Hippocampus M430 R. Overall Data Set modify this page

Experimental transform of Hippocampus Consortium data set using a new Cell Definition File generated by Dr. Fan Meng at University of Michigan (see http://brainarray.mbni.med.umich.edu/Brainarray/Aboutus/Aboutus.asp). Implementation by Rupert Overall (Max-Delbruck-Centrum, Berlin).

The ID is the Entrez GeneID. Rupert Overal retransformed the CEL files with the affy.rma package in R using a new CDF file (Mm430_Mm_ENTREZG_8 from the website of Dr. Meng's group in Michigan "http://brainarray.mbni.med.umich.edu/Brainarray/Database/CustomCDF/genomic_curated_CDF.asp"). This bundles together probes belonging to the same Entrez Gene accession together. The raw output of this transform is, in fact, the GeneID with a trailing "_at" which we have removed to simplify translation into Gene Symbols.