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<P>One of a set of four expression data set  (whole brain, peritoneal adipose tissue, liver, and quadriceps muscle) by Alfons Jake Lusis and colleagues (UCLA) generated from two large reciprocal F2 intercrosses between CAST/EiJ and C57BL/6J. The data are given as mean log ratios. These values are essentially expression offsets for each individual with respect to the group mean.

<P>Breeding and tissue dissection was performed at UCLA by AJL and colleagues. The adipose tissue (white fat) was dissected from the peritoneal region (?).

<P>RNA extraction, expression profiling, and initial data transformation and normalization were carried out by Eric Schadt and colleagues at Rosetta/Merck.

<P>Data entered by Evan Williams (July 24, 2008).

<P>These unapproved notes by RWW, July 25, 2008.

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