CXB Published Phenotypes Database modify this page


This CXB Phenotype Database includes published trait data for up to 13 recombinant inbred strains. Data were collected and curated at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) starting in 2000.

    About the cases used in these studies:

The CXB set is the first and oldest group of RI strains of any species. The materal strain is BALB/cBy and the paternal strain is C57BL/6By. Eleven CXB strains were produced at the National Institutes of Health by Donald Bailey (By) starting in 1959, and eight are still extant. After moving to The Jackson Laboratory in 1967, an additional set of five strains were created with the help of Jo Hilgers (Hi). The strains are now labeled numerically. The following are the old strain symbols for CXB1 through CXB7:

  • CXB1 = CXBD
  • CXB2 = CXBE
  • CXB3 = CXBG
  • CXB4 = CXBH
  • CXB5 = CXBI
  • CXB6 = CXBJ
  • CXB7 = CXBK (has a 3' UTR polymorphism in mu opioid receptor; PMID: 16708053)

    About data acquisition:

Published phenotypes were obtained through a literature search of PubMed-indexed journals. When possible, exact values of graphically represented data were obtained from the authors. In other cases graphs were measured using a vernier caliper. Some published and unpublished phenotypes were submitted directly by investigators. Unpublisehd phenotypes usually have Record ID numbers less than 1.

Each study has used mice purchased from The Jackson Laboratory or bred in-house. When available, PubMed links connect to abstracts and papers.

A CXB phenotypes Filemaker Pro database (current through to September 2004) can be searched online at

How to obtain these strains: Please see

    Submitting data and reporting mistakes:

The utility of this data set increases multiplicatively as each new phenotype is added. To submit data or report mistakes, please contact Elissa J. Chesler and Robert W. Williams at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center.


The initial construction of this database was performed by Ryan McNeive, Nathan Copeland and Mary-Kathleen Sullivan at University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center.

    Information about this text file:

This text file originally generated by EJC, March 2004. Updated by RWW, October 30, 2004.