UWA Illumina Peripheral Blood Leucocytes (Nov08) RSN **

Accession number: GN218
These expression data are being generated by investigators at The Western Australian Institute for Medical Research and The University of Western Australia (Grant Morahan, Munish Mehta, Quang Nguyen, James Jooste, and Violet Peeva). Samples are generated by Quang Nguyen and James Jooste. Arrays are all processed by Quang Nguyen.
For access to data prior to publication, please contact Grant Morahan (gem at waimr. uwa. edu. au) regarding use of these data sets on a collaborative basis.
Illumina 8.1 array data (24,613 probes total) transformed using the Robust Spline Normalization (RSN) method.
Data entered by Munish Mehta and Arthur Centeno, November 2, 2008.