StatusPlay( text ) { count = 0; statusText = text; repeat( ); } function makeSlide( i, notes, visible ) { g_notesTable[i] = notes; g_hiddenSlide[i] = visible; }