GenEx BXD Sal Liver Affy M430 2.0 (Jan11) RMA Females **modify this page

Accession number: GN296

These data sets were generated by Drs. Robert Rooney (Genome Explorations Inc.), Divyen Patel(Genome Explorations Inc.), and Kristin Hamre (UTHSC) with support of an NIAAA SBIR grant award. All animals were raised on standard chow and water ad lib, and were approximately 90 days old at the time of treatment. Both the saline control group and the ethanol-treated group were given solutions via intragastric gavage with controls getting saline and the alcohol-treated group getting 6g/kg of ethanol. Ethanol-treated mice were generally comatose for 4-6 hrs but were responsive and moving by the next morning. Tissue was collected at 24 hours after the initial infusion. The RNA was analyzed on Affymetrix 430 2.0 arrays. ALT and BAC levels were monitored in all of the strains. ALT levels varied from normal (~50 IU/L) in many strains to fairly high (>150 IU/L) in others.

Data quality control by R. Rooney and R. Williams. These data sets have a known batch effect due to the use of different kits to prepare samples. The batch effect is most noticeable in the parental strains which were run in the initial batch. We are currently correcting for this effect.

Data were entered into GeneNetwork by Arthur Centeno.

Contact: Dr. Robert Rooney, Genome Explorations, Inc. for additional information on use of these data sets.