ctext += ' '
ctext += ' '
ctext += ' '
ctext += ' | '
ctext += ' '
ctext += 'WWW service initiated January, 1994 as The Portable Dictionary of the Mouse Genome and June 15, 2001 as WebQTL.'
ctext += ''
ctext += 'This site is currently operated by'
ctext += ' Rob Williams,'
ctext += ' Lei Yan,'
ctext += ' Zachary Sloan,'
ctext += ' Arthur Centeno. Design and code by Xiaodong Zhou, Christian Fernandez, Ning Liu, Rudi Alberts, Elissa Chesler, Jintao Wang, Kenneth Manly, Robert W. Williams, and colleagues.'
ctext += ''
ctext += ''
ctext += ' | '
ctext += ' '
ctext += ' '
ctext += ' '
ctext += ' | '
ctext += ' '
ctext += ' '
ctext += ' '
ctext += ' | '
ctext += '
ctext += '