BXD Published Phenotypes Database 
The BXDs are a large and well characterized set of strains for which a remarkable variety of phenotype data has already been acquired. Both parental strains, C57BL/6J and DBA/2J, have been almost fully sequenced.
About the subjects
The BXD recombinant inbred strains were derived from crosses between C57BL/6J (B6 or B) and DBA/2J (D2 or D). BXD1 through BXD32 were produced by Benjamin Taylor starting in the late 1970s at The Jackson Laboratory. BXD33 through BXD42 were also produced by Taylor, but they were generated in the 1990s. Strains BXD43 and BXD99 are a new set of advanced recombinant strains produced by Robert W. Williams, Lu Lu, Lee Silver, and Jeremy Peirce in the late 1990s and early 2000s (Peirce et al. 2004).
The first generation hybrid is labeled F1. The F1 hybrids were made by crossing B6 females to D2 males.
Each study uses mice either purchased directly from vendors or bred in house. For additional details about a particular study, PubMed links from each record point to the original abstract and papers where available on-line.
About the acquisition these data:
Published phenotypes were obtained through a search of all PubMed indexed journals. Whenever possible, exact values of graphically represented data were obtained from the authors. In other cases graphs were measured using calipers. Additional published and unpublished phenotypes were submitted directly from investigators.
The entire BXD phenotypes FilemakerPro database may be searched online at http://www.nervenet.org.
Submitting data and Reporting
To submit data or report errata, contact Dr. Robert W. Williams via email to rwilliam@uthsc.edu.
Drs. John C. Crabbe and John K. Belknap have greatly assisted us in the curation of many alcohol and drug related phenotypes collected at Oregon Health Sciences Center. The initial construction of this database was performed by Ryan McNieve and Nathan Copeland at University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center.
About this file:
The file started, Oct 31, 2004 by RWW. Last update by RWW, Dec 9, 2009.